30 Van Dyke Ave

New Brunswick, New Jersey08901

Teléfono: (732) 745-5300 ext. 5461 - Fax: (732) 565-7630

Richard M. Kaplan Jason B. Harris

Superintendent Principal

Sara A. Dobson

Vice Principal

January 4, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian:

In order to meet educational goals and improve student performance, it is important that your child attend school on a consistent basis. In the event that your child is not present, we ask that you call the school, complete the attached absence note, and return it to school with your child the following day. If your child is not in attendance due to medical reasons, you may also provide a note from the child’s physician. Furthermore, if you know in advance that your child will not be attending school on a specific date due to a medical appointment or other circumstance, please complete the absence note and return it with your child.

Students are required by law to be present for school 180 days of the year. Absenteeism will be strictly monitored. Please note that we are required by law to make referrals to court should your child reach 10 or more unexcused absences.

Please call 732-745-5300 ext. 5461 or 5463 to report absences by 9:00 AM. Every student MUST bring an absence note to school upon their return explaining the absence. A copy of the absence note has been attached for your use.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


Jason B. Harris

Mr. Jason B. Harris



Student Name: Grade:

Date(s) of Absence(s) : Teacher:

Reason for Absence: (Please check one)

  Illness (Medical Note attached? Yes / No)Family Illness

Death in the FamilyReligious Observance

Unavoidable Medical or Dental AppointmentEducational Opportunity


Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:


Student Name: Grade:

Date(s) of Absence(s) : Teacher:

Reason for Absence: (Please check one)

  Illness (Medical Note attached? Yes / No)Family Illness

Death in the FamilyReligious Observance

Unavoidable Medical or Dental AppointmentEducational Opportunity


Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:


Student Name: Grade:

Date(s) of Absence(s) : Teacher:

Reason for Absence: (Please check one)

  Illness (Medical Note attached? Yes / No)Family Illness

Death in the FamilyReligious Observance

Unavoidable Medical or Dental AppointmentEducational Opportunity


Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: