New Born Baby Hooded Sweater

Measurements and materials

To fit chest size / 16”
Finished Measurement / 18”
Yarn: Any DK or baby weight yarn that will knit to given gauge. / 2”
Balls (approximate) / 2

Knitting Needles # 3 & 5 or size required to give correct gauge. Circular needle #5 if required (see special note). Crochet hook C. Cable needle. Zipper to fit back and hood opening.

Gauge:24sts & 30rows= 4” in stockinette stitch

Abbreviations: K = knit, p = purl, pm = place marker, rep = repeat, st(s) = stitch(es).


Special Abbreviations

Slip marker = make a slip knot in a short length of contrast yarn and place on needle where indicated. On the following rows slip the marker from one needle to the other until marker is no longer required.

C2F (Cross 2 front) = knit into front of 2nd st on left hand needle, then knit first st, slipping both sts off needle together.

C4F (Cable 4 back) =slip next 2 sts onto cable holder and hold in back of work, knit next 2 sts from left hand needle, then knit sts from cable holder.

m1 = knit in the front and back of next stitch.

Special Notes

Sweater starts at hood and is worked downwards. When shaping raglan you may find it easier to use a circular needle, turning at end of each row, in order to accommodate the larger number of sts.

Cable Panel (Work across 12 sts)

1st Row: P1, C2F, p1, C4B, p1, C2F, p1.

2nd Row: K1, p2, k1, p4, k1, p2, k1.

3rd Row: P1, C2F, p1, k4, p1, C2F, p1.

4th Row: K1, p2, k1, p4, k1, p2, k1.

These 4 rows form the Cable Panel.


Using larger needles cast on 78 sts.

1st Row (right side): K2, *p2, k2; rep from* to end.

2nd Row: P2, *k2, p2; rep from * to end.

Rep the last 2 rows once more.

5th Row: K6, rib to last 6 sts, k6.

6th row: P6, rib to last 6 sts, p6.

7th row: As 5th row.

8th row: K8, rib to last 8 sts, k8.

9th row: P8, rib to last 8 sts, p8.

10th row: As 8th row.

11th row: K10, rib to last 10 sts, k10.

12th row: P10, rib to last 10 sts, p10.

13th row: As 11th row.

Continue to bring 2 more sts at each side into reversed st st and st st stripes in this way on next and every 3rd row until the row ‘work 38,sts, rib 2, work to end’ has been worked 3 times in all. Bind off.

BODY (starting at neck edge)

Fold hood in half along longest side. Using smaller needles, with right side of work facing and beginning at bound off edge, pick up 65 sts evenly along side edge as follows: 10 sts (right back), pm, 13 sts (right sleeve), pm, pick up 6 sts, cast on 7 sts, pick up 6 sts (front), pm, 13 sts (left sleeve), pm, 10 sts (left back). – 66 sts.

1st row (wrong side): P1, *k1, p1; rep from * to end.

2nd row: K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

Rep the last 2 rows twice more, then the 1st row again, increasing 1 st at center of last row. – 66sts

Shape Raglan

Change to larger needles.

1st row: K9, m1, slip marker, m1, k11, m1, slip marker, m1, k18, m1, slip marker, m1, k11, m1, slip marker, m1, k9. – 74 sts.

2nd row: P11, slip marker, [work 2nd row of Cable Panel over next 12 sts) p1, slip marker, p5, work 2nd row of Cable Panel over next 12 sts, p5, slip marker, work 2nd row of cable panel over next 12 sts, p1, slip marker, p11.

3rd row: k11, *[m1 twice] k1, work 3rd row of Cable Panel, k1, [inc 1 twice* k5 work 3rd row of Cable Panel, k5, rep from * to * once more, k11. – 82 sts.

4th row: P13, slip marker, p2, work 4th row of Cable Panel, p2, slip marker, p6, work 4th row of Cable Panel, p6, slip marker, p2, work 4th row of Cable Panel, p2, slip marker, p13.

Keeping continuity of cable panel correct, continue to inc 1 st either side of each marker on next and every other row as before until there are 194 sts ending with 4th row of Cable Panel.

Divide for Body

Next Row: K24, slip next 46 sts onto a holder for right sleeve, work across next 54 sts, slip next 46 sts onta a holder for left sleeve, k24. – 102 sts remain.

Keeping pattern as established work even until body measures approximately 3” from division or 1” less than desired finished length ending with a 2nd row of Cable Panel.

Change to smaller needles and work 8 rows in k1, p1 rib as given above, starting with the 2nd row. Bind off in rib.


Using larger needles and with right side of work facing rejoin yarn and work across the 46 sts on holder for one sleeve. Keeping pattern as established work 3 rows even. Dec 1 st at each side on next and every 5th row until 36 sts remain. Work 5 rows even, thus ending with a 2nd row of Cable Panel.

Next row 9decrease): K3, *k2tog, k5, rep from * to last 5 sts, k2tog, knit to end. – 31 sts remain.

Change to smaller needles and work 8 rows in k1, p1 rib as given above. Bind off in rib.

To Finish

Sew sleeve seams.

Edging: With right side of work facing and starting at lower edge of left back, work 1 row of firm sc evenly along left back, around hood and down right back, ch1, turn. Work 2 more rows in sc. Fasten off. Sew zipper in place, placing closed end at top of hood.

Abbreviations: K = knit, p = purl, pm = place marker, rep = repeat, st(s) = stitch(es).