New Arrangements for Trust Induction from February 2015


The purpose of corporate induction is to ensure that all staff joining Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are welcomed to the Foundation Trust and:

•Identify with the Trust’s values and beliefs.

•Are aware of the Corporate Strategy and Personal Responsibility Framework.

•Have clear guidance about where they are in relation to the wider organisational structure.

•Function in a safe and competent manner within a defined period of time.

•Prepare for their future role within the organisation.

The current processes has highlighted that the current e Learning programme does not meet its intended aims. It does not have a focus on welcoming the individual to the organisation and it does not contain information regarding the Patients First Strategy, Personal Responsibility Framework, Trust values and beliefs or the new Corporate Strategy.

The operational procedures and organisational arrangements to support induction are not integrated and the Trust cannot be assured that induction is therefore a consistent and comprehensive process for all new starters.

New Process

  1. From 9th February 2015 two standardised start dates per month for all employees will be implemented. This would be the second and fourth Monday of every month to avoid the Bank Holidays. (appendix 3 Start dates)
  2. All new employees will attend face to face Corporate Induction Programme. Day 1 is for all employees and Day 2 is for clinical staff only.
  3. The Corporate Induction Programme will include a welcome from an Executive Director, discussion regarding the Corporate Strategy, Patients First, Trust Values, Personal Responsibility Framework and expected standards of behaviour. (Appendix 1 Contents of Corporate Induction Programme). It will also include elements of mandatory and statutory training and guidance on how to complete the remainder of the mandatory training requirements within an agreed timeframe.
  4. Where an existing quality assured eLearning package exists for elements of mandatory training new employees will complete this as part of induction. This approach has reduced the maximum time requirement for face to face induction from 4 days to 1 day for all staff and 2 days for all clinical
  5. The operational procedures and organisational arrangements to support induction will be integrated and ensure that new employees have ID badges, access to the relevant IT systems and areas of work environment, have completed all the relevant documentation and the wider requirements for a new employee. This will be achieved via the market place event on day 1. (Appendix 2 Market Place Corporate Induction).

Actions Required by Managers

  • HR will confirm with the employing manager that pre-employment checks are complete
  • The employing manager will then contact candidate to confirm a start date from the available list of induction dates. (appendix 3 – Start Dates)
  • Manager agrees start date with their candidate and informs HR.
  • Manager books new starter onto Trust induction on the agreed start date. Manager can do this directly via ESR or by contacting training reception.
  • Manager will need to ensure on-line starter form is completed as soon as possible prior to start date/induction date. The candidate is asked to contact them ASAP in their offer letter.
  • Managers to identify what IT systems staff will need access to and to what level so that this can be assigned and training arranged

Additional Mandatory Training

•Other face to face training required will be booked during the induction

•Employees will be given a guide detailing the e learning required and given a date for completion usually within 4 weeks of starting

For any enquiries please contact training reception via email or on ext 4860