New America School-New Mexico
Governing Council
Wednesday June 8, 2016
4:30 PM
1734 Isleta Blvd
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Board Members Present: Paul Rael (President), Juan Vigil (Treasurer), Fred Silva (Secretary), Rick Bela
Regrets: Gladys Recinos (President-Elect)
Staff: Mike Vigil II-Business Manager, Susan Fox (GC Legal Counsel), LaTricia Mathis (Principal), Dominic DiFelice (Superintendent), Craig Cook (CBO), Paul Perez (Programs and Compliance Director)
Minutes of the GC
- The meeting was called to order at 4:45 PM by Paul Rael
- The mission statement was read by Paul Rael
- Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Fred Silva that the agenda be approved with the change that item #5 be tabled to the August meeting. Votes: Unanimous.
- Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Fred Silva that the minutes of May 11, 2016 be approved. Votes: Unanimous.
- The discussion on school policies was tabled to the August meeting.
- Paul Perez presented the custodial services contract. The contract is the same as last year. A number of changes were recommended including changing the date from July 24, 2016 to June 30, 2017. It was pointed out that next year the contract will have to go out for bidding. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Rick Bela that the custodial services contract with SMI Facility Services be approved with changes as suggested. Votes: Unanimous.
- LaTricia reviewed the school year calendar to be submitted to the PED. Pay days, instructional days, non-instructional days, hours of instruction were highlighted. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Fred Silva that the 2016-2017 school year calendar be approved. Votes: Unanimous.
- Paul Perez presented the Food Services contract. It is identical to last year’s contract. It will run from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. A number of concerns were expressed over the quality of food served. Staff was directed to ensure an Advisory Board be established prior to school start. Moved by Fred Silva and seconded by Rick Bela that the Food Services contract be approved. Votes: Rick Bela-yay, Fred Silva-yay, Paul Rael-yay, Juan Vigil-nay. The motion passed.
- The public hearing notice for the FY2016-17 budget was posted and noticed in prominent locations. No questions from the public was received.
- Mike Vigil II reported that there are no changes to the draft FY 2016-17 budget from the May 2016 meeting. The draft budget has undergone five iterations. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Paul Rael that the FY 2016-17 school budget be approved as presented. Votes: Unanimous.
- Mr. Juan Vigil reported on the finance committee that met prior to the GC meeting as normal. There were no new significant issues concerning the revenues or the expenditures report. For the month of May, the school had about $80k in additional revenues over expenditures. The bank statement balanced to the GL at $1,002,922.39 and the student activity account had no movement so the balance remained the same as the last month at $3,052.79. BAR #0025-I was presented to increase budget for revenues received from CNM to provide a stipend to the employee facilitating the school's Financial Literacy dual credit course. BAR #0026-D was presented as a procedural issue to match the audited cash carryover for the SB-9 fund to the projected budget submitted to the state. The GC also granted authority for Mike Vigil II or a delegate from The Vigil Group to enter any BARs for the purpose of maintenance as needed to close out the fiscal year. If any BARs are entered they are to be presented to the GC at the August meeting for retroactive approval as has been done in the past. This authority was voted on and granted unanimously.
- Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Paul Rael that the financial report and BARs 0025 and 0026 be approved as presented. Votes: Unanimous. Also, moved by Juan and seconded by Paul Rael that the Board authorize the Financial Services Group to act on any budget adjustments at the closeout and report back to the Board in August. Votes: Unanimous.
- The principal presented the school/student performance matrix. She highlighted a number of measures. Results for the year where available were discussed. A number of questions from the Board were addressed. It was recommended that when the school receives its grade for next year that a point paper be prepared to inform and interpret the letter grade to the public.
- Principal report
o 52 graduates
o All certified positions filled
o Need for a testing coordinator
o GC training scheduled for June 17th, 9-2.
- Public Input: Juan Vigil reported that the Kellogg foundation pre-application grant for 3 new schools in New Mexico had been submitted and that the Network committee had high hopes to receive notice to submit a full application.
- Next meeting August 10, 2016
- Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
Secretary, GC