SECTION1: NAME. We, as women dedicated tothe promotion of women’s team roping, unite as the NevadaWomen’sTeam RopingAssociation, to function as an action groupin the promotion of Mixed andAll Girl Team Ropingevents. Weshall be known as the Nevada Women’s Team Roping Association, hereinafter referred to as N.W.T.R.A.

SECTION2:SEAL. Thesaid N.W.T.R.A. shallhaveacommon seal with the words:

N.W.T.R.A. NevadaWomen’s Team Roping Association.


SECTION1:MEMBERSHIP. Membership shallbestatewide.

A)Memberships availableare:

1. Active, competitive participation-$60.00, $90 for header and heeler league.

2. Associative, inactivesupport-$10.00

3. Donor, financial support. Donormember duesshall beaminimum of $50.00 peryear. (TaxDeductible)

B)N.W.T.R.A. membership shallbeopen to women interested in team roping. C)Activeparticipation limited to women.

D)Forpurposes ofyear end awards, thenewyear shallbeginafter the N.W.T.R.A. finals areheld in the fall, and shall run throughand includethe N.W.T.R.A. final the followingfall. Winnings willcount from thedate dues are received bythe N.W.T.R.A. treasurer.

E)Membership lists shall notbe released to anyone,excepting activemembers.



A)The fiscalyear shallbethe first weekafter theN.W.T.R.A. finals, untilafter the

N.W.T.R.A. finals thenextyear.

B)Donations from individuals and businesses who subscribe to N.W.T.R.A. goals arewelcomed andencouraged.


SECTION1:OFFICERS. The elected officers shallbethe President, VicePresident, Secretary- Treasurer andDirectors establishedbythe numbernecessaryforatiebreaker duringvoting.

SECTION2:DUTIES. Theduties of theofficersof N.W.T.R.A. aredefined are follows:

President: ThePresidentshall preside at all meetings. Shemayappointcommittee chairpersons, and shallserveas ex-officio memberof allcommittees, except the nominatingcommittee.

VicePresident: This officer shallpreside at meetings in the absenceor disabilityof the President. Shekeeps upto date current points forthe membership and sends out a newsletter to themembership.

Secretary-Treasurer: This officer shallkeep in permanent form, complete and accurate written records ofeach meetingof theN.W.T.R.A. and correspond as requested bythe President. In the event that theSecretary-Treasurer cannot be present atameeting, the President shall appoint a substituteto takenotes to be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer for preparation ofthe minutes. Sheshall keep complete and accurate financial records in permanent form. Shewillgive areportat each meetingand shallsubmitmonthly financial reports. Thebooks shall be balanced andaudited byatrusteecommittee composed of threemembers at the end of each fiscalyearand prior to being given to a successor. Taxreturns shallbeprepared byaC.P.A.

Directors: Thesedirectorsshall function as the liaison between thegeneralmembership and the executiveofficers. Directors willfunction as hostesses when meetings fallwithin their area, arrangingfor a reasonablyquiet placetohold themeeting,and helpingto organize attendingmembers. Directors who miss three consecutivemeetings will be replaced byan appointment of theexecutive committee. Directors shallalso bemembers in good standingpriortothe first meetingof thenewyear.


A)Thereshall be Standing Rules as guidelines for conductingactivities.

B)These rules maybe amended or rescinded byatwo-thirds vote(by the board of directors) at the annual meeting.

SECTION4:VACANCIES. Anyvacancyoccurring inanofficebeforetheannualmeeting shall be filled byan appointment of the executive committee.


A)A NominatingCommitteeshall be elected at theAugust meeting.

B)FivemembersshallconstitutetheNominatingCommitteecomposedofonemember from theExecutiveCommittee and two from thegeneral membership.

C)Thegeneralmembershipmaymake recommendationsforofficerstotheNominatingCommittee.


E)Attheannualmeeting,names maybeplaced in nominations from the floor.



A)Elected officers shallconstitutethe ExecutiveCommittee.

B)Theimmediate past President shall be an ex-officio member ofthe Executive

Committee, used for advisorypurposes: butshall haveno vote.

C)Emergencypolicydecisions maybemadebytheExecutiveCommittee, providing fivemembers approvethedecision.



A) TheseBy-Laws maybeamended at a regularmeetingor theannual meeting, with a majorityvote oftheboard of directors. A written notice andcopyof proposed amendments must be sent to allmembers thirtydays priorto thatmeeting.

Amended: February26,1997

Amended: June 18, 2014

Amended: February 26, 2015

Amended: January 26, 2017