Network Exchange No. 3 June 2002

Network Exchange No. 3 June 2002

Network Exchange no. 3 June 2002

Network Exchange is commissioned by the Combat Poverty Agency. The aim of Combat Poverty is to promote a just and inclusive society by working for the prevention and elimination of poverty and social exclusion.

Network Exchange is set up to enable local authorities to exchange information quickly and effectively on issues dealing with poverty and social exclusion and to get regular relevant information from the Dail and other national agencies. Produced monthly, Network Exchange is brief but it relies on local authorities and relevant agencies submitting information to the Local Government Anti Poverty Learning Network’s Information consultant, Kate Ennals at


  • Wicklow Departments Work Together For Fun
  • International Anti Poverty Day - 17 October 2002
  • Cork City Web Award
  • Universal Participation Initiative
  • Right to Housing – Simon Communities Poll
  • CLAR

Wicklow Departments Work Together for Fun

A joint endeavor by Wicklow County Council Library Service, Wicklow Arts Office and the Environment Office on Sunday 9 June will mean an afternoon of entertainment on the bandstand on Bray seafront. The professional storyteller, Pat Speight, will regale the audience with tall tales about the environment. A theatre group will give a performance with an environmental message and a live band will follow to send everyone home in a good mood. An MC will introduce and link the acts while getting the message across. The aim is to heighten awareness of the services provided by these three sections of the County Council, and promote the importance of the environment in an entertaining and memorable way.

International Anti Poverty Day – Thursday October 17

Local authorities wishing to mark or celebrate their ‘anti-poverty’ work can take advantage of the United Nations ‘Anti Poverty Day on Thursday 17 October 2002. Exhibitions, posters, street stalls, drama in schools could be organised to
highlight local initiatives working against poverty and exclusion.
If local authorities are interested in promoting their work in this way, please contact Kate Ennals on Tel 04383540.

Meeting planned for Social Inclusion Units
The Combat Poverty Agency is facilitating a meeting in Kilkenny on 31st
July/1st August for members of the newly established Social Inclusion units.
Staff at the units have identified a number of areas of work where Combat
Poverty Agency can assist them. This is part of the on-going support
provided by Combat Poverty designed to embed a strong anti-poverty focus
within the Local Authorities.

Developing Anti Poverty Work using Information Technology

Does anyone know about the ‘Universal Participation Initiative’ – an initiative that is supposed to co-ordinate and build local approaches to e-inclusion that is to be developed through County and City Development Boards? If any local authorities are developing local IT networks or interested in developing better communication channels with local communities using IT, please contact Kate Ennals on 043 8540.

Top Web Award

Cork City Council’s web site has been awarded a top prize in a national review of websites carried out by Caps /Gemini by the Local Government Computer Services Board. The Cork City Council's web site was listed as one of the top four in Ireland. Check the website at

Right to Housing

Opinion poll results carried out in May by the Simon Communities of Ireland reveal that 71% of voters would vote YES if a referendum were held to enshrine the
right to housing in the Irish Constitution.
The enshrinement of the right to housing in the constitution would put a legal obligation on each Local Authority to provide housing for all persons in
their area including homeless people. Poll Results and more at

The Minister for Agriculture, Food & Rural Development, Joe Walsh, has provided
details of the Clar programme. So far, €11.9m has been allocated, as follows:

Non-national roads2,522,600
LIS roads 2,000,000
Small public water schemes 3,000,000
Group water schemes500,000
Urban enhancement schemes300,00
Village enhancement schemes 770,000
Bilingual signage schemes127,000
Sports capital grants856,500
Minor capital health projects700,000
Major capital health projects 800,000

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