Week 8 (March 18 – 24)
Dear Galloway Athlete,
"Neither snow nor rain . . ."
We certainly got both yesterday -- and plenty of it -- but everyone who braved the day were rewarded by finishing the longest training yet this season! And IT WAS FUN! We never know what conditions are going to be like on race day, and that's why we run no matter what the weather.
I will always remember training for my first marathon, standing under a tree with 40 of my new best friends, waiting for the torrential rain to let up before we set out for our 10 miler, all of us thinking "What iswrongwith us?!"! To this day, that remains one of my fondest memories.
Please help me thank Karen Baese and DeniceLiley for helping our Gold and Aqua groups!
For those of you who missed yesterday, it is reallyreallyimportant that you make the long runs up. You might want to post on our Member FB page to find someone else who missed it.
For those of you who are Missing in Action, please let me hear from you! Pretty soon it's going to be too late to catch up, but we can talk and make a plan.
In this email:
1. Body Glide and Nip Pads
2. PGL training pace winners!
3. Reflect on your run
4. Training for Saturday, March 24 @ 8:00am at Municipal Park
5. Training tip of the week
6. Nutrition tip of the week
In this email:
1. Body Glide and Nip Pads
You may have noticed after yesterday's long training that you have some chafing. Using a product likeBody GlideorAnti-Monkey Butt Powderor even Vaseline (although it's a little messy) will help with that. Any of those products also help on your feet to prevent blisters. (See "A word about chafing . . . " attached.)
Men, take a look at the attached and you'll see why you needNipGuardsor what Mike uses,Dr. Scholl's Corn Discs, or something similar.
2. PGL training pace winners!
All our Pace Group Leaders did an excellent job staying close to the proper training pace! We had a three-way tie : Beverly (Red), Jayne (Aqua) and Wendy (Purple) all hit their pace ON THE NOSE!!! Each will receive a $20 gift card to Shu's.
Thank you, everyone, for helping all our PGLs keep the pace! We'll do this again for our next long run on March 31.
3. Reflect on your run
Take a moment today and reflect on what worked and what didn't work on your run yesterday. Like so much in life, there are so many things we can't control (like rain, wind, cold and those enormous snowflakes!) but we can control how we deal with it. Making sure your clothing is adequate and appropriate for the weather solves that problem.
Other things we can control is our nutrition and hydration. Did you eat well and hydrate properly during the week? Was your breakfast adequate and early enough so you didn't have any issues during the run? Did you bring enough nutrition (better too much than not enough!) and was it what you needed? If not, keep trying until you find the right combination that will see you through a few hours.
Please don't rely on your Pace Group Leader or fellow members because they bring what they need. And while most everyonewillshare, they might not have enough for themselves if they do. I always have extras, so ask me before we go out!
4. Training for Saturday, March 24 @ 8:00am at Municipal Park
Distance: 5 miles (everyone, including Level 2 half marathon)
We will once again be practicing our race pace with quarter to half mile repeats, depending upon the group. (Your race pace is the training pace your group does, minus two minutes.) I encourage you to practice this week so you can keep up.
5. Training tip of the week
Everyday runners share their real secrets for improving
6. Nutrition tip of the week
How to stop eating sugar
Have a great week!