Cub Scout Program
B-P & The Jungle – Genesis of Cubs
By Wayne Renfrew, CSL, Rosanna Cubs
Time / Leader / Activity / Equipment7:00 / Akela / Grand Howl (rehearsal & presentation of white scarves)
7:10 / Akela / Brief talk on B-P, Jungle Book & Cubs
7:15 / Game: Shere Khan’s Hunting
Shere Khan's Hunting
The woodcutter's family are asleep in a line across
the room (Eyes closed, arms folded, legs crossed; Cubs' Honour not to look behind.)
Shere Khan is crouched down six or seven paces behind them. Shere Khan lets out a roar then springs up and runs.
The woodcutters family can scatter to safety at the other end of the hall. Those caught by Shere Khan join him on the next "hunt”.
(Shere Khan or his helpers must not move till after Shere Khan’s roar.)
7:25 / Game: Shere Khan and Mowgli
Father Wolf, Mother Wolf and all the other wolves form a string one behind the other with Mowgli as the last one, with a handkerchief tail. Each holds the waist of the one in front of him.
Then along comes Shere Khan the tiger (with appropriate roars). He wants to catch Mowgli, but each time he tries Father Wolf faces him and the string of Cubs keep Mowgli safe behind them.
If Shere Khan can get Mowgli’s tail within one minute he wins; if not, the Wolves win. Change around the players. / Handkerchief
7:40 / Akela / Activity: Jungle Law and Promise puzzle - + discussion on Law & Promise
7:55 / Game: Hopping Obstacle Relay
After India B-P moved to Africa where he was involved in the wars with the Zulus, Ashanti and Matabele warriors. He was known to the African tribesmen as "Impeesa" the "wolf that never sleeps" because of his courage and his scouting and tracking skills. He once had a narrow escape from the Matabele. B-P escaped in rocky mountainous country because his skills at country dancing enabled him to skip from boulder to boulder.
2 chairs in front of each team. Zigzag hop between and around chairs, change foot, zigzag back.
8:05 / Game: Jungle Story (version of Fruit Salad)
Each Cub Scout is given a name from the story (attached) and when that name is mentioned they run to the end of the hall and back. When the word "Cub" or "Jungle" is mentioned they all run.
Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan, Mother Wolf, Father Wolf.
Now I am going to tell you a story about a man cub called Mowgli who was taught the way of the jungle by Baloo the brown bear and Bagheera the black panther. Mowgli came to be in the jungle because Shere Khan the tiger had killed his parents. He was taken in by Mother Wolf and Father Wolf, which made Shere Khan very angry. They decided to call him Mowgli which means frog because his skin was smooth and with no hair like a frog's.
He stayed with Mother Wolf and Father Wolf and their own four cubs until the night of the full moon when they set off for the Council Circle. Shere Khan claimed the man cub was his but Mother Wolf and Father Wolf were not to be ordered around by someone not from the pack. It was here that Akela reminded the wolves that if there was an argument about a cub, two people would have to speak for him. Baloo said "I will speak for the man Cub" and Bagheera gave a newly killed bull to pay for the Man Cub's life. So he was allowed to stay in the jungle with Baloo and Bagheera who taught him many things. Lord Baden Powell based the Cub Scout section on the jungle story.
8:15 / Game: Hunting with Bagheera
Cubs line up across one end of the Hall. At the other end are a number of chairs. Tell Cub Scouts a little of how Bagheera was the greatest hunter, but must important thing to remember is to stalk quietly. "Softly, softly, catches the monkey". On GO, each Cub must move towards the other end. It is not a race - the quietest Cub down the hall, through the legs of a chair and back wins. ‘Noisy’ Cubs become frightened monkeys – they must curl up in a ball and hope Bagheera doesn’t see them (when tagged by a Leader)
8:20 / Grand Howl
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