Neighbourhood PLANNING in the ACT
Issue 9: July 2004
Welcome to the latest Neighbourhood Planning Newsletter. These newsletters are designed to keep you informed about Neighbourhood Planning in the ACT. The ACT Planning and Land Authority is developing ten new Neighbourhood Plans and implementing six approved plans.
In this newsletter:
- Public comment period for Watson, Downer and Hackett closes soon!
- South Canberra draft Neighbourhood Plans ready for comment
- Implementation update
- The Neighbourhood Planning Team moved offices
Public comment period for Watson, Downer and Hackett closes soon!
The six-week public comment period for the draft Neighbourhood Plans for Watson, Downer and Hackett will end at the close of business on Monday 19 July. The draft Plans are available on the ACT Planning and Land Authority's Neighbourhood Planning website. An informative newsletter was distributed to all households in the three suburbs. We'll be considering the submissions/comments received prior to amending the documents as required. We'll also make available a collaboration report, which will record all comments received (personal details removed) and what changes were made to the documents. The Planning and Land Authority is aiming to have the final drafts to the Minister for Planning by the end of July. For more information or phone 6207 5792.
South Canberra draft Neighbourhood Plans ready for comment
After nine months of working with those interested in Forrest,Garran, Hughes, Griffith, Narrabundah, Red Hill and Yarralumlathe draft Neighbourhood Plans are ready - and we invite you to comment.
Key elements of the draftNeighbourhood Plans include:
- Proposing future ideas to improve the viability of the Griffith and Narrabundah shopping centres and their immediate surrounds.
- Exploring options to modify Narrabundah, Garran, Griffith andYarralumla's Residential Core Areas.
- Retaining Residential Core Areas for Forrest, Hughes and Red Hill as they currently appear in the Territory Plan.
- Within the Griffith Central Area; providinga new location for a purpose built library site; supporting the conversion of the former O'Connell Education Centre for residential care accommodation, which may include supportive housing; and formalising the majority of the existing green space as Urban Open Space under the Territory Plan
- Formalising the green space adjacent Webster Street in Hughes as Urban Open Space on the Territory Plan
- Formalising the green area adjacent to the ACT Scout Hall and Federal Golf Course in Garran as Urban Open Space on the Territory Plan.
- Reinforcing the ACT Government policy not to build on areas designated as Urban Open Space.
- Encouraging a Heritage walk through Yarralumla's residential area to Yarralumla Brickworks.
The formal public comment period commences on Saturday 10 July with advertisements in the Canberra Times and Chronicles. A newsletterproviding a summary of the draft Plans will be delivered to all households in the area in the week beginning Monday 12th July.
Full copies of the draft plans are available from by e-mailing orby telephoning 6205 0087.
Comments will be accepted until close of business on Monday 23 August 2004.
Implementation update
- Roads ACT is continuing to work on Local Area Traffic Management studies for Deakin, Turner, Braddon, O’Connor, Dickson and Lyneham with construction to follow over the next 12 months.
- The Planning and Land Authority has announced that Hayden Kozlow is the Project Officer responsible for coordinating the various implementation projects.
The Neighbourhood Planning Team moves offices
The Neighbourhood Planning Team has temporarily moved from Dame Pattie Menzies House at 16 Challis Street to 20 Challis Street, overlooking the carpark towards the TAB. Our phone numbers remain the same although our fax is 6207 5513.