SBI 3U Name: ______

Mrs. Holterman Date: ______

Diversity Project

We have been looking at the effects of humans on biodiversity, but climate change greatly affects biodiversity as well. For this project, you will investigate how the effects of climate change on a specific area is affecting a specific group of organisms.

Some examples of topics may include:

-how warmer ocean temperatures are affecting coral reefs

-how changes in rainfall levels can cause drought or flooding of habitats

-how a longer growing season may affect the biodiversity of agricultural lands

** Please see me with the topic that you have chosen before you begin your project. Only one student may do each topic.**

You may present your report in one of the following ways:

-Paper report (2-3 pages, double spaced)

-Poster or Prezi


-Video clip

-Oral presentation (5 minutes max)

** No matter how you present your report, come up with a cool title! **

** Reminder: No quotes – everything in your own words! **

Your report will need to address the following questions:

1)  Describe the specific changes that have occurred to the climate of the area you’re researching.

2)  Briefly describe the organism that is being affected by this climate change.

3)  How is the changed climate affecting them?

4)  Is climate change increasing or decreasing the biodiversity of that area?

5)  Are there any efforts to help these organisms?

a)  If yes, what are they?

b)  If not, describe something that could be done to help.

This project will involve research from external sources. Include a reference list (APA style) of the sources you consulted and remember to add in-text references in your project.

Due Date: ______

SBI 3U Name: ______

Mrs. Holterman Date: ______

Diversity Project Rubric

BIN / Criteria / Level R / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Marks
/30 / Climate changes in specific area / Too general / Limited explanation / Some explanation / Good explanation / Thorough explanation / /5
Impacts of climate change on organism / Too general or wrong focus / Limited explanation with some scientific facts / Some explanation with one scientific study mentioned / Good explanation with one scientific study summarized / Thorough explanation with some studies summarized / /10
Impact of climate change on biodiversity / Too general or wrong focus / Vague and few impacts discussed / Some effects on ecosystem discussed / Considers and describes effects on the ecosystem / Considers the whole ecosystem & its food web / /10
Strategies of action / None proposed, or wrong focus / Strategy is poorly explained and would not help in the long run / Strategy somewhat explained, would probably help / Strategy is well explained, and would help / Strategy is concisely explained, would be cost effective and would help / /5
/25 / Clarity of information / Report is very difficult to understand / Report can be understood with difficulty / information is somewhat clear / information is clear / information is extremely clear and well presented / /5
Terms / No terms specific to unit / Few terms used / Some terms used properly / Terms from unit are used well / Many terms used, all terms used properly / /5
Format / Lack of organization leads to confusion / Poor organization / Some organization / Good organization, good title / Logical organization, good flow, great title / /5
Reference List & In Text References (ITRs) / Few websites; list of URLs; no ITRs / Few websites and ITRs; major problems with APA formatting / Some websites and ITRs; some problems with APA formatting / Many websites and ITRs; minor problems with APA formatting / Many websites and ITRs; excellent formatting / /10
