14. Fredrik Blom.
Fredrik Blom Kristofersen descended in the fourth suffered from Fredrik Johansen Blom, which died as a parish priest in Lårdal upper Telemarken in 1659 and is the father of the first in the upper Telemarken, names Lårdal and Kviteseid, later principally in and near Skien settled family of this name. Fredrik Johansen Blom was married flour Maren Kristofer Daughter, daughter of Christopher Hansen, who was parish priest in Stokke and hence cool down "Stockman". His name, Christopher, and Frederick have then later been utpræget common in family Blom. E: n Sun of this Frederick Johansen (or Jansen) Blom was Kristofer Fredriksen, there was lensmand in Lårdal and died the same place on the farm Bjaaland in a good old age in 1735 as a very rich and in his Kreds much discussed mand, der endnu live in legend and in Steven. His Sun Kristofer was like the father lensmand in Lårdal, where he died in 1757. Kristofer Kristofersen left him him several sons, of which most moved down to Skien, where they were ansete and rich forretningsmænd. Among these sons is particularly the brand Kristofersen Hans Blom, who was elected Skiens repræsentant at Eidsvold, but died, forinden repræsentanterne came together. A younger brother of him was the new Gjerpen Priest Fredrik Blom, who was born on Bjaaland the 29de May 1749, but, as he himself says, "opfødt in Skien, where he gik paa" school principal "from around 1760, ie from sitting 11th yrs, and from which he discharged to the University of principal Winther in 1767. Though he certainly was a wealthy man Sun, it was after the legend rather smaat for him in Copenhagen, as the siges, that he was here every day had to be content with tea and smørrebrød; onnly on Sundays, he had advice for proper dinner and something extra, as, for example. roast goose. He læste to haud, it will sink, he put up the minimum curriculum, which gave the character haud. About fortæller him nothing, but, however, that he as a candidate "spent Nogle year to private lessons for real people's children in Norway and Denmark". In Norway, it was the rich trælasthandler paa Mæla Didrik von Cappelens sons, Didrik and Peder, which he taught. However, he was once a priest, because the 30te March 1774, in his 25de yrs, cold to his personal chaplain at Christian Paus, there had been a parish priest in Saude the lower Telemarken 1747. Paus was born in Gjerpen 1710 and the Sun by the clerk in Søren Paus. In December 1782 died vicar Paus, and Blom, where, however, had become engaged to his daughter, Kirsten Margaret (born 16th March 1755), with whom he married Jan. 3, 1783, was first under the 30 / 3 1783, chaplain at Paus's eftermand in Saude, Immanuel Greve, but already the same year, the 27de August 1783, utnævnt the resident chaplain in Skien. Chamberlain Herman Løvenskiold, where the owner of Fossum ironworks had jus patronatus to Gjerpen, gave him so 16th January 1786, without that Blom had taken of it, expectance on cold, as he later Monrads deadly departure ogsaa joined 2den May 1790. On October 4, 1798 was Blom provst in prov silent after Greve and died 13de November 1812, anything over 63 yrs old. Already after Spring, 7de May 1813, died, his widow, 58 yrs gl. And jordfæstedes the 13de May by its man page on Gjerpen Kirkegaard, where their dig endnu famous and now will be maintained by the church. They are located right next to the fence in the Church goes its southernmost part.
Of their three children dead son explained and Kristofer Kristian at a very young age, however, there was ældste of the child, a daughter Kristiane, b. 18 / 1 1786, very old, when she first died 7 / 3 1877, ie over 91 years. She was 27/11 in 1811 married to cousins sit Rougtvet Andreas Blom, who she brought a dowry Gulset and several farms in Gjerpen.
Bloms eftermand Edvard Munch has provided him a very good witness, as he is a cold book, has written the following beautiful words about him: "As an honest and zealous minister Lord levede and virkede provst Fr. Blom in Gjerpen to the year 1812. He havde at the time possession of strength and good health, but begun mod efteraaret the guilty. However, he was a serious syg førend the first of November, when he was going to have that story bed. He Vidste, that his hour approached, and gik its Resolution imode with the calmness and composure, which only bevidstheden about a so velført life as his and the gjennemgribende religiosity, where stedse besjælede him, can give ". In connection represent can be noted the witness, as bishop Bech at his visitation in Gjerpen the 23de July 1809 has written in cold-or copy-book: "Mr. provst Blom showed a opbyggelig and well-meant (sic) prædiken doctrine of Christ as the way to lyksalighed. Youngsters befandtes in almindelighed not wanting kundskab in their xdom (of Christianity), Nogle other hand very well taught and well argued for brug of self reflection. Held and blessing of parishioners and its honest and sore hæderværdige teacher! "
needs better translation