RamptonWoodbeck Parish Council
Minutes of RamptonWoodbeck Parish Council held on the 12thMar 2018in the Village Hall, Manor Grounds, Rampton, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0JU. The meeting commenced at 7:00pm.
Members PresentCllr Muriel ArdenChairman
Cllr Libby HautonVice-Chair
Cllr Alan McGarry
Cllr Pam Hawkins
Cllr Ivor Lewin
Cllr Peter Copeland
Cllr Sue Kyle
Also,PresentEd Knox Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer
Martin Cree Village Hall Warden
District Cllr Teresa Critchley
County Cllr John Ogle
3Members of the Public
146To Advise Site Health & Safety
Cllr Arden advised the location of the fire exit assembly point, fire exits & toilet facilities.
147To ApproveApologies for Absence
The Council resolved to accept the absence of Cllr Hauton for health reasons. Cllr McGarry was absent without apology.
148To Record Declarations of Interest in any items to be discussed
149To Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting
After discussion, the council resolved to accept the minutes. The chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record.
The clerk circulated the Council members by email prior to the meeting the following:
- To Approve Payments:
after discussion, the Council approved the following accounts: -
E KnoxNet Salary & MileageClerk/RFO£536.81
S FosterNet Salary & Mileage Village Warden£390.00
M CreeNet Salary Village Hall Warden£376.61
HMRC PAYEIncome Tax£192.15
NBB Recycled Furniture Ltd(Grant Funded) 3-Seater Bench for Rampton Wharf£552.00
Barrie DoyleAdhesive Bond for Mushroom Top£9.99
E-OnPost Office Electricity£18.84
B&M BargainsBox File for Village Hall Receipt Books£2.99
Sherwood Knowledge LtdTraining Village Hall Warden – Fire Safety, Risk
Assessments, 1st Aid at Work, COSHH & Ladders£230.00
North Notts Training GroupTraining Village Warden – Weedkiller Pt1 2 Day
Course, Practical Assessment and Exam£242.40
Bassetlaw District CouncilChange of Premises Licence PL1053£46.00
Bassetlaw District CouncilChange of Lotteries Licence£20.00
Rampton Village HallNeighbourhood Plan Meeting£30.00
Total Payments£2,645.79
- Receipts:
Receipts Received:
HMRCVAT Refund 01.02.17-31.12.18£3,374.40
Total Receipts£3,374.40
- Bank Balances
The Current Account Balance£6,353.14*
The Deposit Account Balance£5,467.59
*£2,776 ring-fenced for Neighbourhood Plan
151To make a decision regards updated storage requirements for the Bowls Club
The Clerk, circulated the updated plans from the Bowls Club highlighting the size and location of the proposed smaller storage unit. The new unit would be 18ft x 8ft x 8ft6” and be wooden clad, it has a secure bolted door at either end and made of metal. The proposed location to be within the area rented by the Bowls Club in front of the bowling green, facing the Park Entrance. The Bowls Club Chairman has verbally confirmed to the clerk that no hazardous chemicals such as weedkiller, pesticides nor petrol shall be kept within it. A confidential list of contents will be provided to the Parish Council for their records. The Bowls Club would fully insure the unit and its contents.
Cllr HawkinsProposed, that because the fence was down, the area around the bowling green in a mess that the Parish Council takes back the land from the Bowls Club, ending their lease. Cllr Copeland counterProposed, Cllr Lewin Seconded and the Council Resolved that an inspection of the site around the Bowling Green be undertaken to draft a specific snagging list of outstanding work, compare this with the requirements of both the Planning Permission for the bowling green and the lease and issue a formal letter to the Bowls Club. The Letter shall contain clear instructions of what the Parish Council requires the Bowls Club to do with target dates for completion. In respect of the fallen Heras Fencing, this shall be within 4 weeks of the date of the letter and the other requirements (pending checking the lease stipulations) no later than 2 months from the date of the letter. The Parish Council shall then revisit the site at the end of May, discuss the outcome and decide request for the storage at the June meeting. Action, the clerk to undertake a site visit with members of the parish council, review the requirements of the lease and planning permission and write to the Bowls Club.
152To Record Receive an Update onPinder Park Trim Trail Warranty Claim
The Clerk advised that three parts required replacement, 1 was covered under warranty, the other 2 were not. The cost to replace the log traverse drop rope and balance beam was £297.45 net. In the interests of safety this has been authorised prior to the meeting by the Clerk and Chairman in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations. Sovereign recommend that as an interim measure, the strimmer damaged areas should be treated with Cuprenol which should help prevent further rot. Sovereign recommend that the Council plans to replace the Trail in the medium to long term, depending on the outcome of the May ROSPA Playsafety Inspection. The strimmer damage was not covered by warranty nor by Insurance because the Council instructed the grounds maintenance company to strim around the trim trail from 2013 onwards, causing the damage.Action, Cllr Lewin to arrange for village warden to paint the strimmer damaged area with Cuprenol.
153To discuss the benefits of individual reporting of Highways issues via the on-line portal
Cllr Arden asked County Cllr Ogle if it is better for 1 person to collect all highways issues and report them via the on-line portal, or should multiple people contact highways via the portal for the same issues. Cllr Ogle advised that the more people who report it the better, as this highlights the issues for a quicker response time. Cllr Lewin advised that he had reported several issues via the portal with no reply. Cllr Ogle advised that in the first instance, the matter should be reported via the portal, if the matter is not resolved or replied to, it should then be forwarded for his attention together with photos so that he can escalate matters. Cllr Ogle explained that £20m has been allocated as an addition to the highways budget for this year, this together with extra funds for Social Care results in an extra 5% on the County Council Precept. The Clerk asked if Cllr Ogle could assist with the request for 1 additional Street light at Woodbeck. Cllr Ogle clarified that it could be requested for part of the highways capital budget for 2019/20 and that he will put forward the case later this year. Action, 1) the clerk to forward photos and documentation relating to Woodbeck Street light to Cllr Ogle. 2) Cllrs shall continue to report matters direct via the on-line portal and forward to Cllr Ogle if no response is actioned.
154To approve the replacement of Treswell Road Public Bench
The Clerk reported the bench to the police and the insurers have advised can replace the bench and then only the excess of £250 will be payable. Cllr Lewin Proposed, Cllr Arden Seconded and the Council Resolved that the bench be replaced via the insurers. Actionthe clerk to order the replacement and arrange the insurance claim.
155To approve the introduction of ‘gov.co.uk’ specific email addresses and website in readiness for GPDR
The clerk explained that the General Personal Data Regulation (GPDR) becomes law on 25th May 2018, replacing the Data Protection Act 1998 and has been brought in to deal with privacy issues relating to the digital age regards collecting, storing, sharing data via emails, websites, internet and the cloud in addition to paper files.GPDR places a much greater emphasis on transparency, openness regarding the types and order of documents you need to keep in order to show you are complying with legislation.GPDR imposes new burdens on Councils including new reporting requirements and increased finesof up to £17million by the ICO for not complying with the GPDR. Once appointed, the DPO will act as the independent auditor to enforce compliance. After discussion, Cllr KyleProposed, Cllr CopelandSeconded and the Council resolved to:
- Register with the ICO by Direct Debit
- Implement new ‘gov.co.uk’ IT business supported email system with Resolve IT including Outlook 365 secure cloud storage/sharing facility for all parish Councillors and staff members, with the following costs:
- 9 x email accounts with storage £3.80 x 9 = £34.20 per month
- ‘. Gov.co.uk’ email domains £109 for 2 years and then £61 per year thereafter
- Set-up Cost £280+VAT
- Purchase and replace Council USB sticks with encrypted USB sticks
- Purchase the 2Commune Website Package (Initially £550 then £450 per year) for the Parish Council/Village Hall before 1st April to avoid higher set up costs and the need for a DPIA Data Protection Impact Assessment.
- Adopt and display on the website the following documentation:
- Data Consent Form
- General Privacy Notice
- Privacy Notice for Staff, Councillors and Volunteers
- Privacy Policy
- Subject Access Request Policy & Standard Template Response Letters
- Information Asset Register
- Information Asset Register, all Councillors and Staff members are responsible with complying with its content and contributing to its accuracy. The Clerk to update the master copy.
- Adopt and update the Personal Audit Questionnaire, which will be reviewed from time to time to ensure accuracy.
- All Councillors and Staff Members agree to read and follow the guidance of the NALC GPDR Toolkit.
- All Councillors and Staff Members to use blind Copy Bcc if emailing 2 or more people outside of the parish council at the same time.
- All Councillors and Staff Members to take care not to email the wrong person which may cause a data breach.
- All Councillors and Staff Members tofamiliarise themselves with and abide by NALC Legal Topic Note 40 ‘Retention of Records Procedure’.
- The Council shall not gather, hold or process any:
- Sensitive Personal Data
- Personal Data from Children aged 13 or younger
- Transfer Personal Data Abroad
- Operate any CCTV Systems
- Take photos of and post photos of people or publish such photos on websites, social media or in printed form without consent from the individual.
- The Clerk to produce and update as required an Internal Register of Processing activity
- The Council will appoint a DPO as soon as NALC advises who the professional 3rd Party Service Contract Provider of the DPO service for Nottinghamshire Councils is known.
The set-up costs for year one shall be partially covered by the funds from the village hall bank account closure because the new website will have a Village Hall webpage to help promote the hall.
Action, The Clerk arrange the above with the cooperation of Councillors where necessary.
156To Discuss Village Hall Progress and Approve Changes
Cllr Arden welcomed Martin Cree as our new Village Hall Warden and gave thanks to all those members of the former Village Hall Management Committee who have volunteered their time and efforts in the past. Cllr Arden said it should be remembered that a lot of work was done at the hall in over the years, a lot of money raised and improvements made, by the former committee, members of the local community and the regular user groups of the hall.
We are now in a time of change, and there are several items to be discussed. Cllr Arden Proposed, Cllr Kyle Seconded and the Council resolvedform a sub-committee of the Council to enable enough time to discuss the various matters to be decided regards the hall. Action, the Clerk to arrange a meeting with the Sub-Committee on Tues 20th March.
157To Approve Grass & Hedge Cutting for 2018
The clerk explained he had not been able find more competitive quotes comparable with the existing contractors.
K R Hewitt Ltd Charge £27.50 per hour for hedge cutting. Hewitt’s undertake the large 3hr annual cut of Pinder Park Hedge in October each year.
Mr Doyle undertakes the first hedge cut in order maintain the legal visibility splay. Mr Doyle has kindly agreed to offer to continue with the hedge cut, to cut and strim the grass in the village centre triangle, front of ‘The Rectory’, front of the church beside the pavement and the entrance driveway to the village hall. To power wash, clean down and apply two coats of wood protector to the bench outside the Rectory. Mr Doyle will undertake all this work for expenses only cost of just £35.
Ulyett Landscapes Ltd charge £50 per cut of Pinder Park and £29 per cut of the front of the Church. The Clerk explained that the above costs total £1299 and is within the £1400 budget for 2018/19.
Cllr LewinProposed, Cllr CopelandSeconded and the Council Resolved to proceed with the above quotations. However, Ulyetts shall be asked not to strim right up to any wooden pieces of equipment or fencing, to leave a 6” gap which the Village Warden shall maintain. Action, the Clerk to contact Ulyetts, Hewitt’s, Mr Doyle and the Village Warden.
158To Progress theNeighbourhood Plan
Cllr Arden gave permission to the Steering Group Chairman to speak to the Council. The Steering Group Chair advised that last steering group meeting had been cancelled and he will be arranging a new date ASAP. The Bassetlaw Council Neighbourhood Planning ‘Pie Supper’ event is to take place shortly, members of the steering group will attend to see if they can learn any additional guidance on the way forward with the Rampton Neighbourhood Plan. The end of initial grant financial report is due to Groundworks UK Ltd and the Steering Group Chair will work with the Clerk to the Council to submit this shortly. Cllr Arden thanked the Steering Group Chair for his comments and offered support from the Parish Council and the Clerk, should the Steering Group require it. Action, the clerk to contact the Steering Group Chair to finalise the grant report and discuss the next stages of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Adjournment –15 Minute Public Forum
Cllr Arden adjourned the meeting to allow members of the public to speak and the timer was set. A member of the public thanked the Council for its rational robust approach with regards to the response to the Bowls Club. The Member of the public raised concern that with only 22 members, the Bowls Club will need to do some active promotion and obtain substantial membership to be able to cover its running costs. Cllr Hawkins explained that when the Bowls Club originally came up with idea of the bowling green on Pinder Park, they submitted a business plan at the time which included active promotion of the green and membership, with particular emphasis on encouragement of younger members to join and operate community competitions. A member of the public then raised concern regards the Table Tennis Club and its contents, they said that at the time of the May 2017 Polling Day, they came across 2 tables which had been put out ready for donation, the member of the public accused Cllr Lewin and his partner of giving away his property, that angry words were then exchanged at the time. Following a period in hospital, the member of the public started playing tennis again on 4th October, but when they went to get equipment out to play with, they found that ‘items’ had gone missing, these were ‘screens’ worth £100 each, which they used to separate the hall during matches, a ‘RoboCadding’ worth £85, that this equipment had gone missing once before and then was found. The member of the public had spoken with the Village Warden to ascertain if he knew where the equipment had gone, he did not know anything about it. The member of the public asked the Parish Council to investigate the matter, now that the Village Hall Committee had been disbanded and the hall was under Parish Council management.
Cllr Arden promised that the Parish Council would discuss the matter at its sub-committee meeting regards the village hall. The Council also agreed this was a good reason why an asset register of the contents of the hall and the outside store should be made.
Cllr Ogle advised that the lack of fibre broadband at Woodbeck would soon be resolved, as it is expected to be installed within the next year, Cllr Ogle advised it should be a fibre optic type which will connect direct to each home who wants it, rather than to a kiosk.
After answering as many questions as possible, Cllr Arden thanked the public for their participation and reconvened the meeting.Action, the clerk to ask the Village Hall Warden to undertake a data capture exercise of the contents of the village hall, its store rooms and loft.
159Any Other Business Items for the Next Agenda
Cllr Arden explained that this item should be only to advise any new items for the next agenda and not to enter into debate or decisions around any items. Cllr Kyle asked for Headon Camp Waste to Energy Ltd Planning Application and Environmental Concerns to be on the next agenda.