Guitar Class 2016-2017


NEEDED: If there are any financial concerns with purchasing materials, please email me.

*3-4 Pencils
*1” 3-ringed BLACK binder (please do not write or put stickers on)
*Pencil sharpener
*Guitar strings- LIGHT GAUGE .012 - .053
-Example: D'Addario EJ16 Phosphor Bronze Light Acoustic Guitar Strings
*Guitar picks- THIN
-Example: Dunlop 418P.50 Tortex Standard, .50mm


Although not required, I would strongly encourage the following materials. If you already have an acoustic guitar or are thinking of purchasing one, please bring it to class. We are short of functioning guitars!

*Acoustic guitar
-Example: Yamaha F335 Acoustic Guitar
-Example: Yamaha FG700S Folk Acoustic Guitar
*Guitar Tuner
-Example: Fender FT-004 Clip-on Chromatic Tuner

TEACHER WISH LIST (We need these all year long):

*Baby wipes / *Liquid hand soap
*Kleenex / *Colored copy paper
*Lysol wet wipes / *White board markers
*White copy paper / *Paper plates
*Paper cups
*Guitar cleaner: / *Music stands:
*Guitar stands: / *Guitar Strings:
*New Guitars: / *Guitar picks:
*Headphones: / ***Parent Volunteers!!

Grading Components

Student Engagement of Standards / Student Progress Toward Standards / Student Mastery of Standards
Participation 35% / Class Assignments/Homework 15% / Proficiency Assessments 15%
Quizzes15% / Tests/Performance Assessments 20%
35% / 30% / 35%

Grading Scale

A: 90-100%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: 0-59%

Guitar Expectations & Procedures:

-Attendance: Absences affect the learning process. Please come to school! Performance attendance is mandatory and unexcused abscesses will affect students’ grade.

-Assignments: Assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. Full credit will only be given with excused absence.

-Grades: Grades will be posted on Jupiter. Please look for them there.

-Responsibility: Please come into class with a positive attitude, be open to new music, put in your best effort, be respectful to Mrs. Karagianis and your classmates, be prepared, and be on time.

-Materials: Please have all your materials and be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings

-Electronics: All electronic devices should be turned off and put away during class hours.

-Food: No food, drink or gum is allowed in the choir room.

-Bathroom Breaks: Please use your passing time, nutrition, and lunch to use the bathroom. Taking classroom time to use the restroom is discouraged.

-Tardies: Students who are not in their assigned seat by the tardy bell will be given a tardy. Three (3) unexcused tardies in a 5 week grading period will result in a “U” in work habits.

Please read, sign, and detach bottom section and return to Mrs. Karagianis by Aug. 19th

By signing you acknowledge the following:

I have read and accept the terms of this chorus syllabus.

Student Name: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______