Our Families


  • To develop positive attitudes in childrentowards others whose gender, language, religion or culture, for example, are different from their own.
  • To encourage respect for different cultures and beliefs.


AgePrimary age

Group sizeAny

Prep time60 minutes

Activity time30 minutes

What you needbooks, pictures


a) Choose a book with a ‘nuclear’ family (ie mum and dad with children). After the book has been read aloud to the children, discussion can highlight that not all families are like this. Talking to the children will show thatnot all have the same number of people. Not all families have mums, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Some have two mums, or two dads, or have extended family.

b) The discussion can extend into smaller group and what children do with their families, for example helping in the house, playing games andsports, and worship.

Free-play activities

Have the children find pictures in magazines of people from a wide range of family backgrounds and from a broad range of ethnic origins, genders, abilities, sexual orientations and ages in positive, non-stereotypical roles.

Children can bring in photographs of their own families and a book can be made for all the other children to view.

Books for talking about difference

Some really well-known and loved stories such as Cinderella andThe Ugly Duckling are quite clearly about excluding someone.


Curriculum for Excellence: engaging with experiences and outcomes

I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all. HWB 0-10a / HWB 1-10a / HWB 2-10a / HWB 3-10a / HWB 4-10a

I can gather and use information about forms of discrimination against people in societies and consider the impact this has on people’s lives. SOC 2-16b

I can discuss issues of the diversity of cultures, values and customs in our society. SOC 2-16c

I can contribute to a discussion of the difference between my needs and wants and those of others around me. SOC 1-16a

I can explain how the needs of a group in my local community are supported. SOC 2-16a