Meeting Minutes March 8th , 2011


-  Need to get the McNaughton scholarship taken care of.

-  Write some decent reports for what we have done this year.

-  Buck the Scholarship is coming up.

-  Nominations need to be out three weeks before the AGM.


-  Motion to reimburse tickets printed need to be reimbursed $12.68

-  Get Cole $15 for McNaughton. Cause he won the exam prize.

-  Motion to reimburse $165.20 for food.


-  Seconded motion to accept the minutes

-  Nothing to report no numbers yet for the kicker.


-  Motion to give $300 for the magician deposit.

-  Seconded Motion to reimburse tickets printed need to be reimbursed $12.68.

-  Nothing to report.

-  Talk about BUCK the Scholarship

-  Exec Nomination forms will be available by the end of this week.

-  Mention pizza sales.

-  Mention HVC, also talk about People signing up for a team.

-  Illumination Bursary too.

-  McNaughton scholarship.


-  Needs a deposit $300

-  Got tickets printed need to be reimbursed $12.68

-  Seconded motion to reimburse $165.20 for food

Craig and Curtis:

-  Bought food for the lounge.

-  Reimbursed $165.20.

-  Posters are printed pick them up tomorrow.

-  $1000 from the USSU

-  $400 from Sasktel.

-  Want to keep picking up beer all night.

-  Having problems with the food.

-  Talk to the charity more try to make them do the food stuff.

-  Not sure if there are enough prizes.


-  Motion to accept the minutes.

-  Illumination bursary, non-graduating IEEE members.

-  Need a new coordinator that we do not have yet


-  Pop in Locker, Cole can sell it with pizza sales.

-  Beer in Locker too, can sell it at HVC.


-  Three weeks till the AGM


-  Nothing to report.

-  Need food here more often.


-  Updated the price list

-  Didn’t go shopping Craig and Kyle had to go instead


-  Get people to volunteer for HVC


-  Get people to volunteer for HVC


-  Nothing to report


-  Protein bars were a good choice.