V. Sue Cleveland High School Boosters
7800 Laban Rd. NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
(505) 938-0300
This parent organization’s primary purpose of the Cleveland High School Band Boosters, Inc. is to assist the Director of Bands in the development of excellence in music education, performance skills, and leadership in our students. The Cleveland High School Band Boosters, Inc. accomplishes this by providing financial, logistical, and moral support in a balanced fashion for all these programs and the students who participate in them.
Article I – Name
The name of this non-profit organization shall be the Cleveland High School Band Boosters, Inc. and will be referred to in these by-laws as “CHS Boosters.”
Article II – Policies
Need at least two executive board members that are not employed by RRPS
All articles contained in this document shall be in accordance with the policies of the Rio Rancho Public Schools, Cleveland High School (CHS), and the Cleveland High School Band Director. This organization will abide by all school board and administration policies and procedures now in effect or which may hereafter be enacted. In addition, all policies shall be in accordance with requirements of 53-8-1 NMSA 1978 et seq., also known as the New Mexico Non-Profit Corporation Act. In the event that anything related to policy in these by-laws conflicts with a policy of RRPS or CHS then RRPS or CHS policy shall control. In the event that anything in these by-laws conflicts with the Articles of Incorporation of this organization, the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation shall control.
This organization is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Upon dissolution of this organization, its assets shall be disposed of exclusively for the purposes of the corporation or distributed to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes which shall, at the time, qualify as exempt organization under section 501(c)(3), or shall be distributed to the V. Sue Cleveland Director of Bands’ Activity Account.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall insure to the benefit of or be distributed to any director, officer, employee or other individual, partnership, estate, trust or corporation having a personal or private interest in the corporation. Compensation for services actually rendered and reimbursement for expenses actually incurred in attending to the affairs of this organization shall be limited to reasonable amounts and must follow the appropriate policies set forth by the Rio Rancho Public School District and all Federal and State Non Profit regulations and laws.
No substantial amount of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and this organization shall not intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
Article III - Objectives
The objectives to meet our mission goals:
1. To create a closer working relationship between students, parents, school, community and the band director(s).
2. To raise funds in order to provide financial support of the band programs of V. Sue Cleveland.
3. To be an advocate in all matters and things pertinent to the band, and to remain within the jurisdiction of the Rio Rancho Public Schools and the band director(s).
4. Support the music and performance program defined by the Band Director(s).
5. Provide encouragement, guidance, emotional support, role modeling and opportunities for positive interaction among parents, teachers and administrators.
6. In the event of the dissolution of the organization, its assets shall be given to the V. Sue Cleveland Band Director’s account.
Article IV – Membership
Membership in this association shall consist of the parents and band members of V. Sue Cleveland High School, interested school patrons, band director(s), and school principals. Only parents/guardians of band members “in good standing” may vote in the general meetings. “In good standing” means that the student is up to date with all financial commitments to the CHS Boosters and the CHS Band Program.
Article V – Administration
An Executive Board is composed of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The Executive Board shall govern this organization. The Principal or designee and the Band Director(s) shall serve as ex-officio officers of the organization with non-voting privileges.
In addition, the term of executive office shall be 2 (two) years. No person shall serve more than 2 consecutive years in the same executive board position.
In the event that the President cannot serve out their term, the Vice President shall serve as President for the remainder of that term. The Vice President shall fill any other vacancies in the Executive Board until a successor to fill the unexpired term of that office is appointed by the Executive Board of Directors.
In addition, the following individuals – appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board – shall serve as Voting Members of the Board: Color Guard Chair, Fundraising Committee Chair, Hospitality Committee Chair, Past President (if child is still an active member of the CHS Band Program), Equipment Committee Chair, Uniform Committee Chair, and Webmaster Chair. The Executive Board reserves the right to form any additional committees as needed.
The Executive Board together with the Voting Members of the Board shall comprise the Booster Board (hereinafter referred to as board). A serving elected member of the board or a Voting Member of the Board may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the board if deemed necessary.
Qualifications for Office and Duties
a. To be considered for an elected office, a candidate shall be an active member who is “in good standing” with the organizationand have indicated a willingness to serve as an officer.
b. In the event that no active member of the organization has expressed a willingness to serve as an officer, the band director and the Executive Board may elect an "honorary member", to serve in an officer capacity.
1. The President
In addition to any other duties which may be described in these by-laws, the President shall:
a. Serve as liaison between the board and the Director(s).
b. Serve as liaison between the board and CHS administration.
c. Call and preside at all meetings of the general membership and board.
d. Appoint chairpersons and committees as necessary to implement activities that support the mission and purpose of the CHS Boosters.
e. Working with the Treasurer:
1. Monitor the organization’s annual budget;
2. Monitor the organization’s fiscal position;
3. Ensure that student accounts are paid when due and collection measures are undertaken, if necessary.
f. Ensure that all reports, affidavits, and any other documentation or reports required by the State Corporation Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Office of the Attorney General of New Mexico are completed and filed in a timely manner.
2. The Vice President
In addition to any other duties which may be described in these by-laws, the Vice President shall:
a. Assist the President in all areas of before mentioned presidential duties.
b. In the absence of the President, preside at any of the meetings at which the President would normally preside.
c. To help coordinate all support for band activities, including but not limited to, band camp, social gatherings, in/out of town trips, football games and competitions. This support includes ensuring that:
1. Snacks and drinks are supplied for all students when needed
2. Chaperones are properly trained and in attendance at all activities and events
3. Emergency kits are adequately supplied and available during all events and activities.
3. The Secretary
In addition to any other duties which may be described in these by-laws, the Secretary shall:
a. Take and distribute the minutes of all general membership and board meetings.
b. Distribute the agenda for all general membership and board meetings.
c. Maintain a current copy of the by-laws and make any changes to such as directed or recommended by the Executive Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the general membership.
d. Maintain and distribute general membership rosters. Rosters shall include each individual’s first and last name, address, home telephone number, mobile telephone number (if available), and email address (if available). A student roster will also be kept with grade level and instrument information.
e. Coordinate with Director(s) and committees to support activities related to the annual publication of the Student Band Manual, and other publications as identified by the Director(s) and/or board.
f. Monitor and maintain social networking sites related to the organization.
g. Shall put together and maintain the “Bible”, all paperwork from students and parents. (ie; information sheet, medical release and travel permission slips)
h. Shall retain a copy of all minutes, agendas, treasurer reports and pertinent information for a period of 7 years.
4. The Treasurer
In addition to any other duties which may be described in these by-laws, the Treasurer shall:
a. Shall be responsible for collecting, sorting and distributing all the organization’s mail.
b. Receiving all money collected, issuing of receipts, and depositing funds in the established band account. All monies collected shall be deposited in the name of Cleveland High School Band Boosters.
c. Serves as the liaison with the Band Director
d. Disbursing funds at the recommendation of the band directors, board members or committee chairs as stated in current year approved budget and approved by the Executive board. Funds shall by disburse according to the CHS Band Boosters Financial Handbook.
e. Maintaining the required financial records to comply with state and federal laws and to meet the needs of the organization.
f. Providing general financial reports to the band directors, board members and general membership as requested. The scope and detail of financial reports shall by determined by the executive board.
g. Providing statements of account standing to all members (parents/guardians) on a regular basis. The minimum frequency of statements shall be annually.
h. As a member of the budget committee, support the preparation of an annual budget based on recommendations of the band directors, board members and committee chairs. The draft annual budget shall be presented to and approved by the Band Board prior to the end of the March. The budget will be presented to the general membership for final approval in April.
i. Completing and submitting all state and federal forms, reports and tax returns required as a nonprofit organization under the laws of the State of New Mexico and the United States.
j. Submitting financial reports, support documentation and assistance as requested by the president for audit after each fiscal year ending on April 30th.
k. Submitting financial reports to V. Sue Cleveland High School and the Rio Rancho Public School District in accordance to school and district policies.
l. The Treasurer’s records shall be open to inspection by the officers, the band director(s), the Principal of V. Sue Cleveland High school, the Fine Arts Director for Rio Rancho Public Schools and/or other district employees, as deemed appropriate, at any time.
Article VI – Finances
The President, after consultation with the Director(s), Vice President and Treasurer, will submit a budget to the board for approval prior to the August general membership meeting. The Budget will then be presented to the general membership for approval at the spring meeting.
Funding for the CHS Band Boosters is the responsibility of the students’ families and shall include band student fees or ‘fair share payments’. Designated payment schedules will be agreed upon by the Board members based on the budget projections prepared by the Board. All families are expected to meet their obligations on time. To help offset or lower the amount needed for all band fees or ‘fair share payments’, the students and/or families are strongly encouraged to participate in fundraising projects approved by the Executive Board and duly disclosed to the General Members for their support and reliance of volunteerism.
*See CHS Band Booster Financial Handbook for additional information.
All checking account withdrawals and/or checks shall require two signatures and be approved signers on the Booster checking account. The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be authorized to sign unless they are a RRPS employee. Purchases may be made with the Debit Card associated with the Booster checking account. Any and all purchases that are made within the approved budget must still be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board prior to the purchase. All purchases will have a receipt scanned or image captured and sent to the Executive board. Said image will then be attached to the expenditure line item within the accounting software used by the board and if possible, printed and filed within the current month’s filed documents. All other expenses above and beyond the approved budget must be presented before the General Membership for approval. In an emergency, the Executive Board can approve no more than 20% over a budgeted line item and must be disclosed at the next general meeting.
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, officers, or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes of this organization. All actions of the organization must follow the relevant Federal Regulations pertaining to the maintenance of Tax Exempt Organization status and avoidance of “Exemption Jeopardy” or “Intermediate Sanctions”.
Additional guidelines, as it relates to control, distribution, fair share payments, any supplementary IRS regulations and possible availability of a limited amount of financial aid, can be located within the ‘CHS Band Booster Financial Handbook’
Article VII – Nominations and Elections
During the January Executive Board Meeting, a nominating committee of not less than three (3) members, including the band director(s), shall be named. A slate of officers will be presented by the nominating committee at the February Executive Board meeting. Officers will then be elected at the spring general meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.