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[ ] INSTITUTIONS$30.00 ($35.50 if overseas)
(Do notneed to ascribe to the Statement of Faith)
[ ] MEMBER $30.00($35.50 if overseas)
· I believe that the Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety is the Word ofGod written, and therefore inerrant in the autographs.
· I believe in the unique Divine inspiration, integrity, and authority of theBible.
[ ] STUDENT$15.00($20.50 if overseas)
· I believe that the Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety is the Word ofGod written, and therefore inerrant in the autographs.
· I believe in the unique Divine inspiration, integrity, and authority of theBible.
· Special Note: Please send proof of current student status with application.
[ ] ASSOCIATE MEMBER $30.00 ($35.50 if overseas)
(Do notneed to ascribe to the Statement of Faith)
For Member and Student memberships, indicate the institution withwhich you are affiliated and your position and sign in the space provided. Thankyou!
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Street Address ______
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email address: ______
Institutional Affiliation______
The additional $5.50 for overseas membership is to help defray the cost of additional postage
Mail this form with your check or money order to:
Near Eastern Archaeological Society
c/o Tidewater Bible College
5045 Indian River Rd.
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464
(757) 523-1822