VidyutBhavan, Panaji Goa – 403 001



Petition for approval of Annual Performance Review (APR) of FY 2015-16, Multi Year Tariff (MYT) for the First Control Period of FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 and Tariff Proposal for FY 2016-17 for the Electricity Department of Goa under Section 45, 46, 61, 62, 64 and 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

  1. Notice is hereby given to all consumers and stakeholders that the Electricity Department of Goa, a deemed licensee engaged in the distribution and retail sale of electricity has filed before the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (for State of Goa and UTs), APR & MYT petitionandTariff Proposal for FY 2016-17.The petition isadmitted by the Hon’ble Commission on 19rd February 2016 and numbered as 197/2016. The salient features as under:
  1. The summary of APR& MYT figures is given in the table below:

  1. Sales, Power purchase, Losses, Capital Expenditure, O&M norms etc are considered as approved by Hon’ble Commission in Business Plan order dated 22ndDecember, 2015. (available on website JERCs Website
  1. Revenue gap is being claimed for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 amounting to Rs.414.81Crores. (Rs. 135.53Crs + Rs. 270.28Crs)
  1. ED-Goa therefore is proposing an average tariff increase of around5%and the additional revenue expected through such revised tariff proposal isRs. 77.01Crores.
  1. The unmet/ unrecovered revenue gap of Rs.328Crs (Rs.414.81Crs –Rs.77.01Crs)will be borne by the Govt of Goa through budgetary Support. The budgetary support committed by Govt of Goa for FY 2015-16 at Rs. 135.53 Crores and for FY 2016-17 is Rs. 193.28 Crores
  1. Monthly Minimum charges (MMC) for LTD-Domestic, LTDM- Domestic Mixed, LTC-Commercial are proposed to be removed (only MMC).
  1. The details of existing retail tariff for FY 2015-16 and the proposal for retail tariffs for FY 2016-17 is as under:

  1. Copies of the following documents can be obtained on written request from the Head Office of ED-Goa mentioned below from 23rd February 2016.

(a)Detailed petition documents along with CD (in English) (on payment of Rs.550/- by cash / DD / Cheque drawn on “Chief Electrical Engineer”.

(b)Detailed petition documents (in English) (on payment of Rs. 500/-).

(c)CD of detailed petition document (in English) (on payment of Rs. 50/-)

Head office address: Office of Chief Electrical Engineer, Head Office, 3rd Floor, VidyutBhavan, Panaji, Goa – 403 001.

  1. Interested parties may inspect the said petition and take note thereof during office working hours at head office free of charges.
  1. The detailed petition document is also available on ED-Goa’s website JERCs Website downloadable format (free of cost).
  1. The Commission has directed ED-Goa to invite objections and comments / suggestions from the public on the above petition through this notice. Suggestions or objections, if any, on the above filing submitted by the Chief Electrical Engineer, Electricity Department, Goa together with supporting material may be filed with the Secretary, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories, 2nd Floor, HSIIDC Complex, VanijyaNikunj Complex, UdyogVihar, Phase V, Gurgaon – 122016 (Haryana) in person or through registered post so as to reach him on or before 4thMarch 2016.
  2. The objections / suggestions as above should be filed in six copies and carry full name and postal address of the person sending the objections and should be supported by an affidavit. If the objection is filed on behalf of any organization or any class of consumers, it should be so mentioned. It may also be specifically mentioned if the person putting in objections / comments also wants to be heard in person.


Chief Electrical Engineer

Electricity Department,

Government of Goa,

Panaji – Goa