Nearly New Sale Sellers Pack

Date: Saturday 19th November 2016

Venue: Egham Leisure Centre

Drop off items: Fri 18th 9-10pm or Sat 19th Nov 8-8.30am

Volunteers pre-sale: 9.30-10am

NCT Members admission : 10.15am (with valid card)

Public admission: 10.30am

Collect unsold items: 1-1.30pm

How to register as a seller: Registration will open on Thursday 20th October and will close on Sunday 13th November. During this time you are invited to click the following link or copy and paste it into your internet browser:

Previous sellers from our last sale in April will automatically retain their seller numbers.
New sellers are allocated the lowest available number that is not reserved for previous sellers.


Thank you for considering selling at our next NCT Nearly New Sale. Our sale is a great way of raising awareness and funds for the excellent work of NCT and for you to make some extra pennies from your pre-loved things!.

To ensure that the sale runs smoothly please read through the simple guidelines in this leaflet. Please arrive to drop of your items at 9pm on Friday night or 8am on the day through the doors to the hall from the car park. Remember to sign your items in and out at the Registration Desk. We cannot accept items after 9am on the day of the sale. You can collect your items from 1pm until 1.30pm.

Due to increasing amounts of uncollected items there will be a charge to throw away your unsold items should you choose not to pick them up. The Egham Leisure Centre will not hold items for us and we have no storage facility. The fee will be used to cover our costs to dispose of them. Everyone who organises the sale is a volunteer and we don’t always have enough people able to do this for you.

This pack should give you everything you need to sell at the NNS but if you have any questions then please contact us on . As the sale is run entirely by volunteers you may not hear from us straight away, we may be busy at work or with our children but we will get back to you. I aim to check the e-mails twice a week.


Nearly New Sale co-ordinator

Contents / Page no
What can I sell? / 3
How much money can I keep? / 3
What cannot be sold?
Special Conditions for Prams and Pushchairs / 4
How should I prepare & price my items? / 4-5
How should I label my items? / 5
How should I package my items? / 6
What happens after the sale? / 6
Volunteering / 7
Disclaimer / 7

What can I sell?

Clean, good quality and correctly labelled items such as:

  • baby & children’s clothes (up to age 9). Clothing must be in excellent condition, clean, ironed and seasonal so please only include the relevant clothing for autumn/winter. Due to space restrictions there is a limit of 30 items of clothing per seller for ages 0-2 years for girls and 0-6 months for boys, then unlimited for all other age groups.

The categories under which we display clothes for both boys and girls are months 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-18, 18-24. Then years 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, and 5+. Please remove draw cords from hoods to remove strangulation risk.

  • equipment (bedding, slings, potties etc)
  • books, DVD's, jigsaws, games

Please see below for other items which are accepted at NCT Nearly New Sales.

The following items can be sold, provided they meet the requirements:

  • Children’s Toys (if safe, complete and in good working order)
  • Clean, dry and firm second hand mattresses (must have a waterproof cover with no tears, crack or holes). ‘Ventilated’ mattresses should not be sold
  • Children’s pedal cycles (saddle height less than 635mm)
  • Prams & Buggies which meet the checklist criteria (see below)
  • Upholstered furniture, including cots and highchairs, with the permanent label “Carelessness Causes Fire”
  • Cosmetics if unopened, originally for sale in the UK and before their use by date
  • Carrycot stands labelled with size and weight loadings. Must have a guard rail, suitable base and be a maximum height of 432mm. Please supply instructions
  • Mains powered electrical equipment where tested and approved by a qualified electrician
  • Brand new, breast pumps (electrically tested where necessary) with bottles.

This is a Nearly New Sale - if items are in poor condition they will put buyers off and we reserve the right not to include them in the Sale and return them to your box.

*Please note that large equipment items may not be able to be displayed fully assembled so consider adding a photo of the assembled item to the outside.


Where possible, provide any instructions needed with all non-clothing items. Photocopies or handwritten notes are acceptable.

How much money can I keep?

For all the items that you sell you will take home 70% of the sale price. NCT takes a 30% commission which goes towards the charity’s work supporting local mums and dads, preparing them for birth and early parenthood. If you are able to volunteer at the sale we will increase your take home amount to 75%.

What cannot be sold?

It is your responsibility to ensure that goods you are selling are safe and fit for purpose. In order to protect NCT, you (the seller) and our customers, we have created a list of items that WILL NOT be accepted for sale at any NCT Nearly New Sale:

  • Recalled items (see information about recalls on RAPEX: )
  • Bag style baby slings
  • Car seats, car booster seats, ’Isofix’ bases or car seats from travel systems
  • Riding hats or crash helmets
  • Children’s outer garments with a draw string hood
  • Bottles, baby food & formula milk
  • Second-hand breast pumps

An area for A4 posters will be provided to advertise excluded goods, which you can then sell privately outside of the sale. Printing tear-off contact details on the poster aids sales. The cost is £1 per poster.

Special Conditions for Prams and Pushchairs

Trading standards and the law state that we may only sell those that meet the following criteria –

* Must be permanently marked BS7409or EN1888, together with the name or trademark of the manufacturer or importer.

*A permanent notice on the pram or buggy must state: Children should be harnessed in at all times and should never be left unattended. The child should be clear of any moving parts while making adjustments. This vehicle requires regular maintenance by the user. Overloading, incorrect folding and the use of non-approved accessories may damage or break this vehicle. Read the instructions.
* All must be fitted with a five-point safety harness
* Instructions in English are to be provided with each vehicle and are to be headed: Important: Keep for future reference. The instructions must include information relating to operations, assembly, use and maintenance.

*Maclaren pushchairs must be fitted with a hinge safety cover.

How should I prepare & price my items?

Please price items in multiples of 50p. (1.00, 1.50, 2.00 etc.)The minimum price is 50p.

Pricing is up to you but bear in mind that if you price things highly they may not sell. Many high street outlets are selling clothing very cheaply now, even quality brands, so price your items competitively.

As a very rough guide items sell between one third and one half of their original price depending on condition. Most sellers use the following guidelines:


Babygros / 50p - £1
Blouses and shirts / £1-£2.50
Cardigans and Jumpers / £1 - £3
Dresses / £2 - £4
Jackets / £3 - £5
Snow suits / £2 - £8
Shorts and T-shirts / 50p-£2.50
Socks/underwear (5 pairs) / 50p - £1
Shoes / Slippers and Wellies / £1 - £4
Swimwear / £1 - £4
Trousers / £1 - £3
Grobags / £3 - £10


Activity Centres / £4 - £15
Baby gyms / £7 - £12
Push along & Sit in walkers / £5 - £8
Books / 50p - £2
Dolls Pushchairs / £3 - £10
Jigsaws / 50p - £3
Ride – on toys / £4 - £12
Sandpits / £3 - £10
DVDs / £2 - £4
Computer Games / £2 - £4


Booster Seats / £5 - £8
Changing mats / £1
Baby door bouncers / £4-8
High chairs / £10 - £40
Strollers / £8 - £25
Pushchairs / £15 - £70
Travel cots / £10 - £20
Fireguards / £8 - £10
Safety Gates / £6 - £15
Slings / £5 - £15
Backpack Carriers / £10 - £30
Cot beds / £20 - £50

How should I label my items?

We use a two part label system to increase accuracy and speed up payment at the tills. At the checkout, half the ticket will be cut off and retained and half will remain attached to the item. Labels will be provided to mark up your goods before the sale once you have registered.

Both halves of the label should display the same information. Please attach just one half of the label to your items - the other half needs to be easily removed at the tills. Labels need to be attached securely to items (not to hangars) using safety pins or tape. For security reasons we do not sell items without a label attached. So no label = no sale and the item can only be returned to you if you pick it from the “lost labels” table at the end of the sale.

Seller 1
Attach this side
Clothing Item 1
SAE NCT / Item 1 Seller 1
Size: Price:

Remember: a lost label is a lost sale!

During a Nearly New Sale we handle a large number of items and unfortunately, some do go missing or are not paid for. We apologise in advance if this happens to you, all the volunteers make a huge effort to ensure every item is paid and accounted for. However, the SAE NCT will not take responsibility of items damaged, missing or stolen during the sale.

How should I package my items?

Bring your items in a box with your seller number and name clearly marked on it (these will be used to return unsold items to you after the sale).

We recommend that all clothing is put on hangers (Clothes MUST be put on hangers before you arrive as we do not provide them) as it is easier to display than in bags. If selling a bundle of items please ensure they are firmly attached to each other and that the price tag states clearly what is included in the bundle. Each hanger counts as one for the clothing limits.

Loose small clothing items should be sorted into groups (vests, sleep suits, etc), sealed in a clear plastic bag and clearly labelled as to the contents. Each bag counts as one for clothing limits.

If your item contains detachable pieces, eg. equipment or toys, then be sure they are attached firmly to the item so they cannot be lost. Toys must be complete (please check carefully) with working batteries where needed. Loose items should be safely attached and boxes taped shut.

Put groups of items together so that each item can be looked at (e.g. books together in a clear plastic bag).

Equipment must include all correct fittings and be in full working order.

If you have the original packagingand or instructions please include them - but don't tape it shut as people who can't check the goods inside may be reluctant to buy it.

What happens after the sale?

After the sale your items will be sorted into the labelled box you have provided and will be available for you to collect at 1pm. Please check the area around your boxes carefully and if we are still packing away check tables and rails too.Make sure that you also check the lost labels table and also sign out at the Registration Desk.

Please note that, whilst we do our best to provide reasonable security at sales, all items are left at the venue at the seller’s risk. NCT accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused to goods for sale.

Payment will be made to you within one month of the sale via the online system. Our volunteer treasurer works hard to do this as soon as possible, but do let us know if you have not received your money a month after the sale. Check your unsold items carefully and let us know as soon as possible if you think there are any mistakes.


The success of our Nearly New Sales depends entirely on our fantastic team of volunteers. We need approximately 40 volunteers to run the sale on the day.

We always welcome new members of the team and there are a number of different roles available. Please contact us to see how and when you can help. Babies are welcome, but older children may find the sale boring. Please let us know if you need to bring a child with you or if you have any mobility needs so we can assign a suitable role.

Setting up of the hall (tables, rails etc) will take place on the Friday evening 8-10pm. We again welcome help for this time.

Volunteers do not need to be selling items - we welcome Dads, friends and any other family members!

To thank you for your efforts all volunteers are invited to join in the presale shopping before the doors are open to the public.

To find out more about what volunteering involves, get in touch with us on or via facebook.


We will take every precaution to look after your goods.

However all items are left at the sellers own risk and we cannot accept any responsibility for any items lost or damaged.

Volunteering on the day helps reduce lost or stolen items.