February 1, 2016 Borough Council Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Stewartstown Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Gordon Wisnom, Roy Burkins, Donna Bloom, Kenton Kurtz, Michael Ellinger and Polly Kreiss. Also in attendance were: Mayor Herzberger, Attorney Craig Sharnetzka, Stacy Myers, Dennis Sarpen and Ira Walker. Bill Gemmill was absent.


Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 4, 2016 Council meeting. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the general fund financial statements, including checks dated January 1st thru January 29th, 2016 totaling $139,394.65 seconded by Mr. Ellinger and the motion was carried.

Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve the sewer fund financial statement, including checks dated January 1st thru January 29th, 2016 totaling $27,200.62 seconded by Ms. Kreiss and the motion was carried.

Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the water fund financial statement, including checks dated January 1st thru January 29th, 2016 totaling $62,859.19 seconded by Mr. Kurtz and the motion was carried.

Council recessed to an Executive Session at 7:02 pm. Council reconvened at 7:23 pm.


Council recognized Ken Anderson of 22 S. Main St. Mr. Anderson stated that the alley behind his home has been repaved and there is a buildup of the alley of approximately 12 inches. He has trouble getting out of his parking space because of the lip and the incline is too steep. He is requesting help with reducing the height of the lip with stone or something to make it easier to get into and out of the parking space. Mr. Sarpen agreed to look at the area and make suggestions.


Attorney Sharnetzka stated that he has returned the employee handbook to the Borough office. The committee will meet one more time to discuss the handbook before presenting to Council.

The Borough Office was presented with a large "Right to Know" request. Attorney Sharnetzka assisted with the response.


Mr. Sarpen had nothing to report.


Mr. Walker presented his report to Council.

Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the purchase of a chlorine calibration kit from Hach Co for a cost of $218.09. Ms. Bloom seconded and the motion was carried.

Ms. Bloom made a motion to approve the purchase of sign parts from US Municipal for a cost of $166.24. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Walker also stated that Borough employees will work on clearing storm drains of snow.


Mayor Herzberger stated that the Southern Regional Police are working on the plan to figure out the cost for each jurisdiction.


Mr. Wisnom stated that a mirror on a resident’s truck was damaged while passing a Borough truck and the cost will be sent to insurance.

The Office will submit snow removal numbers to FEMA as requested by February 8th. The state has stated the storm cost them $17 Million, the county $1.5 million. No major issues on the roads. Griffith and Maple alleys are not accessible for the plow driver due to cars parked in the alley. Attorney Sharnetzka agreed to review the Ordinances to see if cars are allowed to park in the alleys during a snow emergency.

Mr. Kurtz stated that M&T Bank has not cleared their sidewalks. Ms. Myers will draft a letter stating that the Borough will complete the clearing and charge the hourly rate to clear it to M&T. The hourly rate will also include wear and tear on the equipment and a fine.

The paint in the bathroom of the upstairs apartment is blistering. The vendor that did the work agreed to repaint for free and also submitted a proposal for installation of an exhaust fan, which should help to keep the paint from peeling again. Council consensus was to obtain two more proposals for installation of the exhaust fan.

There being no further business, Mr. Ellinger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Burkins and the Stewartstown Borough Council meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cindy McCartin

Minute Taker/Transcriber