NDP meeting - Scarcroft Village Hall
29 August 2017
Present. D Gluck, B Murray, P Campbell, R Shirly, R Middleton
Apologies - none
1. Discussed the draft plan, agreed it was a well written draft.
2. Feedback received - approx. 60 responses received in total. Mix of paper and on line responses. Also received letters from residents with comments. Overall low numbers. Discussed delaying referendum until May to avoid low turn out. Do not need to agree this point at this stage and can discuss again later.
Paper copies need to be entered electronically and then require all data to be analysed.
Once we have the analysis we also need to review and consider reports and letters received from those people and groups who were either consulted individually or chose to respond via letter (Inc Historic England, Natural England, Carter Jonas, and private landowners). Report to be completed by DG and David will then propose amendments to the group to consider based on feedback. Group to agree and alter, or not, the plan. Report will be available to the public via website.
We will need to ensure website is in order as part of pre submission requirements.
3. Next steps
We need two statements -
- Basic conditions statement - analyse policies against core strategy. DG to do
- Consultation statement - to include information on how consultation process has progressed since the start. DG will send an example to compare against and guidance document. Show where and how any amendments or changes were made. Group to populate and share via email with information available.
Plan will then be submitted to Leeds. Suggest email Ian McKay to inform of where we are and plan to submit to Leeds. G
Next meeting: Tuesday 26th September @ 7.30pm. Village Hall. (PC to get key)