110th Place and Longwood Drive, Chgo., IL60643 (773)779-3355

The Thirty-Second Sunday of Pentecost

November 6, 2005



Prelude “From All That Dwell Below” Callahan

Choral Introit “From All That Dwell Below” Williams

*The Call to Worship(responsively)

We give thanks to God for our ancestors in the faith, who built the church and increased its mission.

We give thanks to God for women and men in the

future, whowill proclaim the gospel and minister God’s

justice andpeace.

We give thanks for all who are with us now, who inspire us toward bold hope, steadfast faith and deeds of love and mercy.

We give thanks for all the saints of every time—past,

present and future—who become light and salt to the

earth, embodying the truth of Jesus.

Let us give thanks today that we are part of a great cloud of witnesses.

We are part of the church militant, which will

become the church triumphant, in the victory in

love and new life.

*Hymn of Praise “For All The Saints” #526

*The Prayer of Confession (unison)

Loving and merciful God, you create each of us in your image. You grace us generously with gifts of the Spirit. You prepare each one of us to uniquely love you, by serving others. Yet we tarnish your image; we waste our gifts. We run from your call to follow. We fail to live in peace with one another. Forgive us, cleanse us and clothe us in your spirit, that we may live the life to which you have called, and give praise to your name all our days; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

*The Declaration of Pardon

*Gloria Patri #579

*Passing of the Peace

Ritual of Friendship/ Concerns of the Congregation

Minute for Mission Elder John Hill

Recognition of 50- Year Members

Dedication of Memorial Gifts Trustee Joan Klenk

The First Lesson Roman 16(see selected verses) p.154/164

Choral Anthem “Thy Perfect Love” Rutter

Jeanine Howard, soloist

The Second Lesson 1 Samuel 3: 1-10, 19-21 p.236/247

Sermon “Who’s That Calling?”

Rev. Dr. Carolyn Leeb, preaching


*Hymn “We Celebrate All Women” (insert)

*The Litany of Thanksgiving and Remembrance (insert)

We Worship God With Our Tithes, Gifts and Offerings


*Doxology #592



The Invitation

The Prayer of Great Thanksgiving

Commemoration of the Faithful Departed

The Lord’s Prayer (“debts”)

Words of Remembrance and Anticipation

Sharing of the Bread and Cup

Concluding Prayer

*The Hymn of Sending Forth “Love Divine All Loves” #376

*The Charge and the Benediction

*Choral Benediction “If Thou But Trust In God” Neumark

Postlude “For All The Saints” Cherwien

(*please stand if you can do so comfortably)

Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carolyn Leeb

Student Pastor: Ms. Katie Snipes

Interim Director of Music: Mrs. Patricia Lind

Pastor: Rev. Dr. David M. Neff

Ministers: All Members and Friends



2017 WEST 110th Place

Chicago, IL 60643


Vision Statement

The Morgan Park Presbyterian Church will continue sharing God’s Word as revealed in scripture with our community. We will promote and encourage justice, mercy, and faithful Christian witness in all areas of life. We will stand as a faithful witness to the word of God and to all who wish to begin, maintain, or expand their spiritual journey as a disciple of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Welcome all Visitors! If you are new to the community or our church, please fill out a Visitor’s Card, and place it in the offering place as the offering is received. Please join us downstairs in Westminster Hall for refreshments and fellowship after the service.

Worship Instructions: Please turn off your cell phones and silence your beepers as you enter the sanctuary. Our practice is to remain seated during the postlude, which marks the conclusion of the service.

Nursery Care is available during the worship service. The nursery is located on this level in the educational wing, for infants and toddlers to age five.

A chair-lift is available on the west side of the sanctuary. If you need assistance, please contact a Deacon.

Our guest preacher is Rev. Dr. Carolyn Leeb, Professor of Hebrew Scripture, ValparaisoUniversity , and Minister of Word and Sacrament in Whitewater Valley Presbytery.

Today we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

All Christians are welcome to receive the sacrament, especially children. The outer circle of cups is grape juice; the inner circle is wine. Our practice is to wait until all have received the elements before communing together.

On the first Sunday of the month, we receive the Deacons’ Offering, to go to ministries of healing, compassion and support. Blue envelopes are in your pews. Please give generously!

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the ordination and installation of women as Deacons (1906), Elders (1930) and Ministers of the Word and Sacrament (1956). In our congregation, the first women Trustees were Betty Lee (1966) and Dorothy Spinka (1967). The first women Deacons were Margaret Reid (1972) and Laura Rockwell (1972). The first women Elders were Ruth Conner (1972), Blanche Watson (1972) and Barbara Lewis (1972).

Today we also recognize our 50 year members. They include: Jane Barnes, Katie Christ, Ellen Fiesenheiser, Joan Klenk, Gus Korthauer, Hazel Manella and Joan Tolusis. We celebrate their continued presence and participation in the life of Morgan Park Presbyterian Church.

We also dedicate memorials and memorial gifts given this year, in honor of the faithful departed. We remember: Milton Beardsley, Rita Dickey, Jesse Jones, Fred Lux and Mary Trautmann. We remember and give thanks for their being part of the great cloud of witnesses here at Morgan Park Presbyterian Church.

Rehearsals begin for Handel’s Messiah on Saturday, November 12 and November 19 at 10:30 a.m. If you would like to sing, please contact Fabienne Christian (708)499-8005 for more information.

Commitment Sunday is November 13! Next Sunday, we ask all members and friends to turn in a pledge or commitment to give for the coming year. Please prayerfully consider all God’s blessings, and your own need to be generous with God. If you need a commitment card, please call the church office (779-3355).

The Book Discussion Group “A Circle of Voices” will meet Tuesday, November 15 at 7:45 p.m. to discuss Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Copies of the book may be picked up in the library or purchased from Lois Christie (233-3482). Please join us!

A book of daily devotions “Proclaiming the Good News of God’s Peace” published by the Peacemaking Task Force of the Presbyterian Church is available at the literature table in the narthex and Fireside Room. These devotions help prepare our minds for the Season of Advent and center our hearts on the peace of Jesus Christ. One per family please!

“Grace Before Meals” – a collection of prayers to be used as table graces—can be found in the narthex.

Adult Bible Class continues to meet on Sunday morning, 9:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room to study and discuss the Psalms, their wisdom and relevance to daily life. Please join us each Sunday!


November 10 Christian Education Committee, 7:00 p.m.

November 13 Nominating Committee, 12:00 p.m.

The Choral Anthem is a prayer composed by Mechtild of Madgeburg. The words are:

Jesu, my love, my joy, my rest,

thy perfect love close in my heart;

that I thee love and never rest;

and make me love of all things best,

and wounde my heart in thy love free,

that I may reign in joy evermore with thee.


Rev. Dr. David M. Neff, Pastor

Rev. David Leeb, Parish Associate

Mrs. Patricia Lind, Interim Music Director

Ms. Juanita A. Bailey, Secretary

Mr. Henry Gatz, Maintenance

Mr. Keith Christie, Custodian


Pastor David Neff, Moderator

Pat Daniels, Clerk of Session

Class of 2005 Class of 2006 Class of 2007

Joyce OatmanJamie Kasik Pat Daniels

Sharon SchumannJoseph Morrow Craig HowardMaxine Cummings Cele McCarthy Tracey WilliamsBeverly Rehfeldt Linda Barry


John Christie, President

Linda Denberry, Secretary

LaQuita ChappelleJohn Christie James McCarthy

Jesse JonesLinda Denberry Eleanor Morrow

Aldora LomaxAl Reid Louise Beardsley

Katie MurrayMarilyn Miller Elizabeth Bain

Margaret Barry


Martha Kubajak, President

Beverly Newmeller, Secretary

Wendy Schulenberg, Treasury

Martha Kubajak Fabienne Christian Sharron Knight

Beverly Newmeller Fred Edmett William Faison

Wendy Schulenberg Patricia Saddler Lois Christie


Members and Friends of the Congregation

Rolfe Clay, beginning a tour of duty in Saudi Arabia.

Curt Mentzer, for continued physical/spiritual strength.

The Families of Morgan Park Presbyterian Church.

Beverly Muscarella, recovering at home from a successful knee surgery.

Joy Bunton, with polymyositis, an inflammation and weakening of muscles; undergoing further tests.

Marilyn White, Nikki Jones’ aunt, diagnosed with ovarian cancer, undergoing treatment.

Edward Hingston, father of Bonnie McGrath home recovering from surgery.

Joseph Hingston, brother of Bonnie McGrath injured on duty as a fire fighter recovering from a surgical procedure.

Mary Gant, friend of Australia Moore, who suffered a mild heart attack.

Todd Boots, son of Barbara (Lutz) Boots,at home suffering from severe MS.

Renice Davis Family, in the death of her nephew Demilo, age 20, from an asthma attack.

The Family of Peggy Montgomery, in her passing.

Prayers for Homebound and Shut-Ins

Helen Baker Martha Thornton

Doris Dahl Marian Wulff

Ministries of Morgan Park Presbyterian Church

•Elders, Deacons and Trustees – reliance on God in their duties

•Staff – for health and inspiration in daily ministries

•Children and Youth Ministries

Prayers for God’s World and God’s Children

•Diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Palestine/Israel

•Peace in Iraq in the aftermath of increased suicide bombings

•Iraqi government and completion of a constitution

•All Military and Service Personnel and their families

•President Bush, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress -

for wisdom in leading our nation

•Recently laid off work/unemployed; in finding new work

•Relief/aid for those starving in Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Eritrea,

Mozambique and the Niger facing drought and famine

•Education, prevention and treatment of the AIDS epidemic in Africa and rest of world

•All policemen, firemen and public workers who serve our

community every day

•United Nations plan to end genocide and ethic cleansing in Sudan

• United Nations action to curb the development of nuclear weapons

in Iran and North Korea

•Treatment to stop the polio epidemic in Muslim countries

•Victims of flooding from Hurricane Katrina; for relief, rescue and

rebuilding of environmental protections cities and homes..

•Victims of Hurricane Rita in Texas.

•Victims of Metra train accident; their families and loved ones.

•Victims of the earthquake in Pakistan, India and Kasmir.