Philippines – Child Protection Working Group

NCPWG Weekly Coordination Meeting

Date / 16 January 2014 / Location / CWC Office
Chair / Co-Chair Susan Prosser / Secretariat / Ms. Adelle Chavez
Participating organizations / Children International, Commission on Human Rights, IACAT, NCPWG Coordination, UNHCR Protection Cluster, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, Terre des Hommes, Plan International, PCMN, CWC, Child Fund International, Open Heart Foundation
Agenda / Agenda Item
1.MoM Review
1.1Previous meeting MoM
2.Supporting Service Delivery - Updates
2.1 Updates from NCPWG members
  • CP Needs, Response,Gaps/Constraints
  • Update on displaced affected population in Manila
2.3 Update from field CPWG coordination hubs: Tacloban, Ormoc, Roxas, Guiuan, Borongan
2.4Updates on other clusters (i.e. Protection, Education)
3.Accountability and Performance
3.1Update on CP Monitoring
3.2Update on 5W Analysis
3.3Updates on CPWG Plan of Action
4.Early Recovery – Transition
4.1 Government Engagement
5.Current Agenda Items
5.1CP Minimum Standards – Identified Priorities
5.2CPWG Capacity Mapping
Previous action points / Status / Responsible
See Attached.
By Agenda Item / Main Points and Decisions from Discussions / Agreed Follow-Up Actions / Responsible
1MoM Review
1.1Previous meeting MoM / Accepted
Previous Action Points / Action Points from November 13:
Mapping of messages: CPWG should have core messages that are unified;Unaccompanied and separated children, trafficking prevention, return to school should be included.
Anti- trafficking:
-IACAT doing capacity building workshop and integrating with IOM’s tracking system
-Survivor tracking form identifies their risk and basic needs; will circulate for group to use
-Default referral pathway – DSWD social workers, WCPD or NBI if they’re available, and then the DOJ prosecutors office
-First rollout of IACAT training is covering 4-5 priority locations;
-Plan and Terre des Hommes to connect with IACAT to discuss anti-trafficking resources
-IACAT need mapping from partners, requests use of survivor tracking form and reporting
CFS: Field level are doing work on CFS standardization; Sue gave updates from Roxas
Other cluster meetings: Co-Chair to feed back to IACAT information from Protection and GBV meetings; SOS attends Education at regional level; Co-Chair and Protection Cluster lead will discuss how to raise profile of children
Action Points from December 5:
Need to rehabilitate the day care centers; local government is keen on this.DSWD & CWC to facilitate
BCPC (Barangay Council for the Protection of Children) reactivation
-DSWD has trainers in communities focused on emergency; UNICEF and CWC to localize the emergency training through the “Localization and Institutionalization” branch of CWC
-CWC proposal submitted last Tuesday to UNICEF, rollout will begin soon
-Module from BCPC already exists just needs to be adapted for emergency
-Supervised Neighbourhood Play (SNP) should be included in training (Plan and Child Fund implement SNPs)
Terre des hommes to share CP organigram for Philippines with NCPWG members.
December 19 meeting:
NCPWG members (PCMN) to make list of core documents they need in printed form or on USB; Sue to ensure that they get those.
CWC to communicate with RCPWG to send minutes; list of government counterparts in the field
CFS standards: Roxas to make a draft for review, important to get information and experience from the ground in developing the national guidelines
January 10 Meeting
SEA violations
-Save the Childrenwill link with Protection cluster to identify existing laws and mechanisms for reporting violations
-Need sustainability – what is keeping these reporting mechanisms from remaining functional between typhoons? They need to stay in place, wasting a lot of resources to recreate the systems
-At the local level they should form QRT for emergency that would be ready with people available so they don’t have to start over with every emergency
AAP follow up
-New coordinator on AAP (Veronica Martin) will be based in Tacloban / See updated list of action points – 16 January 2014
IACAT Main Agenda Point 14 February
IACAT to send capacity mapping document and asks NGOs to fill out their activities
BCPC module to be shared with NCPWG member
Adelle to give role of BCPC (document: organigram with info)
Roxas to send draft; small working group will revise for acceptance
Protection cluster lead to be linked with Save the Children to discuss SEA reporting mechanism
Agenda Point 28 February to look at contingency planning
Child Fund to follow up with more information on “Voices of Children” for feedback / Jan Chavez
2. Supporting Service Delivery - Updates
2.1 Updates from NCPWG members
CP Needs, Response, Gaps/Constraints / Save
Response: Haiyan Response Team – hired too many people (80 int’l and more national), needed capacity building training; included orientation on child rights, protection, CFS, facilitators training, etc.
Needs: Staff in CP, Education monitors, etc. Need leaders for new team; participant to attend Protection cluster at regional level
Commission on Human Rights
Response: Traced everyone in office after Yolanda; did two part psychosocial intervention for employees and families; only last week they’ve moved to look at evacuation centers, still recovering; they are now ready to do spot checks
Children International
Don’t cover the region; only had victims due to storm surge; went to houses that were affected to give assistance but not much on psychosocial; didn’t have follow up; right now looking at preparation for CFS and donating Region VI aqua tower for schools; DepEd and Ed Cluster giving ordinance on this, can share with the group; In Tacloban sharing in-kind donations coordinated with local government
Open Heart Foundation
No CP activities yet in disaster areas; brought 250 packs of relief goods in one municipality and plan to go to Guiuan to distribute 750 packs of school supplies; continue child rights advocacy in the areas we already work; have begun BCPC orientation after the latest barangay elections; have intervened on child protection and intervention network (CAPIN) with LGUs
Child Fund
Roxas raining has kept kids from CFS activities; seeing more girls attending than boys; reflects school attending (more girls), will need to address that; not seeing older teens in Roxas and Ormoc getting services; discussing how to get teens involved and making sure boys are coming to CFS
Eastern Samar response – there are two TDH groups working together; gaps include expats are leaving by end of February and local staff will finish contract by March, so staffing is an issue; having meeting to discuss this and whether intervention in Eastern Samar will continue, although all of our projects are still ongoing; IECs (communication messages); planning for continuation of program
Response: Doing an assessment of functioning BCPCs, will share with NCPWG
Needs: Psychosocial support; more staff
Needs: Data on unaccompanied and separated children; support for guardians who are watching children while parents leave to look for livelihood; psychosocial support
CPWG Coordinator
Mayors saying that more children are getting involved with petty crimes; their parents aren’t there and they aren’t in school; one mayor has come up with alternative – children who have petty crimes they do work for local NGO
See Annex
See Annex / Suggestion to compile list for joint advert for CPWG members
2.2 Update on displaced affected population in Manila / For future meeting
2.3 Update from field CPWG coordination hubs / Sue to send summary from Cebu meeting with field CP coordinators
2.4 Other clusters / N/A
3. Accountability and Performance – To discuss next week
3.1 Update on CP Monitoring
3.2 Update on 5W Analysis
3.3 Update of CPWG Work Plan
4. Early Recovery and Transition
Government Engagement
4. Early Recovery – To discuss next week
5. Current Agenda Items
5.1 CP Minimum Standards / Members to find priorities for Philippines in the minimum standards
5.2 CPWG Capacity Mapping / Handout on Capacity Mapping; members asked to fill out and bring back next week; can give support to field
  • Anti-trafficking and referral pathways for one meeting in February; contingency planning for other meeting in February

Next Meeting / Next Thursday 10AM-1Pm
Agenda Points Next Meeting
