NCCCAEA Business Meeting Minutes
Friday, October 29, 2010
9:00 – 10:15 am
Sheraton-Atlantic Beach
Grand Ballroom
Call to Order and Welcome
- Perry Harker, President, called the business meeting to order and welcomed everyone.
- John Smith was asked to give the invocation.
- Everyone wished a Happy Birthday to David Lusk.
Financial Report
- Selva Staubpresented her last financial report and thanked everyone for allowing her to serve as the NCCCAEA Treasurer for the past 2 years.
- Financial reports are attached.
Beacon Update
- John Smith requested any articles and pictures be submitted to him for inclusion in the next Beacon.
- Electronic version coming in April 2011.
- Looking for additional help with the web page.
2012 Slate of Officers
- Secretary – Terri Dunlap – Stanley Community College
- Treasurer – Misty Rasmussen – Pamlico Community College
- Community Service – Charlene White – Craven Community College
- Member at Large – Margaret Roberton – Wake Tech
- Senior Continuing Education Administrator – Jamie Glass – Durham Tech
- President Elect – David Lusk – Pitt Community College
- A motion was made, with second, to accept the 2012 slate of officers as stated. Vote carried unanimously.
Planning Committee and NCCCAEA Board Member Recognition
- The 2010 conference planning committee was recognized and awarded a certificate of appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Presented by David Lusk – Chair and Lou Stout – Co-Chair.
- The 2010 NCCCAEA board members with expiring termswere recognized and awarded a plaque in appreciation for their services. Presented by Perry Harker, NCCCAEA President.
President’s Information
- Perry introduced the 2011 NCCCAEA President - Kathy Gardner and the official ‘passing of the gavel’ took place.
- Kathy thanked Perry for his hard work and dedication to the Association and presented him with a plaque.
- Friday’s workshop series will begin at 10:45 am.
- Lou reminded all participants to complete the on line survey.
- David Lusk thanked Lou for her dedication and hard work as co-chair of the planning committee.
- Lou Stout will be the planning committee chair for next year.
- David Lusk thanked the motel staff for their assistance during the conference.
- Final door prizes were given out.
- The largest door prize was donated by the motel and was won by personnel from Cape Fear Community College. It included a 5 night stay at the motel, a $100 gift certificate to Milazzo’s Restaurant, 2 bottles of wine, T-shirts, and other items donated by local businesses and the tourism board.
- There being no further business, a motion was made and carried that the meeting be adjourned.
The next board meeting will beannounced at a later date.