(year of adoption in brackets) [1]

  1. Parties that submitted an NBSAP following the adoption of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020,including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Since COP-10, the following 161Parties have submitted an NBSAP. Of this total, 140 Parties submitted a revised NBSAP (among these, 2 Parties completed their revisions prior to COP-10 however with consideration given to the draft Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and are therefore included in this number);15 Parties submitted their first NBSAP;2 Parties submitted both their first NBSAP and a revised version;2 Parties submitted two revised versions; 1 Party submitted an Action Plan to 2020 for enhancing implementation of its Strategy adopted before COP-10; and1 Party submitted a first NBSAP developed in 2010 prior to COP-10.These NBSAPs reflect varying degrees ofcompliance with the current global biodiversity framework.Further details on these NBSAPs are available here.

  1. Afghanistan (2014)
  2. Albania (1999, 2016)
  3. Algeria (2005, 2016)
  4. Andorra (2016)
  5. Antigua and Barbuda (2014)
  6. Argentina (2003, 2017)
  7. Armenia (1999, 2015)
  8. Australia (1996, 2010)
  9. Austria (1998, 2005, 2014)
  10. Azerbaijan (2004, 2016)
  11. Bahrain (2007, 2016)
  12. Bangladesh (2006, 2016)
  13. Belarus (1997, 2010, 2015)
  14. Belgium (2007, 2013)
  15. Belize (1998, 2016)
  16. Benin (2002, 2016)
  17. Bhutan (1997, 2002, 2009, 2014)
  18. Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011, 2016)
  19. Botswana (2005, 2007, 2016)
  20. Brazil (2002, 2006, 2016)
  21. Brunei Darussalam (2015)
  22. Burkina Faso (1998, 2011)
  23. Burundi (2000, 2013)
  24. Cabo Verde (1999, 2014)
  25. Cambodia (2002, 2016)
  26. Cameroon (1999, 2012)
  27. Canada (1996, 2016)
  28. Chad (1999, 2014)
  29. Chile (2003, 2018)
  30. China (1994, 2010)
  31. Colombia (2005, 2012, 2017)
  32. Comoros (2000, 2016)
  33. Congo (2001, 2015)
  34. Costa Rica (1999, 2016)
  35. Côte d’Ivoire (2002*, 2016)*Strategy
  36. Croatia (1999, 2008, 2017)
  37. Cuba (1997, 2006, 2016)
  38. Czech Republic (2005, 2016)
  39. DPR Korea (1998, 2007)
  40. DR of Congo (2000, 2002, 2016)
  41. Denmark (1996*, 2004**, 2014) *Strategy, **Action Plan
  42. Djibouti (2001, 2017)
  43. Dominica (2002, 2013)
  44. Dominican Republic (2011)
  45. Ecuador (2001, 2016)
  46. Egypt (1998, 2016)
  47. El Salvador (1999, 2013)
  48. Equatorial Guinea (2005, 2015)
  49. Eritrea (2000, 2014)
  50. Estonia (1999, 2012)
  51. Ethiopia (2006, 2015)
  52. European Union (1998, 2006, 2011)
  53. Finland (1997, 2006, 2012)
  54. France (2004, 2011) *Strategy adopted in 2004; Sectoral Action Plans adopted between 2006-2008 and revised in 2009; Strategy revised in 2011
  55. Gambia (1999, 2015)
  56. Georgia (2005, 2014)
  57. Germany (2007*, 2015**) *Strategy, **Nature Conservation Action Programme 2020 for Strategy (2007)
  58. Ghana (2002*, 2016) *Strategy only
  59. Greece (2014)
  60. Grenada (2000, 2016)
  61. Guatemala (1999, 2014)
  62. Guinea (2001, 2016)
  63. Guinea-Bissau (2001, 2015)
  64. Guyana (1999*, 2007*, 2015) * Action Plan only
  65. Honduras (2001, 2017)
  66. Hungary (2008, 2015)
  67. India (1999, 2008, 2014*) *Addendum to NBAP 2008
  68. Indonesia (1993, 2003, 2016)
  69. Iran (2006, 2016)
  70. Iraq (2015)
  71. Ireland (2002, 2011, 2017)
  72. Italy (2010)
  73. Jamaica (2003, 2016)
  74. Japan (1995, 2002, 2008, 2010, 2012)
  75. Jordan (2001, 2015)
  76. Kiribati (2006, 2016)
  77. Kyrgyzstan (1998, 2002, 2014)
  78. Lao PDR (2004, 2016)
  79. Latvia (2000, 2003*, 2014) *Action Plan revised
  80. Lebanon (1998, 2005, 2016)
  81. Liberia (2003, 2017)
  82. Liechtenstein (2014)
  83. Lithuania (1998, 2015)
  84. Luxembourg (2007, 2017)
  85. Madagascar (2002, 2007, 2016)
  86. Malawi (2006, 2015)
  87. Malaysia (1998, 2016)
  88. Maldives (2002, 2015)
  89. Mali (2001, 2014)
  90. Malta (2012)
  91. Mauritania (1999, 2014)
  92. Mauritius (2006, 2017)
  93. Mexico (2000, 2016)
  94. Mongolia (1996, 2015)
  95. Montenegro (2010, 2016)
  96. Morocco (2002, 2004, 2016)
  97. Mozambique (2001, 2003, 2015)
  98. Myanmar (2012, 2015)
  99. Namibia (2002, 2014)
  100. Nauru (2010)
  101. Nepal (2002, 2014)
  102. Netherlands (1995, 2001, 2008, 2013)
  103. New Zealand (2000, 2016)
  104. Nicaragua (2001, 2016)
  105. Niger (2000, 2009, 2014)
  106. Nigeria (2006, 2015)
  107. Niue (2001, 2015)
  108. Norway (2001, 2004, 2006, 2015)
  109. Pakistan (1999, 2018)
  110. Palau (2005, 2018)
  111. Paraguay (2003, 2016)
  112. Peru (2001, 2014)
  113. Philippines (1997, 2002, 2015)
  114. Poland (2003, 2007, 2015)
  115. Portugal (2001, 2018)
  116. Qatar (2004, 2014)
  117. Republic of Korea (1997, 2009, 2014)
  118. Republic of Moldova (2000, 2015)
  119. Romania (1996, 2001, 2014)
  120. Russian Federation (2001, 2014)
  121. Rwanda (2003, 2016)
  122. Saint Kitts and Nevis (2004, 2014)
  123. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2004, 2017)
  124. Samoa (2001, 2015)
  125. San Marino (2018)
  126. Sao Tome and Principe (2005, 2016)
  127. Senegal (1998, 2015)
  128. Serbia (2011)
  129. Seychelles (2008, 2015)
  130. Sierra Leone (2003, 2017)
  131. Slovakia (1998, 2002*, 2014) *Action Plan updated only
  132. Solomon Islands (2009, 2016)
  133. Somalia (2015)
  134. South Africa (2005, 2015)
  135. Spain (1999*, 2005*, 2011**) *Strategy; **Action Plan
  136. Sri Lanka (1998, 2016)
  137. Sudan (2000, 2015)
  138. Suriname (2006*, 2013**) *Strategy; **Action Plan
  139. Swaziland (2001, 2016)
  140. Sweden (1995, 2006, 2014)
  141. Switzerland (2006, 2012)
  142. Tajikistan (2003, 2016)
  143. Thailand (1997, 2002, 2008, 2015)
  144. Timor-Leste (2011, 2015)
  145. Togo (2003, 2014)
  146. Trinidad and Tobago (2001, 2018)
  147. Tunisia (1998, 2009, 2017)
  148. Turkmenistan (2002, 2018)
  149. Tuvalu (2013)
  150. Uganda (2002, 2015)
  151. Ukraine (1998*, 2000**, 2010***, 2011****) *Strategy only; **Strategy and Action Plan, ***Revised Strategy; ****Revised Action Plan
  152. United Arab Emirates (2014)
  153. United Kingdom (1994, 2006, 2011)
  154. United Republic of Tanzania (2004, 2015)
  155. Uruguay (1999, 2016)
  156. Vanuatu (2000, 2018)
  157. Venezuela (2001, 2010)
  158. Vietnam (1994, 2007, 2015)
  159. Yemen (2005, 2017)

  1. Zambia (1999, 2015)
  2. Zimbabwe (2002, 2014)


  1. Parties that submitted a NBSAP prior to the adoption of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity
    2011-2020,including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets,and have advised SCBD thata revision is underway.

(24Parties submitted a first NBSAP prior to 2010; 3Parties submitted more than one NBSAP prior to 2010).


  1. Angola (2006)
  2. Bahamas (1999)
  3. Barbados (2002)
  4. Bolivia (2001)
  5. Bulgaria (2000, 2005)
  6. Central African Republic (2003)
  7. Cook Islands (2002)
  8. Fiji (2003)
  9. Gabon (1999)
  10. Israel (January 2010)
  11. Kazakhstan (1999)
  12. Kenya (1999)
  13. Kuwait (completed 1997, not adopted)
  14. Lesotho (2000)
  15. Marshall Islands (2000)
  16. Micronesia, Federated States of (2002)
  17. Oman (2001)
  18. Panama (2000)
  19. Papua New Guinea (2007)
  20. Saint Lucia (2000)
  21. Singapore (1992, 2002, 2009)
  22. Slovenia (2001) * Strategy only
  23. Syrian Arab Republic (2002)
  24. TFYR Macedonia (2005)
  25. Tonga (2006)
  26. Turkey (2001, 2007)
  27. Uzbekistan (1998)
  1. Parties that submitted their first NBSAP prior to the adoption of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity
    2011-2020 and have advised SCBD that they do not intend to revise their NBSAP or have provided no information in this regard
  1. Iceland (2008*, 2010**) *Strategy; **Action Plan (intend to develop Aichi-compliant targets only)
  2. Saudi Arabia (2005) (do not intend to revise their NBSAP as existing framework responds to SP/ABTs)

  1. Parties that have not yet submitted their first NBSAP however have advised SCBD that activities are underway
  1. Cyprus
  2. Haiti
  3. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
  4. Monaco
  5. South Sudan
  6. State of Palestine


[1]Year of NBSAP completion is indicated where the year of adoption is unknown