My Education
Navy College Management Information System(NCMIS)
Academic Institution Module
Version 4.2
February 24, 2017
Table of Contents
Academic Institution Module (AIM) Basics...... 2
Introduction...... 2
Accounts...... 2
To Request an Account:...... 2
Password Reset/Account Reactivation:...... 3
Logging in...... 4
Homepage...... 4
Degrees...... 5
Uploading Degree Files...... 5
File Format...... 5
File Format (contents)...... 5
Uploading a Degree File...... 6
Grades...... 8
Grade File Format...... 8
Upload Grades...... 9
Modify Grades
Upload Course Catalog
File Format
File Format (contents)
Uploading a Course Catalog File
Editing Course Catalogs
Academic Institution Module Help
Help Requests and Academic Institution Module issues
Special Note
Appendix A – Account Request
Academic Institution Module(AIM) Basics
The NCMIS Academic Institution Module is the online application which allows institutions to post grades, course catalogs, or degrees for Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard students using TA (Tuition Assistance). Additional enhancements for the Academic Institution Modulewill be coming soon.
NCMIS uses PII (personally identifiable information) such as SSN to positively identify service members.To safeguard the system from unauthorized access, we ask that each institution assign a supervisor to request user accounts for individuals that will be using AIM (Academic Institution Module). User accounts should be assigned to a single individual and no two individuals should share an account. When accounts are no longer required, please notified the NCMIS program Office (850-473-6053) to have the account closed. Access to NCMIS may be revoked at any time without notification if set guidelines are not followed.
This User guide will be updated as the functionality of the Academic Institution Module is expanded.
To Request anAccount:
Complete the “My Education Account Request for Academic Institutions” form found in the appendix of this document or downloaded from the Academic Institution Module Homepage at:
Figure 1: Apply for account.
Once the application is completed, please submit it using the LiveHelpNow E-Ticketing system.Select NCMIS Academic Institution Module System Supportas your category.Please upload the application as an attachment to the ticket. The link for Live Help Now is:
An account will be created and a User ID will be emailed to you.
Password Reset/Account Reactivation:
Click on “Reset password” as in figure 1 above.
Type in your user id, email, and then click “Request Reset”.
Figure 2: Password Reset
You will see a page with a message that a temporary password has been sent to you.
Figure 3: Temporary password sent via email.
You will receive an email with a new temporary password. Use this password to login and you will be brought to a page to set your desired password.
Figure 4: Password Requirements
Logging in
The application can be accessed at
The user must read the government information system legal notice and select Accept to continue to the logon screen.
Figure 5: Login Page
Enter your User ID and password. Click the “Login” button or press enter. This will bring you to the home page. On the home page you will find Announcements such as scheduled downtimes. Under Essential Resources, you will find links to the User Guide, as well as templates for uploads.
Figure 6: Home Page
At the top of the page is the navigation bar. Which items appear in the navigation bar depends upon your access privileges.
In the navigation bar, click on “Degrees”, then “Upload Degrees”. This brings you to the “My Uploaded Degree Files” page where you can upload degrees and view previously uploaded degree files.
Uploading Degree Files
File Format
Degree files must be in the correct format and must be .xls, .xlsx, .txt, or .csv format. Excel version must be 97-Excel format or newer.
The degree template has been updated. Please use the new version when uploading degrees. For any questions on school code, please contact Tiawania
Figure 7: Degree upload format
File Format (contents)
The spreadsheet must contain the following.
- School code:
- First name
- Last name
- Degree Level: Enter a single numerical digit for degree type
- 3 = Associates
- 4 = Bachelors
- 5 = Masters
- 6 = PhD
- 7 = Doctorate
- 8 = Certificate/Diploma
- Degree Type (AS, BA, MBA, etc.)
- Degree Title
- Degree ID - 6 digit code
- Award Date – mm/dd/yyyy
- GPA – optional
- Credits – optional
Uploading aDegree File
Click on “Upload File” to upload a new degree file.
Figure 8: Upload degree file
Once file is selected, click “Upload File. The file upload could take from 15 seconds to several minutes to complete depending on size of spreadsheet.
Figure 9: Select degree file
Once the file has completed uploading, the results of each degree entry will be displayed.You may get some degrees that have errors. The report will show which degrees did not load.
Figure 10: Degrees with errors
You have the option of editing the degree entry error, or you may choose to delete that entry.If you choose “Edit”,you will have the opportunity to edit the fields in the degree entry. Explanations of the errors that need to be corrected are in red. After correcting the issues then click “Save”.
- For Degree Type,enter degree abbreviation (AS, BA, MA, MS, etc.).
- NCIMS is limited to the Degree ID’s that are in the system. Please choose one from the dropdown menu.
- Award Date cannot be in the future.
Click “Back” to return to the My Uploaded Degree Files page. Select a file to view its contents or make corrections. You can delete files if you no longer need to view them. You may correct any unsaved degrees in the file and save, just as above.
In the navigation bar, click on Grades --> Upload Grades. This brings you to the “My Uploaded Grade Files” page where you can upload grade files.
Figure 11: Uploaded Grades Files
Grade File Format
Grade files must be in the preferred format and must be .xls, .xlsx, .txt, or .csv format. Excel version must be 97-Excel format or newer. Select the grade_template.xls to open a blank spreadsheet in the correct format.
Figure 12: Grades Excel Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet must contain following:
- Last name
- First name
- Course number
- Grade
NOTE: The course number must match the spelling in the TA voucher or the grade will not post.
Upload Grades
Select the “Upload File” button to upload a new grades file.
Figure 13: Select grade file
Once the file has completed uploading you may get a “Grades not yet saved” report. The report will show which grades did not load.
Figure 14: Edit grades with errors
You have the option of editing the grade entry error, or you may choose to delete that entry. If you choose “Edit”,you will have the opportunity to edit the fields in the grade entry. Explanations of the errors that need to be corrected are in red. After correcting the issues then click “Save”.
Click “Back” to return to the My Uploaded Grade Files page. Select a file to view its contents or make corrections. You can delete files if you no longer need to view them. You may correct any unsaved grades in the file and save, just as above.
Modify Grades
In the navigation bar, click on Grades --> Search Grades. This brings you to the “My Uploaded Grade Search” page where you can add or change grades manually.
Figure 15: Manual Grade Search
Search for grades by using any of the search criteria. You may search for all grades, or limit your search to missing grades only.
Figure 16: Missing grade search
You may update any grade that has a drop-down under the grade header or you can cancel the course entirely. Entries that do not have a grade drop-down cannot be changed due to the state of the course. Entries that do not have a “Cancel Course” cannot be cancelled due to the state of the course.
In the navigation bar, click on “Courses”, then “Course Catalog”. This brings you to the “Course Catalog” page where you can upload and view the Course Catalog for your academic institution.
Upload Course Catalog
File Format
Course Catalogfiles must be in the correct format and must be .xml files. These files may be generated from a database or manually created with a text only editor. An xsd file will be coming soon. An example xml file can be downloaded from the home page.
File Format (contents)
The xml for each course must contain the following elements within each course tag. Subject, Number, credits, and Title must have valid values. If a field is not applicable for a course, please enter “NONE”.
- Crs_Subjectmax 8 chars
- Crs_Numbermax 8 chars
- Crs_Titlemax 30 chars
- Crs_LongTitlemax 100 chars
- Crs_Creditsnumber
- Crs_Levelmax 50 chars
- Prerequisitesmax 1000 chars
- Crs_Descriptionmax 1000 chars
- Crs_Materialsmax 1000 chars
Uploading aCourse CatalogFile
In the navigation bar, click on “Courses”, then “Course Catalog”. If you have an account for more than one institution, choose the institution for which the catalog is to be uploaded. Click the “Upload File” button.
Figure 17: Upload Course Catalog
Browse to find the file you want to upload and click “Upload File”. Note that this popup also has a link the download the sample xml file.
Figure 18: Choose file to upload course catalog.
Once processing is completed, the catalog will be listed with the course information for all courses. A message above the school name will indicate how many courses were uploaded and how many courses were considered duplicates and therefore not reloaded.
Figure 19: Course listing
Editing Course Catalogs
You may delete a course by clicking on the remove button to the right of the course name. Confirm that you want to delete and the course is removed.
You may edit the course by clicking on the course listing. The following window will appear for editing. Remember to click the “Save” button when finished editing, or the “cancel” button to discard changes. Remember the restrictions on content.
Figure 20: Edit a course
Academic Institution Module Help
Help Requests,Academic Institution Module issues
If you are experiencing system issues or other issues related to the functionality of the NCMIS Academic Institution Module, please submit your Help request ETicket to TA Accounting at:
Choose the“TA Accounting” category.
This User guide will be periodically updated as the functionality of the Academic Institution Module is expanded. Your suggestions for improvements are important. Please follow the suggestions links on the home page to give us your feedback!
(1) InstitutionName / (2) Date
(3) InstitutionAddress
(4) City (5)State (6)ZipCode
(7) Requestor’sName / (8) Requestor’s Phone
(9) Requestor’sE-mail
(11)AccessType (Selectapplicationandaccessdesired)
- OrderTranscripts(includesviewing)
- View/PrintTranscriptsonly
- School(Builddegree templatesSOCAgreements)
- Academic Institution Module(AIM)
(12) Reasonforrequestingaccess:
(13)SupervisorName(PleasePrint) / (14)SupervisorPhone
(17)Username: / (18)DateEstablished:
(V6) 7/15 For Official Use Only Classified
MyEducationAccountRequestForm Instructions