College of Education


Master of Arts in Teaching

MAT COHORT #______
Application for Placement in aStudent Teaching Clinical
  1. Complete this form if you are on track fora Student Teaching Clinical in 2017-2018.
  2. Review your Degree Audit from DegreeWorks.
  3. Submit your signed application for placement and your DegreeWorks audit to Dr. Kristin Conrad () on or before February 1, 2017.

Student Teaching Clinical semester: Fall 2017 Spring 2018

Name ______Former ______

L Number ______Email ______


Address ______



Student Teaching ______

Current Telephone During

Telephone ______Student Teaching ______

Concordia University does not typically place student teachers into a Student Teaching Clinical experience in schools where candidates have attended or where they have relatives working. It is also helpful for the university to know what types of schools candidates have attended. To that end, please note below the schools you have attended and the local schools where you have relatives working.

Schools you have attended (preschool, elementary, middle/junior, high):


Middle/Junior High grades:

Local elementary and middle schools where relatives are employed or have been employed:


  • Clinical 1: Typically begins on the first day of the teachers’ contract days in August or January plus nine weeks once school starts.
  • Clinical 2: Begins immediately after the completion of Clinical 1 and typically lasts for six weeks.
  • Endorsement Clinical: Minimum of fiveweeks that may extend the clinical timeframe past 15 weeks. Common endorsements are early childhood or middle school.
  • The Student Teaching Clinical follows the site calendar of the assigned school.

Special Considerations

Please explain any special considerations that may factor into your placement.

Please read the following carefully and verify with your signature on the line provided below:

Transportation: I amresponsible for my own transportation to and from school(s).

Liability Insurance: I am responsible for carrying liability insurance. I will obtain that coverage with my student membership in Education Minnesota: I will purchase liability insurance during the Student Teaching Clinical Orientation meetings andI will provide proof of same toAnne Heilman

Clinical Priority: I am aware of the College of Education’s policy that Student Teaching Clinical experiences are to be my priority – over and above such things as co-curricular activities, extracurricular activities and employment. I also realize that regularly scheduled seminars are held during the Student Teaching Clinical semester and that attendance at the seminars is mandatory.

Candidate’s Responsibility: I understand that it is my responsibility to meet ALL of the prerequisite requirements BEFORE any placement steps can take place. There may be a delay in my placement if the requirements have not been met by the time of application. I also understand that it is my responsibility to provide a link to my ePortfolio in LiveText, and that potential placement site personnel will have access to my ePortfolio for the purpose of my placement.


Concordia University will work to place candidates in a timely manner; however, placement is dependent upon local school district capacity, special considerations needed by the candidate, and prerequisite completion.

I understand that the designated placement semester may be affected by these conditions.

Signature of Candidate ______Date ______