Navigating the health care maze

Title of StudyPage 1 of 2

Version[INSERTnumber and date]

Navigating the health care maze

School of Health Systems and Global Populations
Faculty of Health Sciences
ABN 15 211 513 464
Assoc Prof Karen Willis
Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching / P.O. Box 170
Cumberland Campus
The University of Sydney
Telephone: +61 2 93519256
Facsimile: +61 2 90367367

Title of StudyPage 1 of 2

Version[INSERTnumber and date]

Navigating the health care maze

Navigating the health care maze


Purpose of the study

This is an invitation to participate in a study by researchers at the University of Sydney. The purpose of the research is to investigate the most important factors influencing healthcare choices in Australia. The study will explore the different resources and information sources that shape choices made by health consumers in regards to their health care. Understanding the different experiences of choice will inform future health policy.

The study is being conducted by Assoc Prof Karen Willis (Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching). Other members of the research team include Dr Kirsten Harley, Prof Stephanie Short, Dr Sophie Lewis and Ms Marika Franklin fromthe Faculty of Health Sciences, and Dr Fran Collyer from the Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University of Sydney.

What does the study involve?

If you choose to take part in this study you will be asked to take part in a one hour audiorecorded interview by a member of the research team. The interview will explore the different types of information that influence the choices you make about your health care. You will be asked questions about your perceptions and experiences of choice in health care, your use of different health care services, the purchase and use (or not) of privatehealth insurance and what types of informationyou use when making health care choices. You will also take part in a mapping exercise which involves listing all the people in your social networks and exploring who you would turn to when making decisions about health care. The interview will be conducted at a location convenient to you.

Your involvement in the study is voluntary and you may withdraw your participation from the study at any time and withdraw any data that you have provided to that point. There are no penalties for withdrawing from this study.

While we anticipate that the risk to you of taking part in this research study is minimal, you may feel uncomfortable talking about some specific health issues, and if this is the case the interviewerwill stop the interview if you would like a break or time to collect your thoughts, and if necessary can refer you to appropriate services in your area.

Can I withdraw from the study?

Being in this study is completely voluntary - you are not under any obligation to consent. Ifyou do consent, you can withdraw at any time without affecting your relationship with The University of Sydney. You may stop the interview at any time if you do not wish to continue, the audio recordingwill be erased and the information provided will not be included in the study. Once the interview is completed you will have 28 days to withdraw from the study.

As a token of our appreciation and in recognition of your time, participants will receive a $30 Coles/Myer or iTunes Gift Voucher. We will prepare a summary of the results at the conclusion of the study – if you would like to receive this feedback report, please let us know at the time of your interview.

Will anyone else know the results?

All aspects of the study, including results, will be strictly confidential and only the researchers will have access to information on participants. A report of the study may be submitted for publication, but individual participants will not be identifiable in such a report.

Can I tell other people about the study?Yes, you may tell others about the study and if they are interested in participating they can contact the researchers to express their interest in participating.

What if I require further information about the study or my involvement in it?

When you have read this information, the researcherwill discuss it with you further and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to know more at any stage, please feel free to contact Assoc Prof Karen Willis (02 93519256 ) or Marika Franklin (02 9036 7426 or )

What if I have a complaint or any concerns?

This study has been reviewed by the University of Sydney’s Human Research Ethics Committee. Any person with concerns or complaints about the conduct of a research study can contact The Manager, Human Ethics Administration, University of Sydney on +61 2 8627 8176 (Telephone); +61 2 8627 8177 (Facsimile) or (Email).

This information sheet is for you to keep

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Master Version 2, 15 May 2013