Natural Science 5EP


Programming of teaching units


Lesson 1. Matter and mixtures

1. Objectives in terms of competences and in relation to multiple intelligences

1. Use the scientific method to plan and carry out projects, devices and simple apparatus through the observation, establishment of a hypothesis and practical research in order to prepare conclusions, which, at the same time, allow for the learning process itself to be reflected on. (Mathematical. Science and technology / Intrapersonal intelligence)

2. Analyse and select information on the elemental properties of some materials, substances and objects and regarding facts and phenomena of the environment, to establish various hypotheses, verifying their evolution through the planning and execution of projects, experiments and everyday experiences. (Learning to learn / Naturalistic Intelligence)

3. Understand the importance of scientific progress, in order to value its impact and significance on the improvement of everyday life of all people and on the progress of society as a whole. (Mathematical. Science and technology / Naturalistic Intelligence)

2. List of Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards

Content / Grading Criteria / Learning Standards
• Presentation of the content of the unit. P
• Introduction to vocabulary of the unit. P
• Development of the scientific method. Scientific thinking. C
• The laboratory. Instruments of observation and work materials. C
• Rules of use and security. C
• The matter. Study and classification of matter based on its physical properties. C
• Concepts of mass and volume. C
• Procedures for measuring mass and volume of a body. P
• Density, buoyancy, conductivity and other properties of matter. C
• The states of matter. C
• Physical changes in matter. C
• Effects of the changes in temperatures on bodies. C
• Chemical changes in matter. C
• Pure substances and mixtures. C
• Separation of components of a heterogeneous mixture through decanting, filtration and magnetism. P
• Natural and artificial materials for the progress of society. C / • Work cooperatively, appreciating the care for one’s own safety and that of their classmates, caring for the tools and appropriately using the materials.
• Learn and apply criteria to study and classify natural and artificial material according to their properties, as well as recognise and use instruments to measure mass and volume and establish relationships between both measures to identify the concept of density of the bodies applying it to real situations.
• Carry out experiments and small research projects on different physical and chemical phenomena of matter: raising problems, formulating hypotheses, selecting the material necessary, drawing conclusions, communicating results.
• Obtain relevant information on previously delimited events or phenomena, making predictions on natural events, integrating direct and indirect observation by consulting basic sources and communicating the results.
• Establish conjectures with regard to events that take place naturally and those that occur when provoked, through an experiment or an experience.
• Carry out a project and present a report.
• Learn the basic laws that regulate certain physical phenomena such as buoyancy and those related to the separation of the components of a mixture through planning and executing, through collaboration, of simple research and experiments using the scientific method and presenting the conclusions reached orally and/or graphically, using information and communication technologies. / • Knows and respects the usage and safety rules of the working instruments and materials.
• Appropriately use the observation instruments and working material.
• Studies, observes, identifies, compares, classifies and organises different objects and materials based on observable physical properties and explains the possibilities of using them.
• Knows the use of some advances, products and materials for the progress of society.
• Knows and uses different simple procedures to measure mass and volume of a body.
• Identifies the main characteristics of buoyancy of certain bodies in a liquid medium and uses it to explain observable physical phenomena in terms of differences in density.
• Observes and explains the effects of heat on the increase of temperature and expansion of some materials.
• Identifies the main uses and applications in different activities of society today of different materials prepared to apply the new scientific research to technological development: paper, paint, fibres, plastics, ceramics and alloys.
• Uses means of observation such as optical and measuring instruments consults and uses written documents, images, and graphs.
• Conducts small experiments or experiences establishing conjectures with regard to events that take place naturally as well as when they are provoked.
• Uses strategies to carry out works individually and on a team, showing skills for peaceful conflict resolution.
• Shows autonomy in planning and executing actions and tasks and has initiative in taking decisions.
• Presents work in an organised, clear and clean fashion, on paper and in digital format.
• Uses appropriate observation methods and conducts experiments by applying the results to everyday life experiences.
• Me and you: adoption of safety measures needed to work in a laboratory.
–  Argue why it is necessary to experiment prior to accepting a hypothesis.
–  Explain why the laboratories need correct lighting and ventilation.
–  Predict what would happen if a food is inserted into a space where toxic materials are used.
–  Relate different experiments with the material needed to carry them out.
–  Design and organise an ideal laboratory.
–  Identify the properties, both general and special, of an object in the class.
–  Differentiate between weight, hardness and size in two pieces: one of steel and one of wood.
–  Differentiate between mass and volume using different examples.
–  Relate the units of mass and measurement with different materials.
–  Differentiate between mass and weight based on a given scenario.
–  Experiment with different properties of water and oil.
–  Reason why some object float and others don’t.
–  Explain why some metallic tools have their handles covered in plastic.
–  Relate different objects with the properties that define them.
–  Argue what shape a liquid, a gas or solid adopts in a glass.
–  Reflect on what was learned on the matter, and how this knowledge can be applied in the day-to-day.
–  Argue whether changes from solid to gas and gas to solid are possible; and whether these changes are reversible, at the same time they are compared to changes of position and shape.
–  Explain the changes of water during the water cycles, and draw a diagram of the process of change in water material.
–  Differentiate between physical and chemical changes.
–  Argue whether all of the changes are reversible, and whether all metals oxidise.
–  Give examples of pure substances and mixtures and argue which of them is most common in nature.
–  Classify different examples given between pure substances and mixtures.
–  Identify the instruments that are used in the separation method, and give examples of mixtures that can be separated with the methods explained in the unit.
–  Propose how to separate a given mixture.
–  Explain how to separate water from salt in salt mines.
–  Identify different types of mixtures and the method for separating them.
–  Reflect on the objects made with synthetic fibres and plastics and on the possibility of finding alternatives to these materials.
–  Write three plastic objects that we use on a daily basis.
–  Investigate on plastic and synthetic fibres.
–  Brainstorm ideas on the key content of the lesson to focus attention and be able to activate the previous knowledge necessary (in this case, the fact that all we can perceive through the senses is made of matter and that this can be measured and it has different properties).
MOTIVATION / –  Ask the students questions the instruments that are used to measure the material.
–  Observe mural on changes in matter. Students must answer questions asked by the teacher on what images correspond to physical changes, and which ones to chemical changes. Students must argue their responses.
COMPETENCES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES / ·  Conduct research in order to discover whether vinegar can change the composition of an egg. Students should follow a methodology: Make a hypothesis, Experiment and Analyse. They will have to establish a hypothesis on the question raised. Then, and following the instructions given, they must carry out the experiment in which they submerge an egg in vinegar for forty-eight hours. Once the time has passed, they can decide whether they were right about their hypothesis and establish a conclusion.
·  Students will have to create a cheese. To do so, students will begin collecting information using the proposed links and follow the proposed method. Then, they will write a report on the experience and do a presentation in class.
SUPPLEMENTARY / –  The Scientific Method: listen to and sing the song The Scientific Method.
–  Safety rules in the lab: internalise the importance of following the lab rules. After the teacher explains the rules, students, in groups, will depict each of them with a gesture, and the rest of the class must guess them.
–  Filling space: learn to differentiate between mass and space. The teacher will conduct the proposed experiments to differentiate between both concepts.
–  Special properties of matter: conduct research on the properties of matter. In four groups, students will search for information, prepare a mural and present them to their classmates, and show them a demonstration. The work will be hung up in the classroom.
–  Matter experiment: experiment on the states of matter. With the help of teacher and the proposed link, student will breathe on the winder and reflect on the states of matter.
–  Change in matter: using the proposed link, and the teacher’s help, students will put the scientific method into practise.
–  Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture: through a simple experiment, understand the difference between homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures. Students will discuss the results of the experiment and prepare new mixtures.
–  Decantation, filtration and simple distillation: visit the laboratory, and conduct experiments proposed on the links. Students will summarise the content of the videos through a mural, a representation through mime, an outline on the white board …
–  Properties of materials: recognise the properties of materials through the proposed online activity. Students will respond to the teacher’s questions.
–  Look and think: resume the activity from the start of the lesson. In respect of the questions asked by the teacher, students will reflect on what was learned in the lesson and share it with the class.
Photocopiable sheets for review
–  Name and explain the three steps to follow the scientific method.
–  Relate the three states of matter with their definition.
Photocopiable sheets for further study
–  Draw and label five laboratory instruments.
–  Indicate which phrases are correct and write the incorrect ones.
Grading resources (material for the teacher)
–  Photocopiable grading sheet:
· Name six properties of matter.
· Name three physical changes in matter and answer the questions related to the gaseous state.
· Define and give an example of homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures. / Course plan and teaching guidelines.
Indicators for on-going grading
–  Competences work / Multiple Intelligences
–  Grading competences / Multiple Intelligences Individual record
–  Portfolio index.
–  Grading report.
Use reading comprehension strategies:
Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).
Reading aloud.
Comprehensively read text.
Read other written texts, in digital format, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate.
Read text fragments.
O/W Expression
Oral activities to break the ice, which allow an appropriate ambience to be established, and the topic to be introduced.
Appropriately express orally/in writing the learning, using accurate vocabulary.
Respond in writing to questions related to the content of the lesson.
Listen to sounds corresponding to objects and actions and identify them.
Observe and discuss images.
Use open-ended questions, information search tasks, games …
Sing songs.
Online resources (
–  Interactive Digital Book.
–  Flashcards.
–  Listening exercises.
Web links
Game for working with the characteristics of various materials (
Website with information on matter and its states (
Presentation on changes in matter (
Instructions for making recycled paper (
Song The Scientific Method (
Video on weight (
Video on the states of matter (
Activities on the difference between sold, liquid and gas and changes of state (
Video on the states of matter I (
Video on the states of matter II (http://www.01_txt_11_web_VAG).
Video Simple distillation (
Video Decantation and filtration (
Activities on the properties of materials (
Images on recycling (
–  Follow the basic laboratory rules.
–  Understand how water changes during the water cycle.
–  Explain changes in matter.
–  Understands the methods of separating homogenous mixtures.
–  Knowledge and respect for the usage and safety rules of the working instruments and materials.
–  Appropriate use of the observation instruments and working material.
–  Study, observation, identification, comparison, classification and organisation of different objects and materials based on observable physical properties and explanation of the possibilities of using them.
–  Knowledge of the use of some advances, products and materials for the progress of society.
–  Knowledge and use of different simple procedures to measure mass and volume of a body.
–  Identification of the main characteristics of buoyancy of certain bodies in a liquid medium and uses it to explain observable physical phenomena in terms of differences in density.