Native American Project Presentation Rubric

Native American Project Presentation Rubric

Native American Project Presentation Rubric

Slide Presentation Grade:

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
There is a minimum of 6 slides, the last one being a bibliography done in MLA format. There is at least one print source as well as internet sources. There is a picture, a summary slide, and one that includes the three most interesting facts learned. There must be a reflection slide where you explain your opinion and reaction to what you have learned. The other slide is relevant to the research topic and interesting. All slides are written in the students’ own words and use academic language and correct grammar. / There is a minimum of 6 slides, the last one being a bibliography which is not in MLA format. There are no print sources.
There is a picture, a summary slide, and one that includes the three most interesting facts learned. The other two slides are moderately relevant to the research topic and may or may not include the reflection slide. All slides are written in the students’ own words but the students may use casual speech instead of academic language and there are a few grammar errors. / There are four or five slides and no bibliography. There are no print sources. There is a picture, a summary slide, and one that includes the three most interesting facts learned. The other slidesmay or may not be relevant to the research topic.All slides are written in the students’ own words but the students may use casual speech instead of academic language and there are many grammar errors. / There are four slides or less and no bibliography. There are no print sources. There might only be a picture, a summary slide, and one that includes the three most interesting facts learned. Some of the slides are written in the students’ own words and some are plagiarized. The students do not use academic language and there are many grammar errors.

Presentation Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
The student speaks loud and clear without being prompted by the teacher, and all members of the audience can easily hear the student. The student makes eye contact with audience and does not merely focus on the teacher. The student stands up straight and does not slouch and fidget. / The student speaks loud and clear after being prompted by the teacher and all members of the audience can hear the student most of the time. The student does make eye contact with the audience but often focuses too much on the teacher. The student does slouch and fidget but not often. / The student continues to speak too softly even after the teacher has prompted the student. Not all members of the audience can hear the student most of the time. The student makes minimal eye contact with the audience and focuses too much on the teacher. The student may slouch and fidget most of the time. / The student speaks so quietly that the audience has trouble hearing him or her. The student does not make eye contact with the audience, focusing almost exclusively on the teacher. The student slouches, and or, fidgets throughout the presentation.