Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science: Mathematics Student-Staff Consultative Committee

Monday, 3rd April 2017 - 12.10 pm, SEL, room 2.04, Physical Sciences Building

Present: Tom Williams (tmw2, Chair), Yuan Shen (yus10), Tudur Davies (itd), Rob Douglas (rsd), Adam Vellender (asv2), Adil Mughal (aqm), Kieran Quaine (ksq), Simon French (sif4), Damien Clarke (dac49), Chris Svendsen (chs56), Dan Hardman (dah19), Joel Greenwood (jsg11), Tom Painter (thp18)

In attendance: Jackie Hedley (Minutes)

Apologies:) Daf Bowen (dab48), Sian Swain (sls13), Spencer Ncube (smn5), Nathan Cooke (nsc)

1.  Minutes of 27/02/2017

All OK, no corrections.

2.  Matters Arising

Action Number / Minute Number / Action / Whose Action
1 / 3.3.2 / ASV2 to consider releasing the questions for the problem class earlier so students would know what to expect. / Done.
2 / 3.5.1 / SIF4 to consider ordering more copies of the first named book on the essential reading list for MA11010. / Done. Also ordered two more copies of an essential text for MAM7020.
3 / 3.5.1 / ASV2 to include ‘how to get the most out of lectures’ session at Induction; also at the Maths Help Desk. / Will be included in extended induction session in welcome week.
4 / 4.1 / YUS10 to inquire if the TV in the foyer could be used to advertise employability events. / Done. (THE TV is being used for this purpose.)
5 / 7.1 / Student representatives to remind their fellow students to attend 1st year tutorials. / Reminded, but still not great attendance.
6 / 8.1 / A request to SXC: could a kettle and a microwave be provided for students in a room in the department. / More appropriate for SU to facilitate.

3. Student Matters

3.1 TUN

3.1.1 It was agreed at the last meeting that Tell Us Now (TUN) comments would be discussed at SSCC as well as dealt with in the normal way.


For MA32410 Graphs and Networks, and MA38310 Operator Algebras, we are still waiting for tutorial videos to be released. Also on these and MA37010 Lebesgue Integration it would be nice to have more examples.


Gwion Evans replied that the videos for Operator Algebras form a new, additional feature, which he aims to release before the Easter break. In the meantime please consult the very detailed model solutions. He does not recall promising videos for Graphs and Networks.

Concerning examples, he added examples are given in every lecture in Operator Algebras and Graphs and Networks. These include examples of proofs and of applying standard procedures. RSD stated these comments applied equally well to Lebesgue Integration.

3.2 Year M

3.2.1 It was asked that if there is only one copy of a book on the essential reading list, can it remain in the library for reference. SIF4 said that the normal ratio is 1 book per 10 students on a module, but he will raise this with the Library. Reference copies are not normally kept in the libraries across the University.

Action: Students to inform SIF4 of specific books required.

3.3 Year 3

3.3.1 It would useful to have more worked through examples in modules, such as those AQM provided for MA30510.

3.3.2 There have been some comments about MA35210 Topics in Biological Statistics workbooks. Some students get their workbooks back before others, so could they all be returned back at the same time to avoid the potential problem of possibly helping others, thus giving them an unfair advantage. It was noted that students needed to submit two workbooks for this course, the second three weeks after the first. Some might be submitting their material on a topic at the later date, and it would constitute unfair practice to use lecturer feedback on other students’ work.

3.3.3 SLS13 sent in written comments (via RSD) regarding MA35210. Some feel that the group seminar should contribute to the overall mark as well as the individual presentations.

3.3.4 SLS13 also asked about the exam timetabling. RSD stated that there are only 2 occurrences of exams on consecutive days this time, but that the first 3 days of the exam period have not been used for Year 3. Concerns that full use of the 3 week exam period had not been made have been forwarded to the IMPACS Exams Officer via SXC.

3.4 Year 2

3.4.1 The exam timetable looks ok other than exams on both of the first 2 days, but in general, all is well.

3.4.2 There are only two library copies of the book ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Plane’, recommended for the module MA2510 Complex Analysis; Rolf Gohm has one of them on loan.

Action: SIF4 will order more copies to satisfy the student to book ratio.

Overall, Year 2 are content.

3.5 Year 1

3.5.1 No problems, everyone is content. Much happier about the rooms this year too.

3.6 Year 0

No representatives present.

3.7 Postgraduate

Nothing to report.

3.8 MathSoc.

Students were reminded that their deposits were due for the meal on May 2nd.

3.9 Welsh Medium

Nothing to report.

4. Questionnaires/MEQ

4.1 Only partial data was available at the time of the meeting. The electronic MEQ overall satisfaction information was circulated, but the departmental paper questionnaires are still to be collated.

In general, the return rates are low, in particular for Years 0 and 3. Year M seemed to favour the paper copies over the electronic version. The percentage of returns is not as good as last year, but attendance is lower too.

There doesn’t appear to be any serious problems with any of the modules. Many have impressive satisfaction scores.

Action: RSD to circulate departmental results as soon as they become available.

5. Employability

5.1 Employability events have not been well attended, with the exception of a talk given by Aberystwyth Mathematics graduate Cerys Rand. There was good feedback from this event.

6. Staff Matters

6.1 Late arrival to lectures is still a problem with Year 1 in particular. Some students regularly arrive 15 minutes or more late, which disrupts the lecturer and the students already attending.

Action: Year 1 Representatives to relay the message to Year 1 group, and ask that students arrive on time.

6.2 Staff are noting a lack of engagement by Year 3 students with regards to handing in of work and attendance.

Action: Year 3 Representatives to relay the message to the group that steady work throughout the semester is the route to success. Please attend the final lectures of the year.

6.3 Election of student reps for Years 2, 3 and M is planned for early May. Suggested changes for SSCC meetings are being discussed centrally; it was recalled that this committee is happy with the current arrangements.

7. Any Other Business

7.1 JSG11 asked whether when the next meeting with the IMPACS Undergraduate Representative is arranged, that the timetable could be checked first, as the previous one clashed with lectures.

7.2 The PSB Library windows are still leaking. There is a lack of free plug sockets: particularly in the quiet study areas.

7.3 DAC49 asked whether there was a policy with regards to giving out model solutions to past exams. RSD replied saying that they are made available on a rolling basis, with up to 2 sets accessible for each module.

7.5 SIF4 advised that Level D at the Hugh Owen Library will be having a refurbishment over the summer months.

Meeting closed with RSD thanking all student representatives for their input this academic year.

Action Number / Minute Number / Action / Whose Action
1 / 3.2.1 / Students to inform SIF4 of specific books required. / Year M Rep
2 / 3.4.2 / SIF4 will order more copies to satisfy the student to book ratio. / SIF4
3 / 4.1 / RSD to circulate departmental results as soon as they become available. / RSD
4 / 6.1 / Year 1 Representatives to relay the message to Year 1 group, and ask that students arrive on time. / Year 1 Rep
5 / 6.2 / Year 3 Representatives to relay the message to the group that steady work throughout the semester is the route to success. Please attend the final lectures of the year. / Year 3 Rep