National Youth Leadership Network
Youth Voice
Youth Power
“The question is not whether a youth with a disability can become a leader. The real question is 'how can we provide youth with the tools they need to reach their fullest potential?' The NYLN strives to answer this question and provide youth with opportunities to become leaders.”
Josie Badger
NYLN President
About the NYLN
The National Youth Leadership Network is the first non-profit organization to be run independently by young people with disabilities. We are made up of young leaders with disabilities from across the U.S. and its territories. The Governing Board leads the Network. We promote leadership development, education, and advocacy for all youth with disabilities to attain their maximum, unique, personal potential.
- Encourages young leaders to reach their goals and become more involved at national, state and local levels.
- Increases opportunities for employment, independent living, health and wellness.
- Communicates about issues that are important to youth with disabilities and the policies and practices that affect their lives.
NYLN Activities
Youth-to-Youth Training
National Conferences and Advanced Leadership Institutes are held in Washington, DC to prepare young leaders with disabilities to identify ways to improve policies and practice advocacy. National disability leaders, public officials and young leaders network as they learn from one another.
Webcasts (group discussions over the telephone and the Internet) led by youth experts are held free-of-charge for youth. Topics are chosen by youth and panel discussions offer a chance to share ideas and ask questions.
Committee Activities
The NYLN has on-going activities during the year led by the following committees:
- Research Committee
- Public Information Committee
- Funding Committee
- Access for All Committee
- Membership Committee
- Mentorship Committee
NYLN Resources
The NYLNYouthInformationCenter is a national hub for information and resources that youth can use to participate in activities of their choosing. The NYLN works with other youth organizations to make the world accessible to all youth.
Resource Consultants
Young people have knowledge and experience to share. NYLN leaders are available to sit on boards or committees, to give presentations and to consult with other organizations.
Youth-Directed Research
The NYLN does research to learn more about what is important to youth with disabilities, issues that youth face and what others are doing to support youth.
Community Information
NYLN provides information and resources via our website: and our toll-free number: 1-866-480-6565.
Future Directions Agenda
The NYLN publishes a Future Directions Agenda with first-hand thoughts, perspectives, and suggestions from the voices of youth with disabilities across the United States.
NYLN has a newsletter with articles written by and for youth. The quarterly publication includes reactions to current events, updates on issues facing people with disabilities, youth stories, and many opportunities for involvement.
NYLN values and recognizes the skills of young people. So, in a team effort with Kids As Self-Advocates (KASA), an organization specifically for younger youth with disabilities, we have created the following documents:
- Accessibility and Accommodations: Making opportunities accessible to all.
- Respectful Disability Language: Here’s what’s up!
- Accessibility Checklist
For more information, contact:
Betsy Valnes
NYLN Executive Director
1-866-480-6565, ext. 2
NYLN Support
NationalCenter for Self-Determination and 21st Century Leadership
PortlandStateUniversity – RRI
National Youth Leadership Network
Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Academy forEducational Development
Federal Sponsors
US Department of Education
Office of Special Education Programs
US Department of Labor
Social Security Administration
US Department of Healthand Human Services
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Council on Disability