National Workshop on Health Care Needs of Older Persons
Organized by RI Ministry of Health in collaboration with Yayasan Emong Lansia,
funded by UN ESCAP
Jakarta, 22 – 24 August 2005.
The Madrid Plan of Action in 2002 called for “Attitudinal Change towards Older Persons and Development, however, every country in the world to a certain degree have to overcome difficulties in resources, knowledge, expertise and personnel related to supporting older persons both in the family as well as in the community.
In anticipation of the next high-level meeting on ageing to be held in Macao in 2006 and the global review on the implementation of ageing policy and programs to be held in New York in 2007, Indonesia funded by UN ESCAP will hold a national workshop on Health Care Needs for Older Persons that will focus on Individual, Family and Community Support of Older Persons in Indonesia: Past, Present and Future policy and programs of the older population in Indonesia.
The objectives of the workshop will be to deliberate on strategic issues related to policy and program of the older population in Indonesia and specifically emphasize on the updating of the 2003 Indonesia National Plan of Action with focus on health and long term care in line with the 2004 Government regulation No. 43 on older person protection, and 2004 Presidential decree No. 52 on the National Commission for Older Persons.
The strategic issues to be discussed in the national workshop are:
Ageing and Development: Implementation of the Healthy Paradigm towards Healthy Ageing
Speakers: UN ESCAP, National Commission, Health
Older Persons Empowerment, Needs and Enabling Environment
Speakers: Women Empowerment, Public Works, Social Affairs.
Moderator: IEN
The role of family and community in supporting an enabling environment for older persons
Speakers: Demography,NGOs of east Java, Jogjakarta and Jakarta
Moderator: BKKBN
Integration of Ageing issues into Policy
Speakers: UNESCAP
Moderator: InResAge Trisakti University
A selected group of stakeholders representing government and social organization namely: peoples welfare, health, social affairs, women empowerment, BKKBN, national commission, manpower, public works, transportation, national education, internal affairs, religious affairs, as well as social organizations such as Pelita Usila, YEL, LLI, FKLU, Pergeri, DNIKS, Askes, University of Indonesia, Indonesia Epidemiology Network., will be invited as participants.
In the workshop participants will be trained by the UN ESCAP trainer on an Older Person methodology to assess the health care needs of older persons. The participants will be divided into 6 working groups consisting of stakeholders and facilitated by 6 facilitators of InResAge Jakarta Trisakti University member of Indonesia Epidemiology Network. After being trained on this methodology, the participants will apply this method in the evaluation of various inputs of the first plenary session in the workshop related to the issues addressed in the 2003 Indonesia National Plan of Action for Older Person Welfare. The participants will be divided into 3 working groups namely 1) older person empowerment, 2) health and social needs, and 3) enabling environment. This evaluation and recommendations will be further formulated in the final plenary through group presentations, and summarized by the steering committee in the executive summary.
The output of the national workshop on Health Care Needs for Older Persons will identify strategic issues to be addressed in the future amended Plan of Action for Older Person Welfare in Indonesia in the form of conclusions and recommendations, and these results will be conveyed as country report at the global review of implementation in Madrid 2007.
The national workshop will be a 3-day workshop held in Bidakara convention venue (Bumikarsa hotel), Jakarta, on August 22-24th , 2005.
Chair-person of the national workshop is Dr. Susilo Wibowo, specialist Cardiology,of Pergeri (Indonesia Gerontology Society)
Chair-person of the steering committee is Dr. Nugroho Abikusno, M.D., M.S., DrPH of InResAge Trisakti University, Jakarta member of IEN (Indonesia Epidemiology Network) with members Prof. Dr. Tri Budi Rahardjo (University of Indonesia/ IEN, Dr. Sonja Roesma, SKM (Former Director PT ASKES), Ir. Ngatiyo Ngayoko, MM (Assistant Deputy for Disabled and Older Persons, RI Coordinating Ministry for Peoples Welfare), Dr. Asviretty Nurgusany Yerly Asir, MPH (Assistant Deputy for Older Women and Disabled Women Protection, RI Ministry for Women Empowerment), Dr. Tony Setiabudhi (Pergeri) and steering committee members from National Commission, Health and BKKBN.
Chair-person of organizing committee is Mrs. Eva. S. Sabdono, MBA of HelpAge Indonesia.
Tentative program schedule:
Day One:
9.00-10.15 AM
Opening Ceremony:
Welcome remarks by Mrs. Eva Sabdono (YEL/HelpAge Indonesia)
Report by Chair-person of Workshop (Dr. Soesilo Wibowo)
Speech by UN ESCAP
Speech by RI National Commission for Older Persons by Mrs.Inten Soeweno
Speech and Opening by HE Prof. Dr. Alwi Shihab, RI Coordinating Minister of Peoples Welfare
Keynote speech by the RI Minister of Health on Ageing and Development: The strategic role of older persons in Indonesia in the Global era
10.15-10.30 AM
Coffee break
Session One: Empowerment, Health, Social Needs and Enabling Environment.
Moderator: Prof. Tri Budi W. Rahardjo (UI/IEN)
Women Empowerment by HE Dr.Meutia Hatta
Public Works by HE Minister/ Secretary
Social Affairs by Dr. Pudji Hastuti (Director General)
Session Two: Ageing & Development: Demography, Family and Community Support
Moderator: Dr. Ratnasari Azahari (BKKBN)
Demography of Older Persons in Indonesia by LD UI
Case studies:
Surabaya by Prof. Daldiri Mangundiwiryo (ABIYOSO/National Commission)
Jogjakarta by Mrs. Utaryo (DNIKS)
Jakarta by Mrs Eva Sabdono (YEL/HelpAge Indonesia)
Coffee Break
Session Three: Integration of Ageing issues into Policy
Moderator: Dr. Nugroho Abikusno (InResAge/ IEN)
Long Term Care in Indonesia by Dr. Sonja Roesma (Pelita Usila)
Guidelines of Shanghai implementation strategy by UN ESCAP
Media perspective of Ageing by UN ESCAP
Day Two:
Training sessions on UN ESCAP methodology
Session One: UN ESCAP method guidelines
Facilitator: UN ESCAP and InResAge/ IEN
Coffee Break
Session Two: Small group session
Session Three: Small group session
Session Four: Small group session
Session Five: Small group session
Day Three:
Evaluation and Recommendation
Group Discussions on
I. Older Persons Empowerment
II. Health and Social Needs
III. Older Person Enabling Environment
Plenary Session
Group presentations
Moderator: Dr. Nugroho Abikusno
I. Older Persons Empowerment
II. Health and Social Needs
III. Older Person Enabling Environment
Executive Summary and Recommendationof national workshop
Moderator: Dr. Soesilo Wibowo
Secretary: Dr. Nugroho Abikusno
Closing Ceremony
The Participants of workshop:
30 participants representing stakeholders in ageing affairs namely government, NGO, academia, older persons, business, and mass media, will be invited to participate in the national workshop.