March 2013
General Information
1. What are CommonExams?
- CommonExams are state-mandated secure assessments. They measure student learning in subjects and grades not covered by the state testing program.
- The assessments will contain both multiple-choice and constructed-response questions.
2. What are the goals of CommonExams?
The NCDPI stated goals are:
- To develop and increase the effectiveness of teachers.
- To have an effective teacher in every classroom in every school.
- To see evidence of achievement and growth of all students.
3. How will these exams be used/not used?
- Exam results will be used as baseline data for Standard 6 of the McRel teacher evaluation tool.
- High school students enrolled in a tested subject must participate in that exam in order to receive credit for thatparticular course.
- Common Exam scores will not be used as 25% of a student’s final grade in that class in the 2012-13 school year.
4. What are the subjects/courses being tested?
High School
- Science: Earth Environmental Science, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Science
- English Language Arts: ELA I, III, IV
- Math: Pre-Calculus, Advanced Functions and Modeling, Geometry, Algebra II/Integrated Math III
- Social Studies: World History, U.S. History, Civics & Economics
- Occupational Course of Study: ELA I, III, IV, Financial Management, Introductory Math, Applied Science
Middle/Elementary School
- Science: Grades 4, 6, 7
- Social Studies: Grades 4-8
5. Who will score constructed response items?
- Constructed response items will be scored by CMS content teachers who are teaching the course or licensed in the content area.
- Scorers may be selected at the discretion of the principal.
6. Will compensation be offered for scoring?
- Compensation will not be offered for teacher scoring.
7. When will scoring be performed?
- Scoring will occur during the school day, as much as possible.
8. What is a Lead Score Facilitator?
- A Lead Score Facilitator is a teacher at each tested school agreeing to take on the extra duty of facilitating the scoring process and training all scorers.
- Lead Score Facilitators will receive additional compensation.
- Lead Score Facilitators have been or will be recommended by their principals.
- Lead Score Facilitators cannot be the school’s testing coordinator.
- What training is required?
- For Test Coordinators
- Test coordinators must participate in the administrative procedures and guidelines training offered by the Office of Accountability in April. This training will be incorporated in the EOC/EOG training.
- For Scorers
- Scorers must participate in the online modulesoffered by NCDPI for all content teachers.
- High school content teachers must participate in the online modules by March 31.
- Elementary and middle school content teachers must participate in the online modulesby April 30. (Grades 4-8 online module not available until 1st week of April)
- Online modulesinclude:
- Overview and Purpose
- Design and Structure of MSLs
- Content Specific
- For School Site Trainings
- Test administration process
- Teacher scoring process
- For Lead Score Facilitators
- Lead score facilitators must complete the online modules and participate in the sessions provided in April by the Office of Accountability and C&I.
- How do I accessthe on-line module?
- Click on link below or paste into your browser
- Click on PD Online modules(on the right)
- Scroll down and click on MSL: Grades 9-12
- Click on Continue
- If you have an account,
- Select, Log-in(on the left)
- This page houses all the PD modules
- If you do not have an account,
- Select, ‘Create new account”(on the right)
- Follow all prompts
- Go to your email and verify account
- Click on link, then select ‘Courses’
- Answer security questions, click ‘Continue’
- Go back to email to verify again
- Click ‘here’(in email)
- You are now on ‘Courses Overview Tab’
- In course search box, (on the right) type: Measures of Student Learning Grades 9-12
- Click on MSL Grades 9-12
- Click on ‘Enroll Me’
- This page houses all the PD modules
Test Administration
11. When will Common Exams beadministered?
- The testing window is May 13–31
- No testing can occur on May 15 or16due to religiousholidays
- All testing must be completed by May 31
- All exams will be timed for 90 minutes, excluding general instructions and break time.
- Administration of multiple exams in one day ispermitted.
12. Are make-ups required?
- Yes. Any absent student should make up the test upon returning to school, within the established testing window.
13. Are retests required?
- Retests are not required except in case of a misadministration.
- Retesting cannot be completed earlier than five consecutive calendar days following the prior administration.
14. Are there Alternate Assessments?
- Alternate assessments will NOT be available.
15. Who is required to participate?
- All middle and high school studentsenrolled in the tested subjects, including students who are repeating the course.
- All elementary school students taught science or social studies by a teacher not teaching them math or language arts.
- 95% of eligible students in each school must be tested.
16. Who is NOT required to participate?
- Students currently being instructed on the Extended ContentStandards and who have NCEXTEND1 documented in their IEP.
- Students identified as LEP who score BELOW level 4.0 Expanding on reading subtest of the W-APT, are not required to be assessed on English Language Arts I, III, IV, and OCS English Language Arts I, III and IV.
- Students taking a course for credit recovery.
- Students enrolled in courses taught by non-CMS employees.
- Students enrolled in NCVPS.
- Students approved for a medical exemption.
- Students enrolled in AP / IB classes.
- Elementary school students who are taught science or social studies by the teacher who also teaches them math or language arts.
17. Are proctors required?
- Proctors are required when the test administrator is the teacher of record.
- Proctors are NOT required if test administrator is NOT the teacher of record (swapping classes).
18. Are calculators allowed?
- Yes. Graphing calculators are a minimum requirement for Algebra II, Advanced Functions in Modeling and Pre-Calculus.
- Yes. Scientific calculators are a minimum requirement for Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics, Earth/Environmental Science.
19. Will support materials be provided?
- Yes. Graph paper, periodic tables and formula sheets will be delivered to schools with their testing materials.
20.Will accommodations be provided to students?
- Yes. Students using accommodations on Common Exams must have their accommodations documented specifically for Common Exams in theirIEP, LEP and 504 testing plans.
- The deadline for entering documentation is 30 days prior to testing.
21. Will audits be performed?
- Audits may be performed during test administration and performance task scoring.
22. How will scoring be done?
- Constructed response items will be scored using the two scorer method.
- Scorer 1 will be the teacher of record.
- Scorer 2 will be another qualified scorer.
- A process is being developed for schools without a second qualified scorer.
- CommonExams contain both multiple-choice questions and performance tasks.
- Multiple choice scoring
- All exams will be scanned using State provided software.
- Scanning will take place at the Scoring Center.
- Constructed responsescoring
- Scored based on State provided rubric
23. When does my school score?
- Scoring may begin after all original test administrations in a particular subject area have been completed (i.e. when all Physics exams have been administered, Physics may be scored)
- Scoring does not have to wait for make-up testing
24. Where can I get more information?
- The NCDPI provided the following link to general information and guidelines
Contact Information
Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
Mary Paradzinsky,
Doug Jones,
Katy Dula,
March 2013