Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America

Established By Patriots – Blessed By Pope Pius XI – Chartered By An Act of Congress

National Webmaster’s Report to National Commander

January, 2011 – December, 2011

Dear Commander Haley and Distinguished Board of Officers the following is a report of the monthly visits to our website for 2011:

As you can see in the chart above, we have had 8951 Unique (1st Time) visitors and 17058 total visitors in 2011, an average of over 1400 visitors per month. In the month of January, 2012, we had 1786 unique (1st Time) visitors and 3349 total visitors, almost twice the amount of visitors for January 2011. This shows that our presence on the internet is increasing.

With the assistance of PNC Jose Garcia and Ohio StateTreasurer Mike Blau we have finalized the design of the Departmentand local post sites. NH, NY, and TX are up and running with allof their local posts full functional. I am in the process of writing the local sits for the Department of Ohio. All of the other Departments are up and running with limited functionality. I have imported the national records for all members as of October 1, 2011 into the new system’s database. I am now waiting for the remaining Department to designate their web coordinator so that I can work with that person to get their department fully functional. The web addresses for the State Departments are as follows:


Connecticut –

Florida –

Georgia –

Idaho –

Illinois –

Maryland –

Michigan –

Minnesota –

New Jersey –

New York –



Oklahoma –

Pennsylvania –

Virginia –

Wisconsin –

I have also completed work on The National Administrative Site and it’s address is as follows:

Commander Haley has already register as a user on the site and is using it. I am requesting that all our National Officers and Directors register as users on the site before leaving for home.

HQ Post 4 is also up and full functional. As soon as possible, I will work with our HQ staff to get them on the new system. It is our goal to switch over to the new system for the CWV 2013/14 year.

We would like to have the Departments fully rolled out by July of this year but to do this; we need your support and participation. As I mentioned before, we need a minimum of one individual from each of the departments to be the department webmaster. I also need at least one post in your department to participate at the post level.

Once the new system is rolled out, we suggest that a small annual web surcharge be billed to each post, chapter, and department. The funds received from this surcharge can be used to offset our internet fees and future development costs. Our suggestion is that we charge $10.00 for posts under 50 members, $15.00 for posts over 50 members, and $25 for chapters and departments.

I am brought my laptop so that we can demo the sites for the Department Commanders and any interested officers. PNC Jose Garcia will assist in scheduling these demos.

Fraternally Yours,

David J. Crum