Student/Parent Complaints Policy /
OWNED BY: / Quality Officer
DATE OF LAST REVIEW / September 2017
PLANNED NEXT REVIEW: / September 2018
APPLIES TO: / Staff /  / Student /  / Public / 
  1. Context/Legal Framework for policy

Cirencester College is committed to offering a high quality service to all students and parents, as the Student Charter demonstrates. We hope that your time and experience at Cirencester College will be a happy and rewarding one. We are aware, however, that concerns do, from time to time, arise. If you are concerned about something, we want to know at an early stage and we will listen to you and treat the issue sensitively and confidentially (unless you or someone else is at risk or breaking the law). If you are uncertain whether to complain, speak in confidence to a member of staff or contact the Vice Principal (Student Journey and Support).

  1. Aims of Policy

The policy is designed to provide a framework for any complaint from either student or parent. It also outlines the way in which the College will deal with any complaint and the actions and timescale for dealing with complaints.

  1. Who this policy is aimed at

The policy is aimed at both students and parents.

  1. Who is responsible for what under this policy and how do we implement it?

All members of College staff are responsible for dealing with complaints; specifically the following process should be followed:

In the first instance and in confidence, talk to the person most directly concerned or to:

  • your Personal Tutor
  • your course lecturer(s)
  • Adult Learning Advisor

Alternatively speak to:

  • Pastoral Manager
  • Head of School

If the member of staff to whom you express a concern or make a complaint about is unable to give a satisfactory response, he/she will refer the issue to the relevant Head of School Vice Principal (Student Journey and Support)

If you have a more serious or pressing concern or you wish to make a complaint, you should contact Libby Reed, Vice Principal (Student Journey and Support):

- 01285 626240

An appointment can be made at Reception, where complaint forms are also available

Alternatively, write to Libby at the College address:

Fosse Way Campus

Stroud Road



The Vice Principal (Student Journey and Support) will refer your concern/complaint to the person responsible for the College area involved. In the case of course-related issues or tutorial support, this is likely to be the Head of School or Pastoral Manager. In the case of customer or cross-college services, the Vice Principal (Student Journey and Support) or her nominee, will investigate and respond to your concerns.

The Vice Principal (Student Journey and Support) will monitor all concerns/complaints, which will be recorded centrally and confidentially. You should receive a response to, or acknowledgement of, any written complaint within five working days and a response within twenty working days if initially acknowledged only.

To help you:

  • Keep a record of relevant dates and discussions and a copy of any documents
  • Do not give up, if you are not happy with the response you receive, persist
  1. How the College monitors this

Neil Andrews Vice Principal (Curriculum, Pastoral and Quality Assurance) will oversee quality assurance of complaint responses and you may receive a follow-up call from Bev Parker, our Quality Systems Officer, to ask if you are satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with.

An annual report on customer feedback (not individual cases) will be presented to the Senior College Management team and the College Board of Governors, as part of our quality assurance processes.

If you are unhappy about the way the College has dealt with your complaint, you can write to:

  • Chair of Governors, Cirencester College
  1. Evidence that the policy is effective and working

The college maintain a record of all complaints and this is monitored and maintained by the Quality Systems Officer.