2006-2007 Implementation Task Force ASSIGNMENTs status

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November 30, 2006

Priority No / No. / Imp. T F
Number / Action / Deadline / Status
1 / 1
** / 42 / Prepare amicus briefs on licensure issues / Ongoing / Art Schwartz will continue to prepare Amicus Briefs when NSPE elects to participate. Subcommittee will review and comment as requested. No further action by subcommittee unless requested by Art Schwartz MONITOR
1 / 3 / 44 / Form an alliance with NCEES to have NSPE promote licensure on behalf of both organizations / Ongoing / Art Schwartz has written a letter to NCEES and received a response that has established several areas of mutual cooperation. Art is continuing to follow up on this effort.
2 / 6
**** / 50 / Train states to explain the importance of licensure when meeting with freshmen engineering classes at all ABET accredited schools / 1/15/06 / NCEES is providing a speaker for training at the House of Delegates training session in Boston – July 9, 2006.
3 / 10 / 38 / Create a reference document on "What Do You Do if You Don't Pass?" / 6/30/05 / Draft document created by Jorge Trevino was reviewed at the 7/8/06 meeting. Document wtih modifications was to be forwarded to NCEES ( Jerry Carter & chuck Wallace) for review and comments
3 / 11 / 46 / Create reference material and an on-line template to document and track work experience and references for EIs / 6/30/06 / NCEES is developing a template for EIs. NSPE will coordinate with NCEES
3 / 12 / 52 / Establish NSPE as the clearinghouse and gateway for both internal and external information about NSPE and the PE. Become the "google" on everything the PE needs to know. / 6/30/06 / Greenfield to contact Walch regarding a clearer definition of this task
4 / 13 / 41 / Prepare a CD outlining NSPE’s position on PE issues and distribute to PE board members / 9/30/06 / Copy of CD to be sent to Nelson
4 / 15
** / 51 / Support NCEES with information on licensure trends, legislative initiatives, etc. to PE board members / 12/31/06 / Blitman to discuss with NCEES President Martin Pederson
4 / 16 / 53 / Expand PE issues hot-line to an on-line service / 12/31/06
4 / 17
** / 54 / Consolidate all legal opinions into one central location with on-line access by members / 12/31/06
5 / 18
***** / 45 / Develop programs to make NSPE more visible at PE board meetings, PE exam sites, etc. / 6/30/07
5 / 19
**** / 48 / Provide personal volunteer outreach to PE boards at the state society level / 6/30/07
5 / 20
* / 72 / Promote NSPE membership to PE boards / 6/30/07

*The primary responsibility for item 20 is with the Membership Committee. L&QP has secondary responsibility.

**The secondary responsibility for items 1, 15 & 17 is with the L&GA Committee.

*** The secondary responsibility for item 4 is with the Membership Committee.

****The secondary responsibility for items 6 & 19 is with the Outreach TF.

*****The secondary responsibility for item 18 is with Branding AG.