If we have been running a marathon – this is the sprint to the finish line!

GDAC received a final Certificate of Occupation on 13 April, 2012. Although there is still work to do, the Council is satisfied that its requirements are met. Last week, C Reid Removalists (thank you, Treasea) moved the goods and chattels from Lynette Brown’s house (and thank you to Lynette for letting GDAC use so much space for so long) to the gallery. Carol Divall and a band of dedicated helpers have almost completed the set up of the gallery space. Many thanks for their hard work and especially to Brian Divall for painting plinths, putting up tracking and additional lights and many other not so small jobs.

All it needs now is your artworks!

So that the opening can be spectacular, we need your help. There are many things which need to be done, so read on.


We need to make the gallery look superb for the opening.

Tasks for the day:

  • Cleaning windows – paper towels, Windex or similar
  • General cleaning of loos, crib room, kitchen
  • Unpacking remaining boxes and finding a place for the contents
  • Rubbish removal – need a ute or small truck
  • Mowing or whipper snipping remaining grass (and there is not much left)

A BBQ lunch of a sausage sandwich and salad will be available for a small cost; we will have a raffle and a trading table (with proceeds to GDAC, so it’s a donation from you). Last working bee, we concentrated on edibles for the trading table and we must thank Jane McDonnell for the beautifully presented and delicious fudge, apricot thingies and Florentines. They sold very quickly, so let’s do that again.


You and your friends are cordially invited to the opening! The more the merrier, but please RSVP to Lynette Brown by 19 May. The RSVP is essential for catering – we don’t want to run out of food or drink because you didn’t tell us how many friends you are bringing.

It is envisaged that the event will be from 4-6pm with.

  • Food – we are self catering. Lynette Brown is co-ordinating the food. Members are asked to contribute to food requirements, please advise Lynette if you are able to bring savouries/dips, sandwiches or slices/cakes. Lynette can be contacted on 4821 1959 or email
  • Waiters – can you volunteer to take around trays of drinks and food, please? Ring Diane Sanna on 0411 173 216 or email
  • Sales Staff – we need the till to be manned by a couple of people on the opening day. Please ring Robyn Primrose 4823 6110 or 0417 750 717 to volunteer. Robyn will refresh your memory as to its use.
  • Preparation helpers – several people to man the kitchen and replenish plates, etc would be very helpful. We don’t want to tie these volunteers to the kitchen for the whole time, so a rotation would be great, and then we can all enjoy the occasion. Ring or email Diane to volunteer.
  • Cleaning Up – Inevitably, there will need to be a clean up after the guests are gone. Please volunteer – garbage bags supplied. Please ring or email Diane
  • Raffle prize – We need a really good prize, as this is a fund raiser. Anna Shead had a brilliant idea of creating a hamper of handmade items. If you can contribute to the hamper, please ring Anna on 0438 367 033 or email
  • All volunteers are asked to arrive by 3pm on the day.
  • GDAC has 85 members – we need you all!!!!


We can’t have an opening with an empty gallery. So we need you to bring your artworks SOON. Work can be delivered to the gallery on:

  • Wednesday 2nd May from 10am – 2pm
  • Saturday 5th May from 10am (that’s the working bee)
  • Monday 7th from 4pm -7pm (Robyn will be at gallery).

All works must have a swing tag (available at the gallery at cost) and an accompanying invoice stating a description of the work and the sales price. Garments must carry care instructions attached to the piece.


As you are aware, there is a 4 week rotational roster. To get the reduced commission of 20%, volunteers need to commit to 6 hours every four weeks. This commitment may be discharged in one 6 hour shift or two 3 hour shifts.

The gallery will be open Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 10am-4pm. Volunteers are asked to arrive 15mins before opening and close the doors at 4pm, then close the till, etc (another 15 minutes). There will be 2 people per shift.

Please ring Lynette Brown on 4921 1959 or email to advise your preferred days. We need a roster for the week prior to the opening and for opening night.


Would you like to be the very first Artist of the Month in the new gallery? Artist of the Month promotes the work of one artisan in a dedicated space. If you can get some work together quickly, ring Carol Divall on 4821 2572, because it would be great to have an AoM for the opening.

Carol is taking bookings for the ongoing Artist of the Month programme, so please contact her and save a month for yourself.


The exhibition section of the gallery is now open for bookings. Members may hire the space for $350 per fortnight (see your Terms and Conditions) or non members for $500 per fortnight. Ring Carol Divall 4821 2572 for availability.


Our first workshop is booked for 16 and 17 July – sadly that workshop is full! The crib room is available for workshops, so why not run a workshop? Ring Robyn Primrose 4823 6110 to book.


  • A low backed, black or grey (or similar neutral) 2 or 3 seater lounge in good condition?
  • A neutral floor rug about 2x3m?
  • A large desk for the reception desk (about 2.5m long, 80cm wide)?

If you have any of these, please contact Carol on 4821 2572 to discuss their suitability.


WORKING BEE – Saturday 2 JUNE 10AM – 1PM – just because we’re open, the work doesn’t stop!


An opportunity to get rid of the excess art and craft stash and any other stash you are hoarding! Book a table on the verandah for $20. No commission will be charged, just the flat fee. Members are covered by GDAC’s insurance; non-members should provide proof of insurance when booking. There will be a sausage sizzle for a mere $2.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Saturday 11 August, Time TBA.

A Special General Meeting will be held prior to the AGM. It is time to think about what you can do for our organisation. Under the Constitution, a member may be an office bearer for a maximum of 3 years. Both the Secretary and the Treasurer have served 3 years and will have to step down. Please consider serving on the Committee as an office bearer or an ordinary Committee member.



Bruce Pryor, Brenda Clough, Nick Stouton , Catherine Ward (and have a look at the fabulous Facebook page Catherine has created for Gallery on Track); Alison Lawrence and Jennifer Hart.

Welcome to you all and we look forward to hanging your works!


As part of the 150th Anniversary of Goulburn we are looking to contribute to the anniversary by doing a series of artworks that can be used for merchandising for the event. Conceptually we are looking at 6 themes that can be used on T-towels, posters etc. The six themes are as follows: 1. Pioneers of Goulburn; 2. Architectural landmarks of Goulburn; 3. Transport in Goulburn; 4. Parks and Gardens of Goulburn; 5. 6. The style is fine pen or pencil work, though black and white photography could also be an option. Please contact Doug McIntyre if you are interested in contributing.

See you on the 26th May!

This project is funded by; Soldiers’ club and the following bodies;


Goulburn & District Arts & Crafts Inc. ABN 23 462 827 448Gallery on Track

Blackshaw Road, Goulburn NSW 2580, PO Box 193, Phone; 48227889, Email;

GDAC Committee; Doug McIntyre – Vice President; Robyn Primrose – TreasurerProject Manager, Lynnette Brown – Secretary, Diane Sanna, Anna Shead, Marolyn Turner – Committee members.