Registration Check-In at Shelburne Middle School, Staunton, VA
Even if you decide to do a route(s) beginning/ending at one of our two remote sites, you must register/check in at Shelburne
We hope that this orientation will help you have a safe and enjoyable festival as well as answering questions you may have about it. But if after checking in at the school you would like to discuss route options, view large maps of the routes or have further questions come see us at the orientation corner Friday night, Saturday orSunday morning.
Emergency-----911 Assistance –Ride Director, Beth Ann ----540-448-0870
ROUTES --There are 7 routeson Saturdaywith three starting/ending at Shelburne and four at Mt. HorebPresbyterian Church near Grottoes, VA (the lunch site for all routes). There are 6routes on Sunday with one beginning at Shelburne and the others inMiddlebrook, VA (the breakfast site for all routes). Addresses and directions for Mt. Horeb and Middlebrook are on our website and will be included with the information you receive when you check-in.
Remember, all routes have hills-even the family routes.The elevation profiles and maps are on our website and Facebook page (if unavailable when you sign up, check back at a later date-it’s a work in progress). Try to pick the route (s) most suitable for you. Even a moderate wind (not at all unusual in the valley) combined with hills may make the route seem longer or more difficult than it actually is. Because our routes are loops and sometimes overlap you can customize your own routes and distance. If you do be sure to stay on the official routes because if you leave themyou will have no festival support.
HOW THE ROUTES ARE MARKED--All routes are marked with painted arrows/chevrons on the road that will vary in size between 6 and 9 inches or so in length. The routes and arrows are color coded to match the route you have chosen to do. At every intersection where we feel it’s necessary for you to make a decision as towhich way to go, there will be an arrownear the edge of the road. If a turn is involved there will be a confirmation arrow after the turn. There will not always be a confirmation arrow if the route simply goesstraight across an intersection.
In addition, in advance of an intersection where a turn is required there will be at least one and sometimes twoor more arrows indicating the turn- (except for some of the turnsin town) –Further, at some turns on Saturday there will be signs at/near the intersection indicating a turn. NOT EVERY INTERSECTION IS MARKED NOR ARE THERE MARKSON LONG SECTIONS BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS. If you think you have missed a turn consult your cue sheet and map which you will receive when you check in.
Saturday Family Route –This is a partial Gravel Road/Fat TireBike route. Route options are 6.4, 11.4 & 12.8 miles with Gravel Road options of 1.2, 1.3 or 2.5 miles. The route options will be marked on the road indicating option 1, 2 or 3.
Sunday Century Route– This is a three loop ride so next to each chevron/arrow there will be either a 1,2 or 3 indicating the loop(s).
OPENING/CLOSING TIME AND SATURDAY CENTURY GROUP START--All of ourroutes open at 8:00AM and close at 4:00PM. Closing time means all rest stops are closed and SAG support is withdrawn. The only route that has a group start is the Saturday Century and it’s at 8:00 AM at Shelburne.
SAFETY --Each rider is responsible for his or her own safety and for riding safely. Ride on the far right side of the road with traffic. Never cross a center line or the center of an unmarked road. In Virginia while riding a bicycle it’s the law that “you must follow the same rules that apply to motor vehicles. Obey all traffic signs, signals, lights and markings. You may ride no more than two side by side, but you MUST ride single file when moving slower than traffic”. We strongly encourage you to ride single file at all times.
Communicate with hand signals and audible warnings such as “On your left”, “Car Back” etc. Get yourself and your bicycle completely off the road when stopped.
SAG SUPPORT-- Most of our SAG vehicles have a flashing orange light on top plus an orange streamer from the radio antenna. Each vehicle will have a bicycle pump and a small first aid kit. Should you need either they will be handed to you for you to use yourself. SAG vehicles can also be used to take you back to where you began your ride but use Sag vehicles only in case of emergency- ARMS UP andTHUMBS DOWN for them to stop. SAG drivers will be wearing green vests. There is no SAG support after the routes close.
OTHER --On Friday night there will be bike repair in the gym provided by Cycles Ed. Saturday he will be at the first rest stop as well as the lunch site and Sunday at the breakfast site. In addition Black Dog Bikes-540-877-8700- is close by in downtown Staunton and will be open with extra hours. Before going, call to confirm the shop is open.
Lunch on Saturday is from 10:30AM to 3:00 PM and Breakfast/Brunch on Sunday is from 8:30AM to 2:30PM. Both are included in your registration fee. Be sure to wear the wristbandyou receive when you check in. It’s your admission ID for lunch on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday and discounted prices at many restaurants, merchants and also to a number of our local attractions. You will receive a list of these when you check in. Just show your ID.
The festival would not be possible without the help of many, many people and organizations. These include volunteers, sponsors, Staunton and Augusta County tourism and recreation departments, police and sheriff departments, church groups, ruritan clubs, school clubs, scouting organizations, businesses, restaurants and local attractions.
A few days after the festival you will receive (via email) a survey. Please complete itand return it to us. We are especially interested in receiving your suggestions for how we might do things differently. Almost every year we make changes based on rider feedback so let us hear from you.