The Department plans to implement a programme and project plan to ensure the implementation of the Rectification Programme, in conjunction with the Provinces to address defects in subsidy houses. Such defectsinclude structural defects, and includethose found in platforms and shaping of grounds, foundation, floors, walls, roof and plumbing.These defects range from severe to moderate defects, and must have arisen as a result of construction and/or poor workmanship, undertaken in terms of the National Housing Programme.

The National Rectification Programme aims to correct defectson subsidy houses resulting generally from poor workmanshiponsubsidy houses that do not meet technical requirements as specified by South African National Standards (SANS) 10400 and NHBRC, as may have been applicable at the time of construction.


The Rectification Programme will be implemented and managed under the auspices of the Programme Management Unit (PMU) at a national level.

2.1The PMU will be responsible for the following:

  • Conceptualising and planning of the implementation;
  • Obtaining support from Provincial and Local Government;
  • Alignment of rectification objectives with NDoHS principles
  • Managing the Programme budget;
  • Approval of implementation programme;
  • Standardising of tender documentation;
  • Aligning the programme methodology, approach and plans;
  • Ensure the specific project objectives are achieve;
  • Monitoring the performance and approve payment as per progress; and
  • Submit and present monthly reports to NDoHS

The Rectification Programme is specific and time dependent, and dependant on the annual budget allocation. It is therefore proposed that where required external Programme Managerswill be appointed at national level to support the Provinces in coordinating and aligning the implementation of the programme.

2.2The appointed Programme Managersfor the Rectification Programme will be responsible for the facilitation of the following functions:

  • Evaluating the findings from the NHBRC investigation;
  • Conceptualising and planning of the programme as well as obtaining NDOHS management approval;
  • Stakeholder facilitation at all levels;
  • Coordination;
  • Consolidating reports;
  • Preparation of cost estimated for construction and professional fees
  • Setting up of site offices at provincial and/or regional levels
  • Appointment and managing of building contractors per province and/or region;
  • Allocation of work;
  • Carrying out of rectification work in terms of agreed scope, budget and time
  • Developing, evaluating and approving the delivery programme and cash flows;
  • Quality control and supervision;
  • Certifying of payment;
  • Monitoring and reporting on performance;
  • Adherence to health and safety regulations;
  • Setting up a reporting mechanism; and
  • Submitting monthly reports to the PMU and NDOHS

The majority of planning and setting up of the programme will be performed in a parallel manner.

Only experienced home building contractors, with the appropriate Construction Industry Development Board and relevant NHBRC registration, will be appointed per province and/or region.


3.1CATEGORY 1: NON STRUCTURAL DEFECTS:Moderate Rectification Work

Housing units with BQIH scores of between 75% - 100%, will undergo normal rectification and thus be classified as Category One

3.2CATEGORY 2: MINOR STRUCTURAL DEFECTS: Extensive Rectification Work

Housing units with BQIH scores of between 50% - 74%, will undergo extensive rectification and thus be classified as Category Two


Housing units with BQIH scores between 0% - 49%, will be demolished and rebuilt and are classified as Category Three


Category of Defects and Rectification Cost Estimate
Category Description / Cost Estimate
Category 1 / Moderate rectification / R 19,523.74
Category 2 / Extensive rectification / R 38,673.00
Category 3 / Demolish and rebuild to new standard of 40m2 / R 85,468.88
Extra over / Cost of temporary accommodation / R 25,000.00
Extra over / Cost of Civil Engineering Infrastructure per Stand- where applicable / R 45,000.00
Assessments / New assessments for houses that have not been assessed / R1,200.00

3.5The cost estimates (category 1&2) are the average cost estimates based on the defects observed on poorly constructed low-cost housing.

3.6The estimate includes the professional fees.

3.7The extra over cost for temporary accommodation is provided for in order to for temporary accommodate the people construction work is being carried out on their units. This provision is for an estimated 30% of the total number of units to be demolished and rebuilt.

3.8The provision for civil engineering infrastructures is assumed and will be verified during the assessment review (PS. Unavailability of Civil Engineering infrastructure is partly responsible to some defects found in some township).