National Programme on School students and Evaluation

ShaalaSiddhi :

Shaala Siddhi is a selfevaluation of your school

The need for effective schools and improving school performance is increasingly felt in the Indian Education System to provide Quality Education for all children

NPSSE Visualizes School Evaluation as the means and school improvement as the goal. It refers to evaluating the individual school and its performance in a holistic and continuous manner leading to school improvement in an incremental manner.

Instructions :

Should be used only by authorized personal of the school

Please send your log in ID and Password for any further use.

Fill up all the components of the dashboard.

Edit your information before final submission.

Steps for uploading the dash board to the web portal

Step 1 :

1)Go to shaala Siddhi web portal

2)Click on login Icon

3)If you are a first time user then click on new user

  • Select level school level
  • Enter your UDISE Code
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Mobile number

4)Enter the pin (OTP) received on your mobile number and click on submit.

5)After submitting your pin you can create your password.

6)Save your password further use.

(Password shall be 8 to 10 characters 1 in lower case, 1 in upper case, 1 digit, 1 special character)

Step : 2 Login

User Name : 11 Digits UDISE code

Password : enter password


Step : 3

Filling up the dash board

  1. Fill in Demographic profile.
  2. Fill class wise attendance rate

Submit and then next

  1. Fill class wise learning out comes in percentage

Submit and then next

  1. Fill number of teachers

Submit and then next

  1. Fill no of teachers who availed

a)Long leave

b)Short leave

Submit and then next

  1. Select your level against each core standard and prioritize the area developing

(low / medium / high )

Submit and then next

  1. Like wise fill all the seven key domains
  2. there are seven key domains and each key domain consists of certain core standards as follows.

Domain – I -12 core standards

Domain – II-9 core standards

Domain – III-5 core standards

Domain – IV-6 core standards

Domain – V-3 core standards

Domain – VI-5 core standards

Domain – VII-5 core standards

  • Fill the mission statement in English with 20 to 50 words.
  • Fill the area improvement , proposed action, support needed and action taken for all seven key domains only in English.
  • Click and then submit.

Step : 4

  • Before final submission click on the check box I accept terms and conditions.
  • Click on final submission (before final submission you can edit your data )
  • After final submission unfreeze icon will appear.
  • Click in unfreeze icon if you want to edit your information.
  • A dialogue box will appear on the screen for conformation.

Steps : 5

  • Generating reports.
  • Click on reports icon
  • Select the type of report
  • Select school evaluation composite matrix
  • Select school evaluation reports
  • Select school evaluation dashboard
  • Select composite matrix status report