National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML)

The NPQML is a professional qualification providing recognition of leadership development and professional achievement. It is aimed at individuals with responsibility for leading a team, including leaders of key stage, subject, curriculum, heads of department and pastoral leaders. This includes those who are, or who are aspiring to be, a middle leader with cross-school responsibilities e.g. a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE).

Course Dates:

21 June 2018 / Introduction / Twilight 4pm-6pm
4 July 2018 / Face to face days linked to modules / Full Day
20 September 2018 / Face to face days linked to modules / Full Day
7 November 2018 / Face to face days linked to modules / Full Day
26 February 2019 / Face to face days linked to modules / Full Day
Late April 2019 / Assessment workshop / Twilight 4pm-6pm

Course Overview:

The qualification will support you in becoming a highly effective middle leader, with the skills, confidence and knowledge to drive successful team performance and improved classroom practice across your team. The support of a 'sponsor' from your school, usually your line manager or Headteacher, is essential to enable you to make the most of the programme.

Each module involves a mix of blended learning, including the following:

  • Online Entry Leadership Diagnostic that identifies development areas through feedback from colleagues.
  • Induction Twilight for you and your coach, to fully understand the requirements of the programme and journey to final assessment.
  • Four face-to-face days fully facilitated by two experienced and LLSE-trained Facilitators.
  • Online self-directed study to link face-to-face learning with your school environment.
  • School exchange programme through action learning sets to share best practice with colleagues.
  • Online access to the most recent school leadership research to support your development as a leader.
  • Final Assessment Twilight to fully prepare you for your assessment submission.
  • Ongoing in-school coach/mentor support to link learning to your in-school role.

Programme Cost is £749 per person

Study Modules

Leading with Impact:

  • Anticipate other peoples’ views or feelings and moderate your approach accordingly.
  • Adopt different leadership styles to ensure the team meets its objectives.
  • Present, communicate or defend challenging messages confidently and positively to a range of audiences.

Teaching and Curriculum Excellence:

  • Grow excellent, evidence-based teaching in a team and a curriculum that develops pupils academically and prepares them for adult life.
  • Improve the progress, attainment and behaviour of all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have particular needs (for example, Pupil Premium, SEND, EAL or the most able pupils).

Increasing Capability:

  • Hold others to account, line manage and evaluate performance effectively.
  • Support all members of their team with appropriate, targeted opportunities for professional development, including newly qualified teachers, teaching assistants, and stronger or weaker performers.
  • Recognise their own strengths and weaknesses and identify learning linked to their needs.
  • Evaluate the impact of professional development and pupils outcomes.

School Strategy and Improvement:

  • Manage and analyse performance data to evaluate progress, identify trends, define team priorities and develop improvement strategies.
  • Implement successful change at team level.

Working in Partnership:

  • Realise the benefits of collaborating with others, including teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff, other schools, parents/carers and other organisations.
  • Support their team to build and sustain relationships with others which develop and share good practice and improve performance.

Managing Resources and Risks:

  • Deploy staff, financial and educational resources within a team effectively, to enhance pupil progress and attainment.
  • Manage risks within a team effectively (for example, in relation to staffing, finances or teacher workload), using a risk register.
  • Deliver a safe environment for pupils and staff.

Final Assessment:

The final assessment is submitted to an external assessor. The assessment comprises of a project style submission detailing your development as a leader throughout the programme.

You will create a 4,500 word report based on your School Project where you will have been working with your team to improve pupil progress and attainment and your team's capabilities.

Your school-based coach and sponsor will also be required to contribute by verifying your submission and supporting with further evidence.

You will be able to choose a window for your assessment within an 18 month timescale.

To apply for your place on the NPQML course, please complete our application form and return


Deadline for applications: Monday 21 May 2018