7509 Broadway

Galveston, TV 77554

National Maritime Day is observed on May 22, the date that the American steamshipSavannahsailed from the United States to England. This event marked the first successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean using steam propulsion. On May 20, 1933, Congress declared May 22 as National Maritime Day.

In 2006 the Maritime Administration joined forces with the American Association of Port Authorities, the US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Council Inc, the US Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other entities involved in the maritime industry to raise the awareness of National Maritime Day and of the maritime industry as a whole.

In conjunction with NATIONAL MARITIME WEEK observed by the City of Galveston and coordinated by the Port of Galveston and Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce, Sea Star Base Galveston will host the second annual “Meet a Mariner Day”, May 19, 2017, 10 am – 3 pm. “Meet a Mariner Day” provides an opportunity to educate the community and region at large, including Maritime students, and the Scouting Community, to meet professional mariners aboard their vessels and to promote maritime education and career pathways, boater’s education and safety.

More than 150 visitors attended the event in 2017 and we are planning for an even larger turnout this year. Special guest will be NASA Astronaut Michael R. Barrattwho will speak in the Commodore Room at 12 noon. Family friendly scavenger hunt is included in the activities.

As valued members of the maritime community, we are inviting commercial vessels, professional mariners, government marine entities - research vessels, law enforcement, Fire boats, Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Texas Parks and Wildlife - to bring their Captains, crews and vessels to Sea Star Base Galveston on Offatt’s Bayou to participate in the day

We are excited about Meet a Mariner Day and anticipate another amazing eventwith our docks lined with the “best of the best” in the Maritime Community!Please let me know if you will be participating.


Captain Margaret Candler

BaySmart Express

Sea Star Base Galveston

(409) 572-2560

WHAT:Meet a Mariner Day

The general public is invited to meet maritime professionals. Mariners will discuss duties and responsibilities associated with vessel. Give tours if possible.

WHEN:Saturday, May 19, 2018

10 am – 3 pm

WHERE:Sea Star Base Galveston

7509 Broadway

Offatts Bayou

Galveston, Tx 77554

SSBG Marina - Floating Docks

WHO:Sea Star Base Galveston

Professional Mariners

Captains, Crews and Vessels

WHY:In conjunction with National Maritime Day and Galveston Maritime Week, the event is an educational outreach focused on maritime careers.

FEE:No admission fee. No participant fee. Complimentary parking and overflow shuttle.

Event Overview:

Mariners will share information/provide flyers on their jobs and vessels. Special appearance by NASA astronaut Michael Barratt, noon, Commodore Room, 5th floor.

Refreshments and food will be available for purchase.

CONTACT: Capt. Margaret A. Candler

Maritime Education Director


P: 409-572-2560 Ext. 1006

C: 713-775-4948

F: 409-572-2564