copyright © Circle of the Dark Moon Coven & Witchcraft School of Magick, All Rights Reserved

Morgan’s Wiccaning

Morgan’s Wiccaning

6 . 15. 2011

Circle of the Dark Moon Coven

Circle of the Dark Moon Coven

You will need these items:

l  The usual tools, candles, paraphernalia for ritual

Items specific to the Ritual

·  A bird-feather fan (optional)

·  Sage

·  Anointing Oil

·  A white candle with the child’s mundane name and Wiccan name carved into it (optional)

·  Water

·  Wine

·  Salt


Cleansing Sacred Space

Sweep the area with besom then smudge with violet-sage.

Cleansing Sacred Space

(Maiden sweeps—with circular widdershins motions—widdershins about the ritual area.
When she is satisfied that enough negativity has been removed she sets the besom aside. Next, she lights the black crone/resolutions candle.
Finally, the maiden checks the layout of the altar making sure that the black candle is at
least near the cauldron.

Except for the above mentioned exceptions, the maiden ensures that the altar should be
divided between male objects on the right—God candle, censer, salt dish, HP’s
athame/sword/wand, and besom— and female objects on the left—Goddess candle,

cauldron, bowl of water, chalice, libation plate (if used), bell, and the HPS’ athame/wand/sword. The pentacle should be placed forward and between the Goddess and God candles.

The maiden also ensures that the chalice is filled and the ‘cakes’ are on the plate. When these tasks are completed, she assists the HPS in any other way deemed necessary. )

Call to the Circle

HPS: (Rings bell to call everyone to the circle.)

HPS: This time is not a time; this place is not a place; today is not a day;

and this night is not a night. I stand at the threshold between the worlds. I stand ready to part the veil of mysteries may the Ancient Ones help and protect us on this mighty journey.

Blessed be.

Coveners: So mote it be.

Consecration of the Elements

Charge at the Pentacle

(HP and HP kneel before the altar. The HP is on the right. Both of them place their right hands upon the pentacle. After a moment, they rise.)

Blessing the Salt

HPS: / (places dish of salt upon the pentacle)
HPS: / I consecrate thee O creature of salt from the Earth,
magickal aid, and seasoning for Brighid’s Cauldron of rebirth.

I cast from thee all hindrance and malignity, so that in my works of magick you may well serve me.

(HPS removes the dish of salt from the pentacle and then places the dish of water upon the pentacle. Then she takes the salt and using her athame drops into the water three measures of salt. She stirs the water three times with the tip of her athame. HPS sets the salt aside.)

Blessing the Water

HPS: / I consecrate thee O creature of water
life giving, whether swiftly flowing or falling from the firmament.
I cast from thee all hindrance and malignity, so that in my works of
magick you may well serve me.
All: / So mote it be.
Blessing the Air

(HP places the censer containing incense upon the pentacle)

HP: I consecrate thee O creature of Air—force of the full moon that

brings the imagination to dare.

I cast from thee all hindrance and malignity, so that in my works of
magick you may well serve me.

All: So mote it be.

Blessing the Fire

(HP lights the incense)

HP: I consecrate thee O creature of Fire—force of Magick’s pyre.

I cast from thee all hindrance and malignity, so that in my works of magick you may well serve me.

All: So mote it be.

(HP sets the censer aside.)

Circle Casting

By Earth

(HP holds the scabbard while the HPS draws the sword. HPS and HP proceed around the circle. While walking about the circle, HPS holds sword pointed at the perimeter. )

HPS: (Traces the about the circle with her athame or sword. If “increasing magick” is to be done she walks deosil about the circle otherwise she travels widdershins if banishing magick is being performed. If mother and child are amenable, they may accompany the HPS as she conjures the magick circle. )

HPS: This sacred knife today we take in hand,

To cut the cord of newborn memory

Of sorrows; cut the fears and birthing pains.

You’ll start anew with newborn wings set free.

We scribe this holy Circle; sacred space

Within the holy temple blessed with mirth.

Come forth in childhood, my sweet, to learn

Of Air and Water, Fire and holy Earth.

We set the stage, oh little one, today’s

The day to come and meet the universe.

This blade doth circle and these words do make

A temple sweet and fine as any verse.

This magick circle is both a rampart and protection against all wickedness that shall both contain and entertain the powers that shall be raised within.

Wherefore do I consecrate thee in the name of Lugh and Hecate.

Strengthening the Circle

By Water

Witch 1: Rain of water and salt sprinkled upon the ground,

Protect us from wickedness, and make our magick sound.

(Sprinkles the salt and water mixture around the circle)

By Air

Witch 2: Into the night sky, incense smoke, roil, rise, and writhe,

Sunder us from the mundane like a scythe.

(Takes incense around circle)

By Fire

Witch 3: Fire, shine true and bright,

Aid, grant clarity of sight,

Mayest the Gods be with us this night.

(Takes candle around circle)

Calling the Quarters

Note: if the coven plans to perform “increasing magick,” the quarters should be called in usual deosil order of East, South, West, and then North.

However, if the coven plans don’t include a working, or banishing magick is being performed, then, the quarters should be called in widdershins order of East, North, West, and then South. For the purposes of this document, the quarters will be presented in traditional dark moon widdershins order.

The Individual quarter calls themselves are presented on separate pages for ease of changing calling order. Page numbers have also been removed on the quarter call pages so that all one needs to do is reorder the pages to correctly reflect the type of magick being performed during the ritual.

East: Hail and welcome ye Sylphs of the Airs and realms of the Atmosphere,

I do summon, stir, and call you up.

Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the East

to guard our circle and to witness our rites.

Sylphs, thou art the gatekeepers of the Eastern Portals of Knowledge and Intellect.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Air)

South: Hail and welcome ye Salamanders from your realms of Fire,

I do summon, stir, and call you up.

Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the South

to guard our circle and to witness our rites.

Salamanders, thou art the gatekeepers of the Southern Portal.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Fire)

West: Hail and welcome ye Undines of the Waters,

I do summon, stir, and call you up.

Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the West

to guard our circle and to witness our rites.

Undines, thou art the gatekeepers of the Western Portals to Death and Initiation.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Water)

North: Hail and welcome ye Gnomes, Dwarves, and Trolls of the Earthen Realms,

I do summon, stir, and call you up.

Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the North

to guard our circle and to witness our rites.

Gnomes, Dwarves, and Trolls thou art the gatekeepers of the Northern Portal of Boreas.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Earth)

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Drawing Down the Dark Moon

Invocation to the Goddess

(HPS & HPS return to the altar)

HPS : (Assumes the Goddess position)

O thou beautiful, Lady of the Moon,
most revered, mysterious, and triune,
Round and full above, yet hidden from our sight.

You glide through a starry sky this Full Chaste Moon night.

Thou art the Holy priestess, the triple Goddess,
Our mighty protectress during the full Moon in darkness.

You are maiden, mother, and crone,

At once, beautiful, full, dark and terrible to behold.

Admirable queen of the starry night,

Show me the mysteries and clear my sight.
I invoke thy lunar ecstasy, and thy mystic trance.
I invoke thy magick, and thy initiated guidance.

I invoke thee to enrich my soul’s power,
O Mother, Brighid come, onto me in this enchanted and sacred hour.

I invoke thee and call upon thee, bright Mother in Shadows of us all.

At the crossroads, I await thee; please heed my call.

O Brighid be with me on this moonlit night.

Mistress of all sorceries, to those brave enough, you grant the sight.

O Goddess please come unto me; grant me your wisdom’s might

and descend upon me, your priestess tonight.

(HPS lights the Goddess Candle)

(HP stands before the HPS)

HPS: (draws invoking pentagram before the HP)

Of the Mother darksome and divine,
Mine is the scourge and mine is the kiss;
The five-point star of love and bliss-
Here I charge you, in this sign.

(HP: stands aside)

The Charge of the Goddess

HP: Listen to the words of the Dark Mother, who of old was called Hecate, Nuit, Morrigan, Banba, Erda, Macha, MotherNight, Sekhmet and many other names.

HPS: (HPS as the Goddess Herself, the HPS turns to face the coven.)

HPS: Whenever ye have need of anything,
once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full,
then shall ye assemble in some secret place
and adore the spirit of me,
who am Queen of all the witches.

There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deeper secrets;
to these will I teach all things that are as yet unknown,
And ye shall be free from slavery;
and as a sign ye be truly free,
you shall be naked in your rites,
and ye shall dance, sing and feast,
make music and love, all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and more
and mine is also Joy on Earth;
for my law is love unto all beings.
Keep pure your highest ideals;
strive ever towards them,
let nothing stop you or turn you aside.

For mine is the secret door
which opens upon the Land of Youth,
and mine is the cup of the of the wine of life,
and the Cauldron of Cerridwen,
which is the Holy Grail of Immortality.
I am the Gracious Goddess,
who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.
Upon Earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal;
and beyond death, I give peace and freedom,
and reunion with those who have gone before.
Nor do I demand sacrifice for behold,
I am the Mother of all living,
and my love is poured out onto the Earth.
I am the beauty of green earth,
and the white moon among the stars,
and the mystery of the waters,
and the desire of the heart of man.
Call unto thy soul, arise, and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature.
Who gives life to the universe.
From me all things proceed,
and unto me all things must return;
and before my face, beloved of Gods and men,
let thine innermost divine self
be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth;
for behold all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion, honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinketh to seek for me,
know thy seeking and yearning
shall avail thee not unless thou knoweth the mystery;
that if that which thy seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never it without thee.

For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning;
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

Drawing Down the Sun

Invocation to the God

HP: I invoke thee and call upon thee, Father of us all.

Thy names are too numerous to tell: Anubis, Osiris, Hades,
Cernunnos, Lugh, and the Lord of the Underworld.

You are the stag of seven tines.

You are the Lord of all things wild, the consort of She whom we adore and before, you were her child.

You have many names but those who know your playful side call you Loki, Puck or Pan.

Though the oak grows and the holly is wan,

You are the stag of seven tines.

Great Father, Lugh the Longhand return to Earth, again.

Come at my call and show Yourself to men.

Shepherd of goats, upon the wild hill’s way,

Lead thy flock from night into day.

Forgotten are the ways of sleep and night—

Men seek for them whose eyes have lost the light.

Open the door of dreams, whereby men come to thee.

Shepherd of goats, ruler of wild things, descend upon thy servant and priest.