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Exercises Proposed for teaching in (July – December, 2016 Semester)

1.  Name of the Teacher : Abir Jyoti Mondal

2.  Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering

3.  Course Title : VLSI Design

4.  Course code : ECE 703

5.  Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus) (maximum 500 words)

Unit / Topics / Classes
I / MOS inverters, CMOS inverters, state characteristics, switching characteristics, power dissipation issues, CMOS logic gates: NAND, NOR, XOR, CMOS logic design of half and full adders. CMOS transmission gates, pseudo-nMOS, domino logic gates, Sequential MOS Logic Circuit: The SR latch circuit, clocked latch and flip-flop, CMOS D-latch and edge-triggered circuits, Schmitt trigger circuit, Comparator, Dynamic Logic Circuit: Pass transistor logic, synchronous dynamic circuit techniques, Semiconductor Memories: ROM circuit, SRAM circuits, DRAM circuits, drivers and buffers, Buffer scaling and design issues / 10
II / Review of MOSFET characteristics, scaling and small-geometry effects, MOSFET capacitance, .MOS resistor, MOS current source, current mirror circuits. MOS voltage source linear voltage and current converters, CMOS operational amplifier (OPAMP) design: Differential amplifier, level shifter, source follower, output stage voltage and power amplifiers. Cascaded OPAMP. Compensation techniques. / 10
III / Stick diagram, λ-rule, conversion circuit to stick diagrams and stick diagrams to layout. Analog Filters: Switched capacitor (SC) fundamentals, first order SC circuits, second-order SC circuit and cascade design Analog to digital and digital to analog converters, speed of conversion and over sampling issues, VLSI Interconnects: distributed RC model, transmission line model. Future inter connect technologies. / 10
IV / SPICE : Element lines, Control lines, Command lines, Types of analysis, Models and model parameters, Sub circuits and Macros, Layout design rules, Layout of inverters, NAND, NOR gates using LASI, VHDL Syntax: Basic concepts in VHDL/Verilog and VHDL grammar, Structural specification, VHDL description of Inverter, NAND gate, Full adder. / 10

6.  Books/Literature to be followed:

(a)  Books (Min. 2 texts + 3 references)

(i)  Title Microelectronics Circuits: Theory and applications

Author Adel S Sedra and Kenneth C Smith

Publisher Oxford

Edition 6th

(ii)  Title CMOS VLSI Design: A circuits and Systems Perspective

Author Neil H E Weste, David Harris and Ayan Banerjee

Publisher Pearson

Edition 3rd

(iii)  Title CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design

Author Sung Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici

Publisher McGraw Hill

Edition 3rd

(iv)  Title Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Author Behzad Razavi

Publisher Tata McGraw Hill

Edition 2nd

(b) Magazines/Journals (Minimum 5)

(i)  IEEE Solid State Circuits Society Newsletter

(ii)  Springer

(iii)  Electronics Letter

(iv)  IEEE Magazines on Semiconductor Manufacturing

(v)  IEEE Magazines on Consumer Electronics

7. Mode of Teaching: J.C Bose/S. N. Bose (please tick).

J.C. Bose Model

8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered.

(i)  N-MOS and P-MOS transistors are taken from library and appropriate voltages is applied at gate and drain terminals to obtain the desired current versus voltage waveforms.

(ii)  A CMOS inverter is designed using n-MOS and p-MOS transistors and an appropriate voltage is applied at the input to verify the inverter operation.

(iii)  NAND and AND gates are designed using MOS transistors and an appropriate input is applied to verify the corresponding logic.

(iv)  NOR and OR gates are designed using MOS transistors and an appropriate input is applied to verify the corresponding logic.

(v)  XOR and XNOR gates are designed using MOS transistors and an appropriate input is applied to verify the corresponding logic.

(vi)  Half adder and Full adder are designed using MOS transistors and an appropriate input is applied to verify the output expression.

(vii)  Half subtractor and Full subtractor are designed using MOS transistors and an appropriate input is applied to verify the output expression.

(viii)  Common Source, Common Drain and Common Gate amplifiers are designed using MOS and an appropriate voltage is applied at the input to verify their output waveforms.

(ix)  A basic Current Mirror is designed using MOS and its output waveform is obtained to verify the relation Iout=Iref.

(x)  A Cascoded Current Mirror is designed using MOS and its out waveform is obtained to verify the minimum overdrive voltage.

Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted?

Yes/No (please tick)

If “No”, the reasons there of and fixing responsibility





Remarks/ Endorsement by the HoD
With his /her signature with date / Name of the Teacher: Abir Jyoti Mondal
Designation: Assistant Professor
Signature with Date: 01.06.2016