Pebble Mine Site photograph captions - 2006
Mining activity:
CRW_1189.JPG - Drill rigs and helicopter on the divide between Upper Talarik Creek and the SouthForkKoktuliRiver, Pebble East.
CRW_1212.JPG - Drill rig being set up at Pebble East.
CRW_1219Pan.jpg - Oily puddles left behind at an old drill rig site, Pebble East.
CRW_1227.JPG - Oily puddles left behind at an old drill rig site, Pebble East. IMG_1232.JPG - Exploration drill rig at Pebble East.
IMG_1237.JPG - Workers and spurts of water at a drill rig, Pebble East.
CRW_1239.JPG - Drill rig, with slurry hose leading down to the tundra, Pebble East.
CRW_1240.JPG - Tundra killed by a leak in a drill rig hose, Pebble East.
IMG_1248.JPG - Drill rig on the divide between Upper Talarik Creek and SouthForkKoktuliRiver, Pebble East.
IMG_1249.JPG - Drill rig hose dumping grey slurry into the tundra, Pebble East.
CRW_1254.JPG - Drill rig hose dumping grey slurry into the tundra, Pebble East.
CRW_1257.JPG - Drill slurry running over false hellebore shoots, Pebble East.
IMG_1266.JPG - Monitoring wells in the tailings lake area.
IMG_1269.JPG - Blast crater in the tundra, tailings lake area.
CRW_1332.JPG - Northern Dynasty helicopter buzzing over the mine site.
CRW_3142.JPG - Rain gauge at a weather station on the ridge over Pebble West.
Frying Pan lake:
CRW_1278.JPG - Wolf tracks on the beach at Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_1280.JPG - Our tarp set up on the shores of Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_1296.JPG - Bird on the water at FryingPanLake.
CRW_1304.JPG - Bear on the beach of Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_1309.JPG - Swans on Frying PanLake.
CRW_1316.JPG - Swan taking off from the handle of Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_3033PanFryPanhiker2.jpg- Hiker overlooking Frying Pan Lake, from a ridge that would be underneath the tailings lake.
CRW_3038.JPG - Sunset on Frying PanLake.
IMG_1491.JPG - Fishing at sunset in Frying Pan Lake.
IMG_1494edit.jpg - Northern Pike caught in Frying Pan Lake.
IMG_1496edit.jpg - Northern Pike caught in Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_3054.JPG - Fishing on Frying PanLake.
CRW_3063.JPG - Building a fire to cook a pike on Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_3074.JPG - Paddling an Alpacka raft on FryingPanLake, looking North.
CRW_3082.JPG - Fishing from an Alpacka raft on Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_3090PanFryingPan2.jpg- Northeast corner of Frying Pan Lake.
CRW_3091crop.jpg - Shore of Frying PanLake.
Plant life:
CRW_1323.JPG - Mosses and rock in the tundra, tailings lake area.
CRW_1329.jpg - Dwarf willow, tailings lake area.
CRW_1351b.JPG - Pink flowers in the June tundra, tailings lake area.
CRW_2986.JPG - Tiny wildflowers on a high rocky ridge above the mine site.
Upper Koktuli:
CRW_1340.JPG - Headwaters of the KoktuliRiver, tailings lake area.
CRW_1344.JPG - Headwaters of the KoktuliRiver, tailings lake area.
CRW_1346.JPG - Beaver clearcut at the headwaters of the KoktuliRiver.
CRW_1352.JPG - Approaching a weather station on the hill, tailings lake area.
CRW_1379.JPG - Small tundra lakes near the upper KoktuliRiver, tailings lake area.
CRW_1380.JPG - The upper KoktuliRiver, a green ribbon snaking through the plains of tundra, tailings lake area.
CRW_1381.JPG - Last of the snow melting from the banks of the upper KoktuliRiver, tailings lake area.
CRW_1383c.jpg - Windblown grassy banks of the upper SouthForkKoktuliRiver.
CRW_1385.JPG - Tundra lake near the headwaters of the SouthForkKoktuliRiver.
CRW_1386.JPG - Wolf tracks on a muddy beach, tailings lake area.
CRW_1387.JPG - Tundra and mountains surrounding the SouthForkKoktuliRiver, just downstream of the proposed tailings lake.
CRW_1394.JPG - Meandering bends of the SouthForkKoktuliRiver, just downstream of the proposed tailings lake.
IMG_1403edit.jpg - Lunch stop in a dry gully, just beyond the tailings lake area.
IMG_1395Pan.JPG - Meandering headwaters of the SouthForkKoktuliRiver, just downstream of the proposed tailings lake.
High ridges above the mine site:
CRW_2980.JPG - Upper Koktuli valley and Sharp Mtn, from the ridge between Upper Talarik and the mine site.
CRW_2996crop.jpg - Looking across Upper Talarik Creek valley to the NewhalenRiver valley and LakeIliamna.
CRW_2997.JPG - Weather station on a high peak over the mine site.
CRW_3001PanPeak1.jpg- Panorama from a peak over the mine site, looking at Groundhog Mtn, Upper Talarik Creek valley, and LakeIliamna.
CRW_3002crop.jpg - Upper Talarik Creek valley and Groundhog Mtn, from a high peak over the mine site.
CRW_3034.JPG - Sunset on the ridges over the mine sie.
CRW_3035.JPG - Sunset on the ridge overlooking the mine site, shining lakes in the proposed pit area in the background.
CRW_3038.JPG - Sunset on Frying PanLake.
CRW_3040edit.jpg - Tarp on a ridge above Frying Pan Lake.
Mine site landscapes (potential pit and/or underground mining area):
CRW_3099.JPG - One of the hundreds of small lakes and ponds in the mine site valley.
CRW_3103.JPG - Sharp Mtn poking above a grassy ridge on the west edge of the mine site.
CRW_3105.JPG - Looking over the mine site valley and exploration drill rigs to a thunderstorm approaching over GroundhogMtn.
CRW_3115.JPG - Hikers against the dark clouds of a thunderstorm, Pebble West.
CRW_3117.JPG - Hikers watching an approaching thunderstorm over the mine site, Pebble West.
IMG_3127edit.jpg - Thunderstrom approaching the mine site from Groundhog Mtn, drill rigs glowing against the dark clouds.
CRW_3161.JPG - Looking over Pebble West, FryingPanLake, and LakeIliamna in the background.
CRW_3259.JPG - Looking over the headwaters of Upper Talarik Creek from Groundhog Mtn, with the mine site, FryingPanLake, and Sharp Mtn in background.
CRW_3253Pan.JPG - Looking over the headwaters of Upper Talarik Creek from Groundhog Mtn, with the mine site, FryingPanLake, and Sharp Mtn in background.
CRW_3120PanStorm1.jpg- Looking east across the mine site valley just before a thunderstorm, Frying Pan Lake on the right, Upper Talarik Creek valley under clouds on the left.
CRW_3121PanTstormOverMine.jpg- Looking across to Groundhog Mtn from the west side of the mine site, FryingPanLake to the right.