National Infrastructure Week Talking Points/Facts

  • [AGENCY OR BUSINESS NAME] is participating in this year’s National Infrastructure Week, May 15 – 19, to bring broader attention to the need to consistently invest in and maintain our nation’s aging infrastructure. During his campaign, President Trump promised a one trillion dollar infrastructure investment but so far his skinny budget only included massive cutsto the expansion of America’s public transportation systems.
  • President Trump’s proposed a budget would hurt America’s Main Street communities. The proposal could put 800,000 jobs at risk and reduce economic output by $90 billion.
  • The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) rated America’s public transit infrastructure a “D-,” which reflectsa severe lack of federal investment in our public transportation infrastructure. ASCE says that deficient and deteriorating public transit systems cost the U.S. economy $90 billion.
  • The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) reportsthat nationally there is a $90 billion backlog in deferred maintenance and replacement needs, a backlog that continues to grow.
  • According to its most recent data from 2013, FTA estimated that more than 40 percent of buses and 25 percent of rail transit assets were in marginal or poor condition.
  • Every $1 billion invested in public transportation supports and creates more than 50,000 jobs.
  • Every $10 million in capital investment in public transportation yields $30 million in increased business sales.

Social Media for Transit Day during National Infrastructure Week:

DYK: There is $90 billion in deferred maintenance that grows daily while transit systems go underfunded? #Infrastructurematters

President Trump proposed a budget that would slash #publictransit investment, costing jobs and economic growth. #timetobuild

With a $90B backlog of needed repairs, we can’t sit by as President Trump cuts funds for new #publictransit projects. #Infrastructurematters

#Infrastructurematters and that is why when the ASCE rates America’s #publictransit infrastructure a D-,we need to invest. #timetobuild
DYK: Annual capital spending for #publictransit is just $17.7B but needs to be $43B. #timetobuild
Our national infrastructure suffers from a lack of investment while the price to repair it only grows. #Infrastructurematters.

Crumbling roads and outdated technology need to be brought to a State of Good Repair. #Infrastructurematters.
Lack of investment has cost $XX right here in our community. #timetobuild
Please feel free to use these template tweets. Also make sure to share your local figures to emphasize the specific impact that lack of investment has in your community.