April 10, 2017



The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Svoboda present and presiding. Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. Answering roll call for the City of Toledo were Vesely, Sokol, Mullen, Boll, and Goodhart. Others present were Marquess, Chief Kendall, McAdoo, M. Dvorak, B. Meek, A. Graham, K. Jordan, Sandra McAntire, Jim Roan, Curt Graff and numerous other guests.

Sokol motioned approval of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Goodhart, all ayes, motion carried. The approved Consent Agenda consisted of the following items: minutes from the March 27, 2017 regular Council meeting. Year to Date Treasurer’s Report with miscellaneous FY17 budget reports, bills to be paid from March 28, 2017, 2017 through April 10, 2017 in the amount of $65,520.25. There was one building permit; 209 N Center Street to build a fence and retaining wall. There were no liquor licenses for approval.

Boll motioned to approve the regular agenda as written, seconded by Mullen. All ayes, motion carried.

Mayor Svoboda opened the hearing requested by Sandra McAntire regarding the notice to abate a nuisance at her properties located at 205 W. Business Hwy 30, and 134 East High Street behind the building. Chief Kendall stated that Iowa Code mandates that the parked camper be licensed and able to run. McAntire stated she has council approval for fence and building permit also, but many projects around building are a “process” and she has limited time. Will work with Council and build privacy fence to contain projects, but cannot do in 30 days. Council mandated to McAntire to clean up the property and will review at meeting on May 8th, 2017.

McAntire requested the council allow her to have a dumpster placed along building at 134 E High while renovating. Council approved, but must not be an extended time on street. McAntire will clean up behind this building.

It was requested that the Council review the rezoning of the downtown businesses to allow apartments on the ground floor. This was brought before the Council in May 2016 and dropped. Mullen commented that a community committee has met regarding this and will meet again in May. Boll commented to revisit this at a later meeting.

Jim Roan presented to the Council regarding the DNR Derelict Building grants to help the Wieting with costs incurred to tear down the Community Building if the Council approves selling the building to the Wieting Theater Trustees for the phase 2 renovations. The Theater Guild will need the cooperation of the City to maintain ownership of the Community Building to apply for the grant and requests that at this time. The deadline to apply is April 18th, 2017 and Katherine Ollendieck will be writing the grant. Marquess commented that we will be holding the hearing and would then present the resolution to sell, but the grant application would change that. Steve Kenkel commented that the City should hold the public hearing, but take no action. It would postpone the sale until approximately April 2018. Under the DNR program, the City maintains ownership, but would vacate the building as of September 01, 2017 and then the building would need to remain vacant for 6 months which will take the timeframe to April 2018. The City will have to pay costs up front regarding demolition under the DNR grant, but would be reimbursed.

Mayor Svoboda opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. for the rezoning of property located near Toledo Heights from agriculture to business 2 (B2) and requested comments. Frank Adair spoke against the change. Mullen commented that the zoning had been approved according to the submitted plans by the Graff’s. McAdoo stated that no written comments for or against had been received in the clerk’s office since the last meeting. No other comments were presented and Mayor Svoboda closed the hearing at 7:11 p.m. Marquess commented on the first reading of Ordinance 2017-02 to change the zoning from agricultural to B2. Mullen motioned to approve Ordinance 2017-02, seconded by Sokol. Roll call vote: all ayes, motion carried.

Sokol motioned to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance 2017-02, seconded by Goodhart. Roll call vote: all ayes, motion carried.

Mayor Svoboda opened the hearing on the Sale of the Toledo Community Building at 7:14 p.m. Hearing no comments written or oral, Mayor Svoboda closed the hearing at 7:15 p.m. No action was taken on Resolution 2017-12.

Sokol motioned for the City of Toledo to apply for the DNR Derelict building grant, seconded by Mullen. Roll call vote: all ayes, motion carried.

Sokol also motioned that Katherine Ollendieck write the grant for the City of Toledo, seconded by Mullen. Roll call vote: all ayes, motion carried.

Boll motioned to set the FY17 Budget Amendment hearing for April 24, 2017, seconded by Sokol. Roll call vote: all ayes, motion carried.

Resolution 2017-13 presented before the Council to approve the transfer of funds from Local Option Sales Tax funds into the General fund to pay the second half appropriation of $27,000.00 to the Tama/Toledo Aquatic Center.

Jordan commented on a request from Roan regarding the City donating “like-in-kind” towards the grant application for the Wieting Theater Phase 2 renovations. This would include trucking for fill dirt or gravel, water and sewer hook-ups as well as other items that would total approximately $27,000 which would be included in the grant application. Boll motioned to approve the “like-in-kind” donation, seconded by Vesely. Roll call vote: all ayes, motion carried.

Old Business:

Marquess received the mutual aid agreement with the Meskwaki Tribe and the City of Toledo Police department. This will need to be signed by the Mayor and Clerk.

Mayor commented that he has had the Police checking on several vehicles and properties that are in need of attention.

Mayor Svoboda commented that he had also spoke with the Commander of the Toledo Legion regarding the Senior Center and they stated that they would welcome the opportunity to work with them.

Jordan commented that public works is busy getting the pool ready to open, doing some sewer repairs, and replacing some water meters getting ready for the radio reads.

Chief Kendall commented that they have been busy serving notices. They served two search warrants, one of which, recovered stolen property. They are checking the Budget Inn property and it is a mess and will need some attention. Has had Alliant Energy perform an energy audit on the police station, but still waiting for the recommendations.

Goodhart motioned to adjourn, seconded by Sokol. All ayes, motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

April 24, 2017



The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Svoboda present and presiding. Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. Answering roll call for the City of Toledo were Vesely, Sokol, Boll, and Goodhart. Mullen was absent. Others present were Marquess, Chief Kendall, McAdoo, M. Dvorak, A. Graham, K. Jordan, G. Johnson, and Lance Horbach.

Sokol motioned approval of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Vesely, all ayes, motion carried. The approved Consent Agenda consisted of the following items: minutes from the April 10, 2017 regular Council meeting. Year to Date Treasurer’s Report with miscellaneous FY17 budget reports, bills to be paid from April12, 2017, 2017 through April 30, 2017 in the amount of $61,388.16. There were three building permits; 402 S. Willow Street to build steps and dog kennel in yard, 208 N. East Street to widen and concrete driveway, and 707 E. Courtland to build a retaining wall and expand drive East toward retaining wall. There were no liquor licenses for approval.

Boll motioned to approve the regular agenda as written, seconded by Goodhart. All ayes, motion carried.

Mayor Svoboda opened the public hearing to amend the FY17 budget at 6:01 p.m., no comments for or against were heard or presented in writing. Mayor Svoboda closed the hearing at 6:02 p.m. The change amounts to a total of $66,462.00 additional to be spent in FY17.

Resolution 2017-14 presented before the Council to approve amendment #1 for the FY17 budget. Boll motioned to approve Resolution 2017-14, seconded by Sokol. Roll call vote: Boll-yes, Goodhart-yes, Vesely-yes, and Sokol-yes. Motion carried.

Resolution 2017-15 presented before the Council to approve the transfer of funds from various accounts to pay bond and loan payments due by July 01, 2017. Sokol motioned approval of Resolution 2017-15, seconded by Goodhart. Roll call vote: Sokol-yes, Boll-yes, Goodhart-yes, and Vesely-yes. Motion carried.

Chief Kendall informed the Council regarding the resignation of Officer Lucas Hauser, with his last day working to be May 05, 2017 per Chief Kendall. He has accepted a position with the City of Carlisle. Boll motioned to accept the resignation, seconded by Sokol. Roll call vote: Goodhart-yes, Vesely-yes, Sokol-yes, and Boll-yes. Motion carried.

Chief Kendall asked the Council to review the grass ordinance and possibly amend. Marquess will look into for the next council meeting.

A work session is being scheduled for the Council at the Reinig Center in anticipation of the move. The Council agreed on meeting Thursday at 5:00 p.m. at the Reinig Center. McAdoo will send an email out.

Old Business:

Lance Horbach was present to award Greg Johnson the Lance J. Horbach Award designated to one project from Tama County who requested grants from Tama County Community Foundation. Johnson and the City of Toledo will be helping to erect a memorial at Toledo Heights Park for Leonard “King” Cole who was a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs baseball organization and is a native of Toledo, IA and buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Jordan updated public works. They are cleaning ditches and culverts out and have already started mowing.

Chief Kendall commented that the Police department has served several search warrants, and has received numerous requests for applications for the open position. Chief Kendall passed out a timeline regarding the new hire process.

Boll commented that he would like fireworks to be added to the next agenda with the legislature passing new laws that the City will need to address.

Sokol motioned to adjourn, seconded by Goodhart. All ayes, motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.