Certificate III in
Information Technology ICA30105
Produced by National Corporate Training Pty Ltd
Copyright Information
© National Corporate Training Pty Ltd 2008
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 and the Copyright Amendment Act 1996, no part may be reproduced by any process (including email or internet linking) without prior written permission of the author and publishers. However, permission is given to trainers and teachers who purchase this book from National Corporate Training Pty Ltd to make copies by photocopying or other duplicating processes within their school only, for their use or their students’ use for educational purposes only. This permission does not extend to the making of copies for use outside the School, or the making of copies for loan, hire or resale to third parties. Requests and inquiries concerning other reproduction and rights should be directed in the first instance to the Managing Director National Corporate Training Pty Ltd (08) 9249-4008. Any units of competency reproduced in this booklet are copyright to the Federal Government. Any information downloaded from the Internet has been sourced and references contained in the resources page. The cost of this booklet in no way is for any of this information but rather for the written tasks, content and formatting and other information contained therein.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of its content, but the authors and publishers o not accept any responsibility for any loss, injury or damage arising from such information. National Corporate Training does not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the contents of this work. First published January 2008. Cert III Information Technology ICA30105. © National Corporate Training Pty Ltd 2008.
©National Corporate Training Pty Ltd Version 2008-02
Program Outline for the Semester 4
Information for parents and students 1
Background to the course 1
Pathways 1
Time allocated for this Course of Study 1
Learning Outcomes 2
School’s assessment policy 2
Assessment Review 3
Purpose of assessments 3
Assessment Methodology 3
Reasonable Adjustments 3
Time allowed 3
What is Competency? 3
Portfolios 3
Group Work 4
Authentication of out-of-class assessment tasks 4
Cheating and plagiarism 4
Completion of the assessment requirements 4
Monitoring student progress 4
Occupational Safety and Health 4
Assessment Recording Sheet 6
Instructions 7
Program of Work 7
ICAT3025B Run standard diagnostic tests 10
ICAS3031B Provide advice to clients 14
ICAI3020B Install and optimise operating system software 21
ICAD3218B Create user documentation 27
ICAS3234B Care for Computer hardware 31
ICAU3004B Apply Occupational health and safety procedures 37
ICAU3019B Migrate to new technology 40
ICAU3028B Customise packaged software applications for clients 44
ICAU3126B Use advanced features of computer applications 47
ICAI3110B Implement system software changes 51
ICAB4169B Use development software and IT tools to build a basic website 56
ICAB4135B Create a simple markup language document to specification 59
ICAB3018B Develop Macros and templates for clients using standard products 63
ICAI3021B Connect internal hardware components 66
ICAS3115B Maintain equipment and software in working order 70
CUFMEM12A Update web pages 73
CUFMEM01A Use an authoring tool to create an interactive sequence 76
CUECOR1A Manage own work and learning 79
CUECOR02B Work with others 82
Resources 86
Program Outline for the Semester
The week by week program is shown below together with due dates for completion of tasks. As the parent of the student completing this program of work, please read this and provide your child with encouragement to complete the assigned tasks by the due dates. Print out or photocopy this page and place on the wall next to where your child completes their homework. It will act as a memory jogger for you and your child.
Please sign the sheet at the beginning of this booklet and return to the teacher whose name appears on the front of this booklet. By signing the sheet you are agreeing to check on the progress of your child, to encourage them to get their tasks completed by the due date and that you are satisfied with the program of work. If you disagree with any of these requirements, please telephone the teacher to discuss your concerns.
Dear ______
[insert the name of the teacher]
I have read my child’s Study Guide for this subject and agree to the following:
1. I will check on the progress of my child periodically by asking them about their work
2. I will encourage them to get their tasks completed by the due date
3. I am satisfied with the program of work as outlined in this booklet
4. I and my child understand the assessment policy as outlined in this booklet
Signed:______Date: ______
[parent or guardian’s name]
Parent or Guardian’s Name: ______
Contact Phone No: ______
Child’s name: ______
©National Corporate Training Pty Ltd Version 2008-02
Information for parents and students
Background to the course
This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in
introductory ICT ‘technical’ functions and is designed to support information activities in the
workplace and to achieve a degree of self-sufficiency as an advanced ICT ‘user’.
Students will achieve a Certificate III in Information Technology ICA 30105 as they complete their coursework, tasks. This qualification is designed to reflect the role of employees who perform a range of skilled operations in the IT industry sector with the need to apply discretion and judgment and some multi-skilling. The qualification would lead to employment as a help desk IT support person.
To do this well and to become competent in this area, students need to complete all tasks, activities, the required number of work placements, display good organisational skills, work safely at all times and have a good work ethic.
Pathways from this course include Certificate IV Courses in a related area. This course of study forms part of the secondary graduation requirements.
Certificate III in Information Technology ICA 30105 is an appropriate qualification for a person working in the IT Industry. This qualification is designed to reflect the role of entry level employees who perform routine tasks with minimal supervision in the workplace.
Time allocated for this Course of Study
The nominal hours for the Certificate III in Information Technology ICA 30105 is 420 hours. This includes class contact time, completion of projects, assignments and research.
Learning Outcomes
For the Certificate III in Information Technology the units the students must complete to achieve the whole Certificate are 6 Core Units, all core units in one of the specialist streams, 2 elective units from the IT training package list or others at Cert III or IV in the ICA training package and 2 other electives from IT, Business, Film, TV, Radio or Multimedia, Printing and Graphics, Retail, visual Arts areas at level III or IV.
Unit Code / Unit Name / Core or Elective / Nominal HoursCore units
ICAT3025B / Run standard diagnostic tests / Core / 15
ICAS3031B / Provide advice to clients / Core / 35
ICAI3020B / Install and optimise operating system software / Core / 20
ICAD3218B / Create user documentation / Core / 20
ICAS3234B / Care for Computer Hardware / Core / 20
ICAU3004B / Apply Occupational health and safety procedures / Core / 20
Application Stream
ICAU3019B / Migrate to new technology / Specialist core Stream / 25
ICAU3028B / Customise packaged software applications for clients / Specialist core Stream / 40
ICAU3126B / Use advanced features of computer applications / Specialist core Stream / 35
ICAI3110B / Implement system software changes / Specialist core Stream / 25
Electives – 2 from ICA List of electives
ICAB4169B / Use development software and IT tools to build a basic website / Elective / 20
ICAB4135B / Create a simple markup language document to specification / Elective / 20
ICAB3018B / Develop Macros and templates for clients using standard products / Elective / 55
ICAI3021B / Connect internal hardware components / Elective / 30
Electives – 2 from elsewhere or ICA
ICAS3115B / Maintain equipment and software in working order / Elective / 25
CUFMEM12A / Update web pages / Elective / 30
CUFMEM01A / Use an authoring tool to create an interactive sequence / Elective / 40
CUECOR1A / Manage own work and learning / Elective / 10
CUECOR2A / Work with others / Elective / 15
Total Hours
School’s assessment policy
Refer to the Schools Assessment Policy in the Handbook.
Assessment Review
If you are deemed not yet competent and you feel this is not warranted, to have your assessments reviewed, you need to request this in writing to the Principal stating your reasons why and providing any additional evidence. If you wish to appeal an assessment decision on your VET units of Competency you must write to the Managing Director of National Corporate Training Pty Ltd stating your reasons why and providing any additional evidence to support your application. There is no charge for this for school students.
Purpose of assessments
The purpose of the assessments is to confirm that you can perform to the standards expected in the workplace, as expressed in the competency standards contained in the Training Package as well as for secondary graduation.
Assessment Methodology
You will be directly observed by your teacher during the classes; you will need to complete assignments.
Reasonable Adjustments
If you need any assistance or special arrangements for an assessment or in completing your projects please advise your teacher and s/he will make the necessary arrangements.
Time allowed
The assessments must be completed within the School Schedule. No additional time is permitted outside of this due to Curriculum Council restrictions on when the school year ends and reporting timelines.
What is Competency?
You will be judged competent if you complete all assignment questions correctly, complete all required tasks on time and correctly, complete all assessments and tasks and compile your evidence portfolio effectively as well as exhibiting good behaviour, safe attitude and a good work ethic at school and in the work place. If you fail to do any part of these you will not be competent in this certificate.
Evidence of your VET units of competency and your curriculum council subject must be kept for at least one year or until the Curriculum Council has confirmed their assessments and National Corporate Training Pty Ltd have given their approval to destroy your portfolio (usually after 6 months). Your portfolio is to contain the following:
· Assignment Cover Sheet signed by you
· All observation sheets completed by your teacher on your performance
· All worksheets and activities completed
· Any other evidence you have collected
· Any Certificates achieved as part of your coursework.
Group Work
The purpose of group assessment is to assess students’ capacity to work as a team member and therefore any group assessment must also be assessed for each individual for the content.
Authentication of out-of-class assessment tasks
Students will be asked to complete tasks at home and it is unfair on the whole class if any student receives unfair assistance outside of class from, for example, tutors or parents with that assignment. It will also disadvantage the student child. This does not mean that parents are not able to provide guidance and advice and this is actively approved of.
The following procedures are used to validate out-of-class work:
· periodical monitoring of student progress with out-of-class assessment tasks completed over
· extended periods
· unseen questions administered in class which may have open access to reference notes
· research questions completed at home, with assessment measured by in-class testing of the key concepts
· prepared questions researched out of class but completed in class.
Cheating and plagiarism
The school has a policy on cheating and plagiarism. All students must abide by this policy. Any student who cheats or plagiarises will fail that assessment and parents will be advised. Any student who provides their work for another to copy is guilty of plagiarism and cheating as well.
Completion of the assessment requirements
Students must complete all assessments in this course of study to be graded as competent. Any student who fails to complete an assessment may result in reduced results. The school has a fair and reasonable approach to time allowed to complete all assessments in this program. Ask your teacher if you need additional assistance in completing the course requirements.
Monitoring student progress
The school will monitor the students’ progress in this program through the teacher. The school will also need to keep records to show that the time requirement has been met and the school will maintain a summary record of skills that each student has demonstrated.
Occupational Safety and Health
It is essential that all students complete the generic and industry relevant Safety-line Smart Move Certificate on the Work Safe Web Site (see Resources section for link) prior to commencing any work placement. Your teacher will ensure that this is completed.
Evidence List
The following list identifies the type of evidence that will be collected to enable judgements to be made about your success in the units of competency
Unit Code / Unit of Competency / Evidence to be provided /ICAT3025B / Run standard diagnostic tests
ICAS3031B / Provide advice to clients
ICAI3020B / Install and optimise operating system software
ICAD3218B / Create user documentation
ICAS3234B / Care for Computer Hardware
ICAU3004B / Apply Occupational health and safety procedures
ICAU3019B / Migrate to new technology
ICAU3028B / Customise packaged software applications for clients
ICAU3126B / Use advanced features of computer applications
ICAI3110B / Implement system software changes
Electives – Choose 2
ICAB4169B / Use development software and IT tools to build a basic website
ICAB4135B / Create a simple markup language document to specification
ICAB3018B / Develop Macros and templates for clients using standard products
ICAI3021B / Connect internal hardware components
Electives – Choose 2
ICAS3115B / Maintain equipment and software in working order
CUFMEM12A / Update web pages
CUFMEM01A / Use an authoring tool to create an interactive sequence
CUECOR1A / Manage own work and learning
CUECOR2A / Work with others
©National Corporate Training Pty Ltd Version 2008-02 Page 5