*Draft - To Be Approved By Membership*

NASPSPA Fall Executive Committee Meeting

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

October 23, 2016

The following members were present at the Fall Executive Committee (EC) meeting: President Daniela Corbetta, Past President Jennifer Etnier, President Elect Steven Bray, Secretary-Treasurer Leah Robinson, Communication Director Quincy Almeida, Past-President Liaison Maureen Weiss, and Student Representative Tayo Moss. Site Director, Penny McCullagh, was in attendance for the conference information. SCAPPS President Luc Tremblay was present to briefly discuss SCAPPS Executive Committee organization and Public Knowledge a public access database.

1.  The meeting was called to order by Corbetta at 8:15 am.

2.  Approval of Minutes from NASPSPA Pre-Conference EC Meeting (June 15, 2016) and Post-Conference EC Meeting (June 19, 2016).

3.  2016 Montreal Conference Review (McCullagh)

a.  Attendance for 2016 Meeting was an all-time high, 653.

b.  NASPSPA 2016 Conference in Canada was successful financially.

c.  Discussed logistics regarding the shipping of plaques to the conference sites and to awardee home. FY 15-16, $1,475.22. Business meeting. Awardees (i.e., recipients of large plaques/awards) will be photographed with a generic NASPSPA award for the Business Meeting and their personalized award will be shipped directly to recipients. Students will continue to receive a personalized NASPSPA plaque/award at the meeting.

d.  Discussion of box versus sit-down lunch option for Business meal option. Concerns are cost and timing.

4.  2017 San Diego Conference (McCullagh, Etnier)

a.  Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa will be the site for NASPSPA 2017. Rooms at the Resort are available Saturday to Saturday. 30 rooms are currently blocked off for NASPSPA on the first Saturday.

(1)  Possible events in the works for the 50th conference in San Diego are:

(a)  Quiz bowl, Academic Family Tree, Distinguished Scholar video, and First-timers notations of identification badges.

b.  Conference Program (Etnier, Weiss)

(1)  There will be no specific Human Kinetics Lecture as NASPSPA has done in the past. Instead there will be a symposium that will consist of speaker who will focus on all three disciplines for the first four (4) decades of NASPSPA.

(2)  The Janus symposia will be 3, 90 minute sessions, one for each discipline. These symposia will focus on the previous decade and the future.

(3)  There will be five (5) student workers that are named by the NASPSPA Past-President.

5.  Future Conferences (McCullagh, Corbetta)

a.  Denver, CO is the site for NASPSPA 2018. The hotel will be the Embassy Suites whose rooms includes a Living Room and Bedroom with full breakfast.

b.  There was a discussion regarding 2019 sites to various locations.

c.  Due to the number of international members in the Society, the discussion was raised regarding a future international site.

d.  Suggestions were made to meet in Canada every 3 or 4 years, link/co-hosting with another international organization that has similar mission and is closely aligned with the Society.

6.  Update on Sport Psychology Council (Penny)

a.  The Sport Psychology Council (www.sportpsychologycouncil.org) was started about 10 years ago. The purpose is to connect individuals from around the world that are interested in sport psychology. Typically members from different associations meet at AASP and also at the ISSP meetings. Penny McCullagh represented NASPSPA at the meeting that was held in conjunction with AASP in Phoenix in Sept. Jenny Etnier will attend the ISSP conference this summer in Spain and will represent NASPSPA at that meeting.

b.  McCullagh noted that Almeida needs to provide the council with the updated NASPSPA URL for the Sport Psychology Council website.

7.  Secretary-Treasurer Report (Robinson)

a.  Updated NASPSPA membership numbers, has grown from 548 members (2015) to 734 member +5 retired members (2016)

(1)  Professional = 369, up from 281 (increased by 88), Students = 388, up from 261 (increase by 127), Retired = 5, up from 4 (increased by 1)

(2)  International = 166 representing 29 countries (top 3 outside of Canada are UK, Germany, Australia), Canada = 231, USA = 351 (there is a discrepancy between the number of international members in total membership)

(3)  2016 Conference attendance was a NASPSPA record. 579 abstracts and 653 attendees

b.  An update was provided on the financial report. NASPSPA is doing well financially and has a positive balance.

(1)  Money market interest rate is generating a very low interest rate of 0.01% APY, but is easily accessible.

(2)  The EC confirmed that the President should be co-signer on the accounts to ensure there are always two EC members who can access the accounts. There was discussion of the content of the Policy Manual relating to the accounts signatories. It was noted that in the event that the President is not a US citizen or Permanent Resident the President-Elect should become the co-signer on the accounts. Amendments to the Policy Manual were proposed and will be presented to the Membership for a vote at the 2017 Annual Meeting.

8.  President-Elect Report (Bray)

a.  The following were discussed regarding edits to the NASPSPA Policy Manual.

(1)  The EC discussed whether JSEP and JMLD best reviewer and best papers awards should be listed in the policy manual

(a)  Corbetta stated that they are NASPSPA affiliated journals but Human Kinetics awards.

(b)  Weiss suggested adding to Appendix I – Journal of Motor Learning and Development and Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology a) Excellence in Research Award and b) Excellence in Review Award.

(2)  Proposal for Change were made to Article 8. Amendments (Section 2, page 8) the following wording will be submitted to vote for deletion: “or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership in a mail or electronic ballot.”

(3)  Weiss would like Etnier to edit Appendix D part A to make it more clear for abstract submission. This will now say “Data-based, theoretical, or research review papers that have not been previously published in an archival scientific publication or presented elsewhere at a national or international conference are eligible for submission.”

(4)  Will add the following statement to the NASPSPA Graduate Student Research Grant “this award does not include indirect costs to the university” add to the policy manual (in the other clarification section), student award letter, and website.

b.  The EC considered revisions as it relates to the ‘no show’ policy, but no changes were made.

c.  Revisions should be made to the policy manual as it relates to the use of a laptop since the google drive will be used instead (i.e., all reference to the laptop needs to be removed from the policy manual).

9.  Awards, Committees, and Nominations (Corbetta)

a.  Corbetta discussed possible names for the following committees and/or awards:

1.  Nominations Committee, Distinguished Scholar Award Committee, and Graduate Student Awards Committee, President-Elect needs to be MLC/MD, and Communication Director needs to be a SEP.

2.  A recommendation was made for the Past-Presidents’ Liaison.

10.  Old Business

a.  Discussion on the request (3 this year) to post/send third party announcements to our society members. Referred to the Policy Manual on page 25 which states that membership email is limited to Conference and NASPSPA business.

(1)  Policy change on page 25. Section D. Communication with Membership deleted “generally” and from “vetted for approval by the EC. The membership list will not be sold, or distributed”

b.  Etnier discussed the Google drive folder to help maintain and archive documents. Part of the EC with have full access to the Shadow Document. Some EC members will have access to all folders.

11.  New Business (Corbetta)

a.  The JSEP Editor (Martyn Standage) requested a NASPSPA conference registration waiver for Associate Editors. The EC declined the request and recommended the journal contact Human Kinetics.

b.  The Twitter account was discussed. There have been strange postings under the NASPSPA account and it is unclear who is posting. The EC decided to change the password and de-activated the Twitter account on 10/23/16. Further discussion will occur at the Spring EC meeting. The Twitter account responsibility may be transferred to the student representative.

12.  Past-Presidents’ Liaison Report (Weiss)

a.  Provided an overview of NASPSPA’s Memorial Policy for new EC members and provided updates to the Policy Manual as it relates to the Memorial Process.

b.  Past-Presidents’ Luncheon was initiated three years ago (2013) and will continue on a yearly basis. Weiss provided an overview of the purpose.

13.  Student Representative Report (Moss)

a.  The 2016 student-faculty event cost $10.00. Overall, the feedback were good and the students. In general, students would like to have more interactions and time with the faculty

b.  Only one (1) application has been received for the student representative nomination.

14.  Communication Director Report (Almeida)

a.  The 2016 post-conference survey results were reviewed.

b.  Recommendations were made to move the due date for the Fall Newsletter earlier by 2 weeks (July 15) since there is a large amount of information needed.

c.  HK is redesigning the .org page to align it with the .com page.

d.  Etnier will communicate with HK regarding potential Membership directory.

e.  Access to the NASPSPA.com website was discussed. The following individuals have access: Almeida, McCullagh, Kim Scott (HK), Jason Wozencroft – web designer).

15.  Past-President’s Report (Etnier)

a.  The three area program committee chairs have been established – Nick Meyers (SEP), Jackie Goodway (MD), and Shannon Ringenbach (MLC).

b.  Symposium abstracts that are declined can be considered as a poster or oral presentation.

c.  There will be no pre-conference workshops for NASPSPA 2017 because of the altered schedule and the limited rooms available on the night preceding the opening of the conference.

d.  Kim Scott of Human Kinetics will help assist with developing the NASPSPA 2017 program.

16.  Other Business

a.  Article 2, purpose (page 4). The comma after development should be deleted.


Meeting Adjourned at 4:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Leah E. Robinson, Secretary-Treasurer